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Ideas for fun indoor date

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You’re ready for a break from the winter weather, but you don’t want to go outside. Well, never fear! We have plenty of ideas for date nights at home.

Somewhere indoors, find a cozy spot to curl up on the couch with your partner. 

Here at cleanersj.com/ has some more ideas for a fun indoor date.

You can share your dinner or dessert together or just cuddle up next to each other and watch some TV if that’s what you’re looking for! 

Here are some Ideas for fun indoor date

1. Investigate the kitchen together.

If you’re feeling adventurous, set out to explore your kitchen together. The possibilities are endless: Whatever ingredients you need to make a delicious dish may be just inside your reach if you can get into the right spot. 

Or try this teeny tiny door: It leads all the way to the basement and leads to a mess of cupboards and shelves and mostly empty places, but it leads to an awesome place -the place where there’s always something cooking in your house.

2. Challenge each other

If you’re feeling competitive, challenge each other to a game of chess. If you’re not, you can trick your spouse into thinking that cheats! 

You’ll be able to tell them that they didn’t win and ask them if they think that there is anything hidden in this little hole, which is the name of the game.

3. Play hide-and-seek!

If your spouse isn’t convinced by your chess, keep searching for an even better game for you! Hide-and-seek is one of our favorite games. 

When someone finds us, we’ll know how hard it was to find us by lifting the blindfold off our face and let everyone play together.

4. Play a board game!

If you want to play a simple board game, Monopoly is a great bet! The excitement builds as you approach the final houses and hotels that will give you the win! 

You can also try Candyland if you’re looking for a less intense experience but make sure to take care of each other by the end, because your spouse might get tired after all those sweets. 

If you prefer something more complicated to keep yourself busy for days, try Settlers of Catan. In this game, there are no winners or losers because there are no losers. All players will always have fun – even if they end up with nothing but a lot of tiny wooden pieces at the end.

5. Watch a movie

One of the biggest advantages of being indoors is that you have a huge selection of movies to choose from! Don’t know what to watch together? 

We’ve got good ideas for any time of day: In the evening, you can watch a romantic comedy or ghost story -or switch things up with a real thriller to build even more drama between you and your spouse. 

In the morning, it’s all about cartoons or kids’ movies – or even horror! You can play games while watching TV shows and many other fun things like prank calls.

6. Play a card game

In the evening, why not play a card game? We can’t mention any single style, so we’ve picked up a few different ones. 

If you have no idea what to do, try giving each other a cozy dressing room and turn the cards against each other until both of you get tired of it! Don’t forget your special edition love team deck for this!

7. Plant a garden together!

Flower gardens around your house will be a great place to get to know one another. It’s a great way to learn about each other because both of you will have to work together to make the flowers grow faster and you’ll get a great little activity to do in your spare time after dinner.

8. Go Bowling!

A nice, classic night out involves bowling! It’s a good way to have fun with your spouse, and it can even be great for learning how to support one another in stressful situations. 

You’ll want a ball that is just your size, so that it can be a challenge -but not impossible- for both of you.

9. Write a letter to your future spouse!

It can be a lot of fun to imagine how your relationship will look in the future. It can be a great surprise for you to find out if your spouse is thinking about you when you’re not around! We’ve made a template for the letter that we’d like to include here:

Dear future spouse, 

You are awesome! I look forward to getting to know you this year, and I’m sure it will be beautiful. Love, ME P.S. Please marry meee! 😉  Maybe not quite -but it’s great that we have an example if we need one!

10. Make dinner together

Cooking dinner together is a great way to learn about each other. If both of you are in the kitchen, you can talk about what ingredients to get and how to mix them to make great food. 

You can even get into a cooking contest whoever makes the best dish will end up getting something extra special! If you’re not good at cooking, try looking online for recipes that you can follow together -you’ll get better and better with practice!

Never do these things at night

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If you’ve ever watched a horror movie, you know that the night is the perfect time for people to do things they might regret. 

Clean ERSJ has some more information about never doing these things at night.

But surprisingly, there’s more to it than just an atmosphere of fear and foreboding: there are some actual reasons why we should never do certain things at night. 

Here are 8 things you should never do at night:

1. Never walk alone at night.

This is the most obvious one on the list, but then again, it’s one that we often forget about or don’t realize. Going out at night is only safe if you’re with a group of people you trust and can defend yourself against any possible threats. 

