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All about 2017 taiwan tech trek

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The  taiwan tech trek 2017 is an annual multi-day event that brings together some of the world’s most talented developers, entrepreneurs and investors from around the globe to exchange ideas and showcase their companies”.

What started as a small, local event in 2009 has grown to become one of the premier events on the Asian technology scene. In 2017 over 2400 people attended our events in Taipei. 

This blog post will go through all about what happened during this year’s trip.

Setting up a booth is not without its challenges. In fact, it can be pretty overwhelming the first time. 

So, to help get your feet wet and familiarize you with the process we decided to interview a few professionals within the conference. Today we talk to Jacqueline Xia and Joe Huang of Smartful (former Code Sense).

Here are some points about Taiwan tech trek

1. What are the challenges associated with running a booth?

The main challenge was getting everything set up for the booth. Most of the time we were there, we didn’t have enough materials and we had to rely on others such as sponsors such as smart crowd (former Code Sense) and summit partner to provide us with all materials needed.

Jacqueline: The main challenges were having enough materials and our own supplies. We did not have enough things to sell, nor did we bring any of our own products with us. 

We had not invested in any promotion or SEO (search engine optimization) tools either which made it hard for us to get more customers and customers that were willing to look at our booth. 

This affected us more than it would have done so otherwise because of the short amount of time we had to promote ourselves.

2. What is the best thing about running a booth at Taiwan tech trek?

The best thing about running a booth at Taiwan tech trek is the opportunity to meet the people you want to meet, and also have a lot of fun! It’s a great chance for you to network with people from all around the world.

Aside from meeting new people and networking, I believe that getting involved in this event was an overall good experience as I learned a lot from it as well as gained some valuable experience from it as well.

3. What are some of the main challenges faced by your companies?

One of our main challenges is finding investors for our product. We already have a finished product, but we cannot find an investor who knows how to market our products in the western market.

4. How did Taiwan tech trek help you overcome these challenges?

Taiwan tech trek helped us to market ourselves better and also get in contact with more people that can potentially hire us or invest in us. 

I think that Taiwan tech trek is an excellent event to showcase your company and its products, because there are many people who will be interested in your services/products and this event will get you closer to your goal(s).

5. What is the best thing about running a booth at Taiwan tech trek?

The best thing about running a booth at Taiwan tech trek is meeting new people and making new friends. 

This event helped me to get in contact with many more people and I am sure that we will get plenty of revenue from the customers we met and will be able to expand more and further into other markets.

6. What did you learn from the conference that you did not know before?

I think I learned a lot about marketing, introducing yourself, networking and many other things I didn’t realize before this event. Overall, I think it was one of the best ways to showcase my product or company and help network more efficiently.

From the government side, we’re very actively involved with events like these because it’s a way for us to showcase our technologies and attract foreign capital” ,

From Silicon Valley Comes To Taiwan – Michael Yip, Taipei Representative for U.S. Commercial Service| Ministry of Economic Affairs| Republic of China Government| Government Information Office| Trade Mission of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

Taiwan’s startup ecosystem is rapidly developing. It has a good startup ecosystem, including Google Launchpad, Microsoft BizSpark Plus, Startup Grind Taiwan, Taiwan Cloud Computing Association (TCCA), and several incubators such as Startupbootcamp Asia and CyberAgent. 

Its government is also doing a lot to support startups, such as the creation of foreign startup visa programs and the creation of Startup Sutra (formerly Startup Digest).

How and when to reclass mozu

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Mozus only have three defined age periods: Infancy, Childhood, and Adulthood. They will reach a new tier at the end of each period. 

Once they reach adulthood it is impossible to reclass mozu to another tier.

Infancy: The first phase of a mozu’s life is infancy. In this stage the mozu will explore and get used to its surroundings while not taking part in any combat or interaction with other creatures in the world. 

Here is the answer for, when to reclass mozu?

A mozu will stay within their family nest for the entirety of this stage.

The length of an infancy stage varies from mozu to mozu, but all infants reach childhood after three years regardless of when they were born during that year.

Here are some points about when to reclass mozu-

1. When the mozu first wakes after hatching.

It will be on an adrenaline high. At this point you should not waste any time in reclassing before the mozu come back to their senses. 

If your mozu has no injuries or illnesses, do not reclass them until they are starving or starving exhaustion is imminent.

2. When a mozu reaches adulthood

This is your chance to re-class them to a tier at least one step lower than the highest level they have achieved in their current stage. 