Always make sure to trust your gut and get out of dangerous situations if they arise: your life and well-being is more important than whatever you might be putting yourself in danger for, like a late-night party or a date with an attractive stranger. Try not to go out late by yourself unless absolutely necessary.

2. Never hang out in dark, isolated places after nightfall.

It’s especially important to be aware of your environment at night, especially when you’re trying to avoid unwanted attention or dangers. 

You should never go out to the same place where you’ve previously encountered danger, even if it’s a quiet neighborhood corner (for instance). 

It may also not be the same place, like where you lived before moving into this new area; or it could be somewhere completely different, like your old high school or college dormitory. 

3. Never sleep with your windows open at night.

Doors are the perfect way to keep intruders out, but they’re not enough to completely prevent them from entering your home. 

They can also be easily broken or kicked in, which opens up all kinds of vulnerabilities for anyone with ill intentions. If you do open your windows overnight, make sure you close them tightly afterwards and don’t leave them open longer than necessary. 

4. Never try to ‘chill’ out by lying down in a dark alley.

Especially during the summer months, this is one of the most common ways that people fall prey to street crime victims everywhere around the country. 

After nightfall, people often lie down on the ground to cool off, without realizing how dangerous it is to do this. In fact, many sexual predators and thieves use alleyways for this very purpose. Make sure you’re never alone and not in a public location after nightfall.

5. Never leave your door unlocked at night

Even if you think that your home or car can’t be broken into and that there’s no danger of an intruder entering your house, do not ever leave the area’s doors open after you’ve left them closed. 

Last year more than two thousand people were killed by intruders who simply walked in through unlocked doors during the night. This is one of the most common night security mistakes we make every day, and it’s a very easy mistake to fix. 

6. Never let your guard down during thunderstorms at night.

Thunderstorms happen when the air heats up, and this causes storm clouds to form. This process can be felt during the day, but it’s much more intense at night. 

Because of this, you should never take your guard down after dark during a thunderstorm: lightning strikes can happen at any time and they’re often deadly. 

As a general rule: in any case of electrical discharge in your environment, avoid contact with the ground and stay away from anything that could possibly conduct electricity from outside to inside, like large objects made from metal or wire.

7. Never drive at night if you’re not able to see well.

Driving after dark can be dangerous, even without anything unexpected happening, since there won’t always be an abundance of streetlights or other forms of illumination along your route. 

If your vision is impaired in any way while driving after dark, though, you’re putting yourself and everyone around you in grave danger. 

Make sure that the glasses you’re wearing are clean and don’t have scratches on them, because this will hinder your vision at night. 

8. Never forget your charger at home when going out at night.

Your phone is one of the most important things you have, and it can come in handy in a number of situations that arise every day, from emergencies to social media to just staying in touch with your closest friends. 

Make sure you have a fully-charged battery before you leave the house at night, and buy a battery charger to use when you’re out at night too. 

Dead batteries mean no phones, and no phones could mean physical danger or total isolation from everyone around you. 

Signs of depression and how to deal with them

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As soon as you start feeling down or troubled, take a moment, pause, and ask yourself these questions.

It may seem like a small thing, but taking a moment to think about what’s going on in your day can really help you fight depression.

You also need to ask yourself some more basic questions. Is there anything that’s been on your mind for a while? When did these feelings start?

Here at cleanersj.com/ has some more signs of depression and how to deal with that.

If you find these thoughts going around in your head for a while, talk to someone about them. If they don’t want to listen or understand, then maybe the next person will. If not them, then someone else will come along. 

Depression is like a wave: you get a few good days and then it crashes and you sink into a trough and then you get out of that trough and it’s another wave of depression; there’s no end to this. 

Neither does it matter what kind of life you have; whether couple, couple, single, divorced – it’s all the same. Every depressing wave hits at some point in everybody’s life.

Here are some signs of depression and how to deal with them-

1. Bleak spirits.

This is an overall depressed feeling. In general you feel like there is no point to life, that everything you do is a waste of energy and time, that there’s nothing beautiful or worthwhile left.

2. Dark Thoughts.

These thoughts are a habit of negative thinking. You can’t think anything nice about anybody or anything good, so you think only bad things about everyone and everything around you which leads to a feeling of gloominess.

3. Little or No Energy.

Depression takes away your will power and passion to do things and makes it difficult for you to carry out daily chores as you don’t have the energy anymore to do so.

4. Sense of Apathy.

You don’t really feel like doing anything or you feel like doing things but your mind doesn’t want to move. You may not even volunteer to do things, and sometimes you even forget to carry out simple chores such as washing dishes, vacuuming or mowing the lawn.

5. Low Self-Esteem [Lack of Confidence]

Your self-esteem is just below zero and this affects your ability to interact and communicate with other people and work towards a goal because you feel bad about yourself. This leads to a feeling of worthlessness and saps energy from your life. ​​

6. Finding The World Meaningless.

You don’t feel like you’re part of the world anymore, that nothing matters, that there’s no point to life, that you are totally alienated from everything around you. You feel like there’s no meaning to anything.

7. Feeling Of Hopelessness And Helplessness.

If things are not going right you feel heavy and helpless due to which your body feels heavy and your mind feels foggy. 

Whatever you do, however hard you try will fail because it seems that there’s no hope left in life for anyone or anything anymore. 

You just have this feeling of hopelessness within yourself all the time which makes everything more difficult for yourself and everyone around you.

8. Marked lack of interest in things that others may find exciting or enjoyable.

You feel that life has lost its meaning for you and that things don’t matter anymore. The only thing you want to do is sleep all the time, but even if you sleep, you can’t sleep for very long because you are too tired.

9. Thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

These are thoughts of harming or killing yourself which is very dangerous if left unaddressed because these thoughts will lead to action other than just thinking them which can actually lead to bad consequences other than death like other harmful actions like self-cutting, self-poisoning or even suicide attempts or at worst something worse like perjury law violation etc.

10. Feelings of Worthlessness.

Losing your confidence and feeling worthless is a very serious issue and if you don’t deal with it quickly it will just cause more problems in the long run. 

You don’t feel that you can do anything or accomplish anything anymore because you have lost your self-confidence as a result of depression.

Sometimes you may even think that there’s no point to living yourself as everything seems pointless and futile which again is a very dangerous thought to have because this puts a huge impact on your life, if it becomes a permanent thought then this will affect every choice or action you take in life and the consequences of those actions will be much worse.

How does the frame-story structure create tension?

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Frame-story is a literary device that uses a narrating character who recounts the story of the protagonist to vernacular and those who are listening. 

This narrative technique is used in many famous novels such as “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain and “The Lady with the Pet Dog” by Catherine Storr. 

Here is the answer for, how does the frame story structure create tension?

However, through this structure, writers create tension as the narrator takes away moments from the protagonist during their journey with events such as getting lost or running away. In the book 

“The Lady with the Pet Dog” by Catherine Storr, the narrator, a young boy who is 10 years old, narrates about a young girl who is 12 named Juliette. 

He tells her story from the point of view that he knows and also explains how he knows Juliette through a series of events that occurred during his childhood.

Here are some points discussed about the frame-story structure create tension-

1.The frame-story structure creates tension as the protagonist.

Juliette is taken away from her journey by events such as being lost or being hurt. 

  • The first event that causes tension was when Jasper took Juliette’s brother, Tom. He didn’t want her to have anything to do with Tom after he saw Tom carry two dead cats into their house because these are animals that are his food source. 
  • The second event that caused tension is when Juliette falls off of a window sill while she was jumping into the lake and then gets her head stuck in the water and almost dies. She is saved by Jasper’s wife, who tells Juliette that her name is Alice. 
  • The third tension was caused when Jasper wanted to take Juliette away from the house to his brother’s home, but she didn’t want to go with him because she had become friends with Alice. 
  • The fourth event was when Juliette ran away from her home and went back to England because Alice was dying and Jasper didn’t want her to be around him any more. 

2. It takes away time from the protagonist.

The narration of the story is on long, long after Juliette and Tom went back home and had become very old. During this period of time, she was able to overcome her fear of travelling and decided to travel to Africa to visit Alice and Jasper. 

It took her approximately two years to travel there by train, boat, bus etc. However, this journey could have been possible in one month if she hadn’t been told stories by Jasper’s wife – Alice. 

This device used by Catherine Storr creates tension because it takes away time from the protagonist who really wanted to go back home immediately after she ran away from Jasper’s house in England.