This provides the opportunity to raise them in a different environment and gives you another shot at raising or re-training your mozu in that environment. 

Even if you do not intend to raise and re-train them, you can use this time to observe how they fight and what skills they have acquired.

3. When a mozu dies [in combat or otherwise].

This is your last chance to reclass mozu before the death rattle plays and you lose track of them temporarily if their death was by accident. Although this is your last chance to reclass, you can reclass them up to once an hour. 

This means that if you miss the risk-free reclassing opportunity, you can still reclass them within an hour of their death. 

The danger in reclassing right after death is that their adrenaline will be flushing through their system and therefore they will still be on that adrenaline high.

4. When a mozu reaches adulthood.

It’s once more in this stage that they will grow into their adult form. This is the last opportunity for reclassing before they reach adulthood, but it can be done up to once an hour. 

After this point, reclassing will only be possible in the event of death or re-training. This is also when their level increases–so if they are on the verge of adulthood you can still re-class them to another tier.

5. When a mozu reaches adulthood.

It is not yet at their highest rank, it’s morning when it dies. However, it is common to see players waiting until their mozu reaches adulthood before reclassing. This is because they are less likely to die after reaching adulthood. 

There is another benefit to waiting, too!

This final reclassing opportunity gives you the chance at evolving them into a stronger form with higher stats and new skills and abilities! 

If you leave them in their previous tier until they reach adulthood, there’s no risk at all of reclassing away from what you want, and no risk of losing them in battle after they become adults.

6. When hunger and starvation reach their final stages

Hunger and starvation states do not disappear after reaching adulthood. They will continue to drain health and energy. If a mozu is starving or starving exhaustion is imminent, it is time to reclass them into a tier that has more food sources, water sources, and better shelter. 

Another reason why you should reclass your mos during the hunger/starvation state is if you wish to train it in its current tier.

It takes a longer time for the mozu to become hungry as well as take more damage as they age which can cause problems as they will be at this stage for longer.

7. When a mozu evolves into a tier

As the mozu grows up, they will evolve into a higher tier. This is usually done when they reach adulthood after becoming hungry for the first time. 

At this point, one of several things can happen: 

  • First, nothing will happen and your mozu’s hunger bar will read “satiated”.
  • Second, they will stay in their current tier and acquire new skills or abilities when they level up.
  • Third, they will evolve into a new form and become stronger than before.

In order to prevent a mozu from becoming a new species, a player must provide the correct food type and correct amount of food for the mozu. 

If a player re-classes a mozu into a new tier, they will have to wait 3-6 real life days before being able to reclass another one if they have available slots in their account.

The Honkai Impact Tier List

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glenn carstens peters RLw UC03Gwc unsplash

The Honkai Impact Tier List is a system that ranks all playable units from SR+ to SSR+. It was created to better help players understand unit power levels, and it also lets players know which units are stronger than others. 

The tier list is based on the stats of the units in their default state. The tier list will be updated when new units are released, when stats are fixed, or when gameplay mechanics change.

Simply put, it’s a ranking of units’ stat growth.

To create this tier list, I gathered data from Honkai Impact 2~5 (when the game was known as Honkai Impact X2~X5; see how it’s become convoluted?), and went through that data to look for trends. 

The result is an easily digestible ranking system that makes it easier to understand unit stats and overall unit strength.

If you’re not sure how to use the tier list, please check out my blog post on its use; it’s in Japanese, but if you can get past reading at least one Japanese blog post per day, you’ll get the gist of what the tier list is about.

This list can be used as a reference during recruitment.

I have put together a graphic version of the tier list so you can see at a glance what each tier means: The honkai impact tier list Chart for DPS. Check out the original article for more details on how it works! 

Here’s an explanation of the Honkai Impact Tier List: 


There is no unit here as of right now (and there likely will never be). If a player gets an SSR+ unit, we consider it the best unit in the game.


SR+ units are slightly weaker than SSR+ units, but only by a little bit. Even if you got an SR+ unit, you still got something really good and should be proud of that. 

Don’t worry about your SR+. Focus on getting better instead of worrying about rankings, as those don’t mean anything relative to your progress as a player. 


SR/SR+ units are the same stats as SR units, but they’re in a lower tier. These units are often weaker than SSR+ units, but many players value this for their flexibility in customization. 

For example, you could field one SR/SR+ unit instead of three SSRs in your deck. The point is that players should think about whether they want to use SRs or SR/SRs in their strategy instead of worrying about tiers. 