3. It takes away other characters or moments from the protagonist.

During the stories of Tom and Jasper, we saw other important characters such as the policeman, the butler and other servants who were very important in their journey. 

They were also very close to them and helped them in many ways such as helping them find their way through London during a blackout. 

However, while visiting Alice, Juliette did not see Alice’s sister – May because she left for Africa before Juliette arrives there. This created tension because she missed her and wanted to see her again.

4. It creates tension by taking away the main aim of the protagonist.

The protagonist wanted to go home to her parents after she ran away from Jasper’s house and she wanted to see Alice again, but she couldn’t see them both because of other things that occurred during her journey. 

She missed Tom and Alice, and didn’t get to go back home again as soon as possible. She wanted to see them and return home as soon as possible, but these events made it take much longer for her to return home. 

This created a lot of physical and emotional tension for the protagonist during the story which eventually resulted in her death at age 18 from typhoid fever.

5. It creates tension by being lost in the crowd.

While she was in Jasper’s house, she couldn’t find her way back home because there were so many people there during the blackout. This created tension because she didn’t know where to go or how to get back home. 

This event also made her feel lost and alone without her brother or parents around. 

This situation made it difficult for her to return home even though she had wanted very much to return home while all these events were occurring while she was at Jasper’s house.

Which scenario would best fit in a dystopian story

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A dystopian story is a story that envisions a negative or dystopian future. In a personal dystopia, the protagonist must struggle against an oppressive society and its inhuman rules. 

In this type of story, society is often divided into two classes: the “Scum” and the “Supremacy”. 

Here is the answer for, which scenario would best fit in a dystopian story?

The protagonist may or may not be part of this division. The Scum are those who live beneath the surface of society – they work hard to earn what little food and supplies they can find, constantly fear physical attacks from Supremacists, and constantly struggle with personal survival.

Here are some more points discussed about the best scenario that will be fit in a dystopian story-

1. The protagonist must struggle against an oppressive society. 

In this type of story, society is often divided into two classes: the “Scum” and the “Supremacy”. The protagonist may or may not be part of this division. 

The Scum are those who live beneath the surface of society, they work hard to earn what little food and supplies they can find, constantly fear physical attacks from Supremacists, and constantly struggle with personal survival.

2. It must be an outcast for the majority of the story. 

This is often true of protagonists in dystopian stories – they are different in some way, and this difference puts them at odds with their society. Typically, they are “the Wrong Sized”, meaning that they are either too short or too tall to fit into their society. 

They may be considered physically ugly or just unattractive by society’s standards of beauty. They may be considered mentally handicapped, though intellectually superior to many of their peers. 

They may have a special skill or talent that is outside of what society approves, from being a master warrior to being a skilled cook. 

3. The protagonist must have a compelling motive for their difference from society.

Something that compels them to carry on in spite of the odds they face. A “scum” character who is driven by greed will be harder to empathize with because there’s no real reason why he should fight for survival when the best way to make money is through rebellion or crime. 

A compelling difference can also come from within, a protagonist can be driven by a romantic ideal or loyalty to a cause, even if the motivation behind those drives is flawed and/or unusual for those times.

4. The setting must lend itself to a more advanced society.

A big part of what gives the story its dystopian traits is how many of the same concepts are used by modern people. 

You can tell a great deal about how dystopian something is by the level of technology. If there are video cameras everywhere, people are getting information about their world from television screens, and traveling around takes no more effort than getting in a car, it’s probably just not that far removed from our own time.

5. The setting must be drastically different from the modern day.

Important for this is that there be no trace of normal society, even in very small ways. Maybe the only electricity the protagonist sees is the glow of streetlights (making travel at night dangerous) or there are no cars or planes (which also makes travel all but impossible). 

This could be because technology has regressed, but it’s more likely to be because it has progressed to a point where people can’t make sense of it any longer – “Ghost in the Shell” and other things like that come to mind.

6. There must be an oppressive government, with many restrictions. 

The word “oppressive” is used here to describe the feeling of the society, not how it is structured. 

Also, oppressive governments don’t have to be totalitarian – for example, a country that taxes all residents at a very high rate or executes criminals without trial would both fit this category.

7. There must be constant strife between the inhabitants.

This means there must be no quiet moments of peace and relaxation; there should be constant struggles for food, shelter, and safety (or other resources). 