SR units are the standard units in the game. They are slightly stronger than SR+ units, but only slightly. 

If you get an SR unit, you should be proud of it! These units will usually not make much of a difference in gameplay because the top tier units are SSR+. 


These units are slightly weaker than SR units, but only by a little bit. If you get an R unit, you should be proud of it! 

These units will usually not make much of a difference in gameplay because the top tier units are SSR+. 


R units are weaker than R/R+ units, but only slightly. 

If you get a R unit, you should be proud of it! These units will usually not make much of a difference in gameplay because the top tier units are SSR+. 


N is a relative grade used to denote a level of rarity. N+ is the most rare SR unit in the game and is probably the most powerful they have created thus far. 

These units are slightly weaker than R units, but only slightly. These units will usually not make much of a difference in gameplay because the top tier units are SSR+. 


NR/N is like NR/N+, but these SR units are slightly weaker. However, players should still be proud to have these SRs as they will still help you a lot! 


N is a relative grade used to denote a level of rarity. N stands for Normal and indicates that these SRs are Normal rarity as well as being the weakest SR unit created thus far in the game as far as we know. If you get an N unit, you should still be proud to have it, as they still help you a lot! 


These units are slightly weaker than N units, but only slightly. If you get an N+ or an N-, you should still be proud to have them as they will still help you a lot! 


These units are weaker than N+ and NR/N+, but only slightly. Like the other relative grades, these SR units will help you a lot and it’s also completely fine if you get one of these! 

Names of famous popes

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Few people know the names of popes word whizzle ever to exist, even if they are devoted Catholics. 

This is what can happen from imbibing from a culture short on history and research, as well as an education system which has forgotten how to teach basic stuff. 

This article will give you all the names of the popes in a chronological order.

There are over 260 popes in Catholic history, and they’ve had many different names. 

Here are some of the names discussed about famous popes:

1. “Pope” of Rome

People usually think that the title “Pope” is reserved only for the popes of the Catholic church. 

The word “pope” is derived from the Italian word “papa,” which means father. 

2. “Pope” of Germany/Holy Roman Empire

The title “Holy Roman Emperor” was not used for popes until the 16th century. 

Before then, “Holy Roman Emperor” refers to German kings who ruled Italian territory based on ancient Germanic law rather than on secular law. 

3. Pope” of Venice

Venice was ruled by the German kings until the 13th century. 

Since the Germans were Catholics, “Pope” refers to any bishop who is not under any king’s rule. 

Since Venice became an independent republic in the 13th century, its Catholic bishops were considered “popes” even though they did not represent any country or territory. 

4. “Pope” of the Church of England

People usually think that “Pope” is limited to the popes of the Catholic church. 

However, the title “Pope” also pertains to anyone who holds supreme authority over a religious institution. 

The head of the Church of England is called “the Archbishop of Canterbury,” not “the Pope.” 

The “Church” includes all Christian churches, whether or not they are Catholic or Protestant. 

But it does pertain only to the Anglican churches, which is why its bishops are sometimes called “popes” even though they do not have any territory under their rule. 

5. “Pope” of the Eastern Orthodox church

People usually think that “Pope” is limited to the popes of the Catholic church. 

However, the title “Pope” also pertains to anyone who has supreme authority over a religious institution. 

The head of the Eastern Orthodox church is called “the Patriarch of Constantinople,” not “the Pope.” 

So it makes sense that John Paul II (a former pope and Patriarch of Rome), who had authority over both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, should be called a “Papa.” “Papa” means “father.”

The Patriarch of Constantinople is a Greek term, which means “Father of Constantinople.” 

The Patriarchate of Constantinople was originally the territory under the rule of the Byzantine Empire, which has since been divided into many countries. 

In modern times, it refers to the sovereign patriarchate that is under the Ecumenical Patriarch in Istanbul. 

Although it is not a part of any country or territory, its Patriarch still holds supreme authority over his country and all its churches. 

6. “Pope” of Mexico and Central America

Mexico and Central America belonged to Spain for hundreds of years. 

The current Pope is Spanish, and Spanish is still spoken in Mexico and Central America. 

So the term “Papa” still refers to the Catholic bishops in Mexico, Central America, the Philippines, etc. 

However, these bishops are no longer under any king’s rule or supreme authority. 

They have independent authority over their own churches. 

Therefore their title should not be confined to anyone who holds supreme religious authority over a country or territory. 