If there is such a thing as “normal life”, it should only last briefly before the next conflict.

8. There must be a sense of lost history. 

We see this often in dystopian literature – the protagonist looks back at the glory days and wonders what happened to all that progress and development.

 It may even be that he or she is completely alienated from history – if so, they would probably have only a vague sense of how things used to be, rather than solid memories.

The featured characters in the earth divine story

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The earth, air, water, fire and wood are the main features that make up this ancient Chinese story. It’s very interesting to read because it introduces all the characters that carry on the story. 

Each character has a different personality and lives in a different part of China. 

All these characters take care of their job for China until there is trouble with one of them which leads to China’s downfall according to my Chinese teacher. 

Here is the answer for, who is the featured character in an earth diver story?

The earth takes care of each animal in his section such as giving them food and taking care when they’re sick, but when they grow too big he gets angry.

Here are some of the featured characters in the earth divine story-

1. The wind

Once he appears on the earth, he goes off to play with other animals on his own, but when he comes back, he wakes up the earth who is sleeping. He starts making noises which wakes up all of the animals in his section. 

The wind gets upset because of this and wants to leave the earth, but the earth refuses to let him go. 

When they are both ready to move, they use a magic staff for them to leave their respective countries and go back home again through a magic passage located in a river by using their staff.

2. The sun

The sun comes along to find a companion for his journey to work, but he doesn’t find anybody. He gets very angry and tells the earth that he does not have a companion and that they should go back home. The earth refuses to listen and the sun leaves him again.

3. The moon

Around the same time, the moon comes along to get a companion, but he also fails to find someone for him too. 

He gets very agitated and tells the wind that they should go back home too because they don’t have anyone with them at all anymore. The wind also refuses.

4. The rain

The rain comes along to get a companion on his way to work. He can’t find anyone, so he goes back home again, but on the way there he’s stopped by the earth who tells him that they are on their way to work too. 

Once the rain reaches home, he tells the animals about his journey with animals and how they wanted to leave him behind because they were afraid of getting themselves infected with his water, which could make them soggy and damp if it didn’t stop raining for a while. 

Once all of them are through with their jobs, each creature gets ready to go back home again through the river passage by using their staff.

5. The wood

The wood is traveling to work with animals in his section, but when he gets there he gets angry because the animals are cheering for the sun to come instead of him. 

He leaves his job half-finished. When he’s ready to go back home again, he tells the other creatures how he got left behind by all of them.

6. The fire

The fire goes for a journey with all the other characters, but when they get there it takes too long for him to start his job, so they leave him behind again. 

When the fire gets back home, he tells all of his friends about how he was left behind by all of them because they couldn’t wait any longer for him to start working.

As we can see in the text, each character has a different job which they must do in China. If one of them does not do their job, China will fail.

The story ends with a humongous earthquake and the earth sinks into the water which is later rises up again. 

After that, each animal returns to where they were before and goes back to their respective countries and starts living once more. 

The sun and moon stay for a while in the end and then leave too because there is no room in their country for them any longer. 

The wind goes back to his home country, where he meets with his childhood friend who is playing with small animals on top of a hill.

As the sun is about to set, they all start heading toward their respective country.

With the huge earthquake that happened, the lands that used to be China are now separated into many different countries. 

Check out these Snapchat hacks

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If you’ve ever had the impulse to snoop through someone’s Snapchat messages, you’re not alone.

Snapchat is one of the most popular apps for online communication and augmented reality, with a reported 100 million daily users. 

And there’s a reason that it’s so popular: it allows people to choose who they want to share photos and videos with instead of relying on traditional forms of social media.

Here is the answer for, how to see other snapchatters who viewed your story?

Unfortunately, even with all those privacy settings in place, some snaps might sometimes be more accessible than they should be. 

It can happen because people post their Snapchat username in public or because they forget to change the setting from ‘Everyone’ back down to friends only when sharing their story during a live event.

Here are many best hacks discussed about Snapchat-

1. Hack For Unlocking Hidden Snapchat Trophies

For all you trophy hunters out there, this one’s for you. 

Once you tap the trophy icon at the bottom of your screen, you’ll be presented with a list of trophies. 

And if you click on one, it’ll cycle through three options: ‘view,’ ‘unlock,’ and ‘remove.’ 