These bishops are mostly called “pope/patriarch” instead of “pope/archbishop.

7. “Pope” of the Philippines

The Philippines was once a territory under both Spain and the United States. 

When the Philippines became an independent country in 1946, it established its own Catholic Church hierarchy. 

So it’s Catholic bishops are called “pope/archbishop” instead of “pope/patriarch.” 

These bishops are not supreme religious authorities over any territory, either. 

They have only jurisdiction over the Catholic Church in the Philippines. It is not under any kings or supreme authorities, either. So this title “Pope/archbishop” fits quite well with their position. 

8. “Pope” of Japan

Japan is a country that has its own Catholic Church hierarchy. 

So the title “Pope” applies to the bishops in Japan even though they have no supreme authority over any territory. 

Since they have independent jurisdiction, their title is not restricted to anyone who rules a country or territory. 

9. “Pope” of Hawaii and Australia

Hawaii and Australia were territories under the U.S.A in the 20th century.

Since Hawaii and Australia have their own Catholic Church hierarchies, the title “Papa” is usually used for these bishops even though their churches have no supreme authority over any territory. 

The title “Papa” usually refers to the Catholic bishops in these countries, even though they do not hold supreme religious authority over them. 

10. “Pope” of Ireland (and soon of Great Britain)

The title “Pope” was not used for popes in Ireland until Pope John Paul II became one in 1979. 

The word “pope” is derived from the Latin word “papus,” which means bishop or teacher.

Kasatha Names- perfect for your character

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Kasatha are a race of four-armed humanoids indigenous to the jungle continent of Sarlona. They are often short in stature, have brown skin, and have four identical arms. 

Kasatha uses their extra arms for more physical tasks so they can save one arm for fine work that requires finer control.

The kasatha language is also an important part of their culture which is based on consistency and logic. 

It uses the same word order as written English, but with some elements borrowed from Thai or Latin languages. English retains some Thai words such as ‘bô’ for ‘be’ and ‘nôm’ for ‘name’.

Here are some kasatha names discussed for your character-

1. Kôm.

Bailiff of the city of High Tide on the planet of Nautilus.

2. Tza.

A male kasatha explorer who first mapped the Emerald Spire Peaks in Sarlona. He named the six first peaks which were later named The Great Six by others after him. 

Tza means ‘map’ in the kasatha language.

3. Zanya

A female kasatha explorer who mapped Mount Kiji on the planet of Risia. She ran her own company known as Zanya’s Expeditions, which was later sold to Urlor & Co.

Her name means ‘open’ or ‘explore’.

4. Drûl

An old kasatha who’s been around for a while and learned most of the kasatha language by heart including how to pronounce certain words in different ways. 

He acts as a sort of overseer, adviser, historian and translator for the tribe he lives with. 

He also keeps all important documents, presents or other important items for the tribe in his hut’s storage area. In short, Drûl is an invaluable member for any kasatha group he lives with!

We would like to invite you to send us your kasatha character names as knowledge, as well as their personality traits or unique abilities.

5. Karrak

A male kasatha who noticed a difference in star patterns from the jungle forests of the planet Ytterbia. His findings proved that Ytterbia is a ringed planet, with two suns Niyara and Kadi. 

On the other hand, his brother Makar believed that there was a large cloud covering half of Ytterbia which refocused light from one point to another.

6. Ischandar

A powerful kasatha monk who has defeated every challenger at the monastery so far. He even defeated Zanya in single combat. 

He has the reputation of being the strongest hands down, who’s never been defeated until he met Kordi. His name means ‘strong’ or ‘much’, while Kordi means ‘weak’ or ‘little’.

7. Kordi

A young kasatha, who traveled to Ischandar’s monastery to challenge Ischandar for his title as the strongest. She was ridiculed by her fellow monks but she believed that she could defeat Ischandar at all costs. 

It took her several years of training before she felt that she was ready but it only took one day for her to defeat Ischandar in single combat. She has never lost in her entire life. Her name means ‘weak’ or ‘little’.

8. R’ka.

A female kasatha who owned a magical artifact known as the Night’s Lantern, which made it possible for people to travel between different planes of existence. 

This artifact is currently owned by Zanya, who took it from R’ka when she died in a plane crash on the plane of Talaia. R’ka is also believed to have been friends with Drûl. Her name means ‘night’.

9. Zordi

The youthful son of Zanya and Kordi. His name means ‘young’.