The third option removes it from your trophy case, but if you want to unlock any others (and most trophies are locked by default), the easiest way to do that is by searching for it online. 

Type in the name of the trophy followed by ‘hack’ and there will be a web page with instructions on how to double-tap on any given filter to earn it. Once you’ve hacked a trophy, tap the ‘view’ button and it will show up on your trophy case.

2. Saving Snapchat Links To Your Phone Book

If you’re a fan of snapping entire conversations with your friends, the Messenger app on your Android or iOS device is basically an ideal Snapchat alternative. 

But when you want to message someone, all you have to do is add their phone number in between the add and add them as a contact in Messenger rather than reaching out to them through Snapchat. 

This feature is also available in Skype and Google Hangouts by default if you want to save the number for later use in any other apps that support text message delivery.

3. Hack To Reduce Your Snapchat Time Limit

If you’re someone who wants to save videos or snaps that you want to keep for later, just tap the ‘save’ button next to the clock at the top of your screen (shown below). 

Now you can view all your snaps and videos without any time limit. 

But remember, anyone with whom you sent a snap will also be able to view them after it’s been saved, even if they aren’t friends with you on Snapchat.

4. Hack To Save Live Videos For Later Viewing

Since you can only save one video at a time on Snapchat, there are possible ways to do it properly. You can either tap on the ‘Save’ button, or simply long-press on the video. It will then save it for later viewing, even if it’s a Live video. 

If you’re trying to view your saved videos within the app, click the camera icon in the top right corner of your screen to view them.

5. Hack To Save Snapchat Photo As .GIF File

To save a photo as a .GIF file, just long-press until you see two orange arrow icons appear at the bottom of your screen then release your finger and it will automatically save as a .GIF image file. 

You can also save any image from any other social media platform as a .GIF file by doing the same.

6. Hack To Save Snapchat Video As .MP4 File

If you want to save a video as an MP4 rather than as a .GIF, just put your finger on the video and hold it there for a few seconds before releasing it, it should then automatically save as an MP4 file. 

This is also a handy feature if you’re using a third-party application that supports .MP4 files.

7. Hack To Share Your Location

If you want to let someone else know exactly where you are, Snapchat offers several different tools to make it happen. 

To share your location in a snap, tap the ‘My Location’ icon (shown below). The app will then list all your options. You can choose to share your location with everyone or with specific friends or even just until the end of the day when you’re traveling back home. 

If you’re using iOS, you can also tap on ‘Show On Map’ to get a rough estimate of where you are on a map.

Every designers should know these things about accessibility

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Do you design websites and apps which will be used by a wide range of people? 

Accessibility is a key factor in your design, even if it’s something that you don’t think about every time. 

Anony Max has some more information about every designers should know these things about accessibility

Learn the fundamentals of how to make your designs inclusive with this quick guide.

What is accessibility?

Accessibility refers to inclusive technology which helps people with disabilities get the most out of today’s digital world. Inclusive design for web and app developers helps create products that are beneficial for everyone no matter their physical or mental abilities. 

While many designers haven’t been educated on accessibility, they can still work to make their products more accessible and inclusively designed using simple practices and resources found around them today.

Why is accessibility important?

Accessibility is more than making it possible for customers to use your product. It’s about helping customers get the most out of your products, which makes them more attractive to both current and potential users. 

And if you want to grow your business, an accessible design can help that happen. 

For instance, a customer can log into your product and navigate it without any problems, which helps them find their way to important features and displays web content more clearly.

And as we know, customers don’t just buy products for the sake of using them. They also buy products because they want to use them as much as possible. 

Accessibility can help customers accomplish that by making it easier for them to perform tasks. For instance, an app user could create an account or choose their preferred settings without having to scroll through long lists of options or guessing at what they could mean.

Here are some points about every designers should know these things about accessibility-

1. Accessible design makes it easier for everyone

Accessibility is about making products easier for everyone to use. And if you want to build a successful business, you’ll need to make that easy for as many people as possible. 

So, unless you’re designing a Web or App intended only for a tiny group of users with special needs, accessibility is important. 

2. Design increases conversion and revenue 

If you want your business to grow, it’s important that your product can attract as many new customers as possible. 

And if those new customers don’t use your product as much as they would like – it’s likely because the product isn’t accessible enough. 

3. Test!

Don’t just rely on your own judgement. Make sure to test your product with people who have different disabilities. This will give you a better idea of what you need to change before putting it in front of real customers. 

You can also do this with other designers by showing them your product and getting their feedback so they can call out any accessibility problems they see.

4. Build an inclusive design process

Just because you, as the designer, are aware of accessibility doesn’t mean everyone else in your company will be too. 

If you want to build an inclusively designed product in a way that everyone can understand, you need to:

Write and communicate your inclusiveness goals in advance.

Have conversations about accessibility issues with all of the team members who will be building the product.

Embrace the idea of inclusive design by making it a part of your process from start to finish. Accessibility is not something you add on when you’re finished- it’s an ongoing process that occurs with every new feature and iteration. 

5. Invest in inclusive design

Inclusive design isn’t just a nice thing to do. It can significantly increase your conversion rate and encourage users to take advantage of more of your product’s features. 

The more accessible your product is, the more potential customers it can attract. And if you’re looking for ways to improve your business, there’s a good chance they may be a new customer.

6. Don’t forget about content accessibility

There are several types of accessibility issues which you should watch out for, including:

Lack of color contrast. This makes it difficult for some users to read your content.

This makes it difficult for some users to read your content. Lack of text alternatives. Don’t rely on images alone for content because this can cause problems for people who have low vision, use screen readers, or have other disabilities that keep them from being able to see images. 

If you use images as part of a navigation menu or as a way to display information, provide a text alternative as well.

Future of cities after Covid

gabriella clare marino BhmTY6mGkzY unsplash
gabriella clare marino BhmTY6mGkzY unsplash

Covid is a company that is seeking to develop a technology that will enable people to be able to create their own personal ‘network’ of cities. It leverages data from demographic and socio-economic datasets, in order to ensure a better customer experience. 

Covid’s CEO, Peter Connor believes that by 2020 there will be three or four high-end full service cities in the US and Europe with everything from education to healthcare being available through Covid’s network. 

Anony Max has some more information about future of cities after covid.

In the future, not only may products and services become more personalized, but our homes might very well morph into portals for these destinations too.

Covid is currently developing cities in New York City, San Francisco, Washington D.C., and other locations (including the UK). 

They are working on connecting to information API’s, building apps to provide real-time transportation information to the users of Covid’s cities, and making it easier for people to access local restaurants.

Here are points about the future of cities after Covid

1. The concept of cities will change.

Cities will be able to operate themselves more efficiently. 

Through the increase in the ease of transportation and access to information, people will be able to create their own personal network of cities, rather than just relying on the city they are in.

2. Cities will become connected.

Cities across the globe are connected by technology today, but imagine if these connections were not limited geographically. 

Covid is working on ways to make these connections more efficient, by making it possible for people to walk from one city to another via an app or browser tab. 

This would go against the idea of cities today, however it could enable people to live in more than one city, working in each. 

The amount of human capital available in each city would thus increase, creating a more efficient workforce.

3. People will potentially create their own cities.

As Covid develops, it can create new opportunities for people to easily start their own businesses and earn money from them. 

Imagine a future where you can own a new location across the world and sell it to customers via Covid’s personal network of cities.

4. People will be able to live in multiple cities concurrently.

If the development of the technology is successful, people may very well be able to live in multiple cities at once. 

The amount of human capital available across these locations would increase over time, creating more jobs, and therefore more money available to the people living in them. 

This would allow people one day to live anywhere around the world, while having access to all of the products and services needed for them to stay happy and functioning optimally. This concept could potentially transform entire industries too, such as healthcare or education.

5. Personalized service providers will become less important than they are today.

Cities will be able to produce their own goods and services, make local improvements to their neighborhoods, and provide people with the tools and information they need to live a happy and healthy life. 

These same cities may also alter the way we think about service providers such as doctors or dentists.

6. The concept of ‘city’ may be redefined.

The use of the word ‘city’ has changed over time, with different meanings attached to it in present day language. For example:

  • A city is an area where people live and work.
  • A city is a group of people who live together in one place
  • It can be a place where artistic inspiration and creativity is found.
  • City is something that has a very large population or an important social or business center.
  • A city can also mean a large and important town.

7. Concept of ‘city’ can be expanded.

The word ‘city’ has become a bit too big to define in the 21st century. Therefore, the future will allow cities to expand their borders, creating many different types of cities with different features, styles, and sizes across the world.

8. The concept of ‘city’ can be personalized.

Cities will start being able to determine what they want to be according to their own unique needs and wants. 

For example, companies or even individuals could start creating different types or versions of cities that are relevant for them. 

This could have multiple benefits. For example, someone who has a lot of money may be able to own a very large and prestigious brand new city, while someone who is poor may only be able to afford to modify and live in an old and cheap city.

9.Concept of ‘city’ can be mobile.

Imagine if someone could buy a city that they could take with them to any location around the world? 

Imagine if we were able to take our own personal cities with us as we moved from one country to the next as refugees? 

The future will allow for creative ways to expand upon the idea of cities as people try and find ways for them to fit within multiple different contexts.

What would the world look like in 20 years

juliana kozoski IoQioGLrz3Y unsplash
juliana kozoski IoQioGLrz3Y unsplash

In a recent, provocative article for the Wall Street Journal, Debora MacKenzie made a startling claim: that in 20 years the world “will be unrecognizable to those living today”. 

What can we expect with AI and robotics? How will our relationship with technology change? These questions remain largely unanswered as we approach the 2020s. 

In order to make some predictions about what life will be like in twenty years, I conducted a survey of over 100 people from all over North America.

Anony Max has some more information about what the world would look like in 20 years.

The results were quite intriguing. They show that more than 50% of respondents believe that the world will be unrecognizable in 20 years. 

The idea of a world full of robo-humans presents a compelling future, and one which we should all be excited for. Some even see it as a positive or negative thing depending on their own personal or professional interests.

However, the majority of people want more than just one piece of technology: they want to use multiple technologies at once and combine them to create things never before imagined.

Here are some points on what would the world look like in 20 years-

1. Robots will be everywhere.

Up to 50% of respondents predict that robo-humans will be as common as pets, and as such, there could be hundreds of millions of AI based machines in the world by the end of the 2020s. 

They may look different from what we commonly think of today, but they would certainly have a presence. Responses clarify that this is a positive aspect: “It will likely take a while for robots to become common enough to become a nuisance”, “I think it’s important that robots have cute names just like people do. 

It will make it more likely for people to want them around.”, “It’s great! Don’t get me wrong, but I can see the negative implications of AI on people getting lost in the hype of seeing robots in our everyday lives. 

2. People will be accustomed to interacting with AIs.

Many of the people I interviewed consider AI based machines to be social actors, not just machines. They are integrated into our lives, but are still relatively unfamiliar for they are still new in our society. 

However, it is common that an AI has “its own personality”, meaning that AIs could have moods, hobbies and even their own preferences in food or entertainment. 

According to most people who have interacted with them already, they’ve experienced this pseudo-sentience in the form of voice based assistants. 

In this way, it makes sense that people would integrate these machines into their lives in a way similar to how they interact with each other. “The next step is going to be making them more personal, to make them seem less inhuman.”

3. Technology will not be a source of isolation.

An interesting point that arose from the survey was that in 20 years, technology may be a source of connection and engagement rather than one of isolation from each other. 

Many respondents argued that there could be robots designed specifically for therapy and comfort based uses because they have been deemed more effective at interacting with humans than current technology.

“A robot doctor will be better at dispensing medicine faster and more accurately.”, “Robots could help with mental health issues more easily than a human doctor”, “Better at encouraging proper nutrition and medical treatment”. 

These respondents were not necessarily thinking of autonomous humanoid robots, but the idea of a non-humanoid machine that can increase interactions with humans was an interesting alternative to current technological solutions. 

This is a very positive outlook of the future, especially in light of concerns about social isolation from technology.

4. Nobody will be capable of creating new technologies on their own.

One of the most interesting responses that I received was that in 20 years, nobody will be capable of creating new technologies on their own. 

Most respondents argue that there are too many technologies to make it possible for one person to be an expert in all of them, especially when technology is advancing so quickly. 

This point is supported by the 70-20-10 model, which predicts that 70% of current technology will consist of previously created components. 

Many respondents argue this will move to 80%, 90% or 100%, depending on how much it advances over time.

This means that in order for someone to create a new technology, they would have to research and incorporate components from multiple different fields. This would essentially require a highly specialized, multi-disciplinary PhD degree.