10. Tulu (tuludu).

A small and sleepy kasatha who first encountered the drow elf queen, Moirae, near Mount Kiji on the planet Risia. 

Tulu acted as a makeshift house for Moirae before she left Ydersius. His name means ‘sleep’ or ‘nap’.

11. Ydea.

The wife of Drûl, who passed away before his birth (he was born after her death). His father named him to honor her memory. His name means ‘honor’.

Kasatha names are short since they use their extra arms for physical tasks, so they can save one arm for fine work that requires finer control. 

So, the shorter the name, the better!

12. Zanya (zany-uh). 

Tza’s sister who explored Mount Kiji with him after he developed his own map of it. Her name means ‘explore’ or ‘open’. 13. Mhakar (mah-kahr).

14. Shtaha (shtah-uh). 

Kordi’s brother, who took part in the expedition that explored Mount Kiji with him after he developed his own map of it. 

His name means ‘explore’ or ‘open’. 

15. Shiyila (shee-yee-la). 

Ischandar’s student who defeated him in a physical contest of who was the strongest kasatha at the monastery just as he defeated all other challengers during his training years before. 

Her name means ‘strength’ or ‘much strength’. 

Does secret stash work on refillable potions?

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Some might think that a secret stash is just a bonus, but it can actually do more than just get you some extra coins for your digital wallet. 

In fact, you can steal quite a few tactics to use in your own game that’ll help bring home the level 3 stars. 

The key thing about secret stashes is that they’re random, so they’re great for suspenseful moments in games too. 

To find out why this feature is so useful and how to put them to good use check out our blog post here!

Here is the answer for, does secret stash work on refillable potion?

This article was written by the Fanbyte team, who you can find interviewing game developers and covering breaking news stories. 

They also offer an awesome range of services for game developers—from content writing, to social media marketing, to press release writing.

Here are some points about does secret stash work on refillable potion-

1. The Bottom Line

Stash coins are disproportionately important in the game, because they help level up upgrades. Upgrading items is essential for furthering your progress in the game. 

Sometimes, if you do not have enough coins spent to level up higher-tier upgrades, you simply cannot afford it for a while. 

This can be very frustrating. But, if you have not paid any attention to stashes when playing Candy Crush, then there’s no penalty when you decide to spend the extra coins on upgrading your items.

2. Stash Coins

You will see the coins with the golden star icon on it, which is your Stash Coins. Stashes are basically free coins that you can find in Candy Crush. 

When you find one, it will appear on your screen with an icon of a coin hanging from a string. You are given five refills before you must wait or spend some of your hard-earned gems to refill it again. 

However, these secret stash locations are random, so you might have to hunt around for some time to find one. But there are specific locations where they appear more often.

3. A Note on the Stash

You can use this stash to buy new items or power-ups in Candy Crush. And as such, you should always try and level up as high as possible as you move through the game. 

The more power-ups and upgrades you have, the easier it will be to complete the levels. However, it is also worth noting that not all upgrades are available at all times in Candy Crush. 

You may find that there is a certain tier of upgrade that does not become available until after you reach a certain point in the game. 

This means that for a while at least, you will have to rely on wits alone to clear your way to higher levels in Candy Crush.

4. Extra Challenges

As we mentioned previously, secret stashes are always available and they do not matter in any way unless they influence your progress in the game. 

If you keep finding new and better power-ups and upgrades, then it would be useful to remember that you can use these extra challenges to increase your level of progression. 

In some instances, this may mean that you have to replay a level with a different set of items on the board. 

But more likely than not, you will suddenly find new power-ups appear or things get easier when you return to a previous level.

5. Getting Stashes

So, if you are wondering where to find these secret stashes, then it is worth noting that there are certain things that will cause them to appear more often. 

The easiest way is to replay levels that you have already passed. If you do this, then there will be a chance that the stash will appear somewhere on the screen. 

If you are keen to find it quicker, then be sure to look for columns of five colorful candies on your board before passing your level. 

This means there is a stash nearby. You can also make an effort to look for them in the hub world or when you are playing solo challenges against other players via Facebook or Google+.

6. The Reason For the Secret Stashes

You may wonder why they develop this feature at all? To answer this question, we need to look at the concept of progression in Candy Crush. 

It is more than just getting a lot of points throughout your gameplay session. Success is very much about an accumulation of points and building up your level of progress. 

So it does make sense to add a little extra depth when it comes to bonuses in the game. In fact, you can see these stashes as add-ons that add a little psychological pressure when you are trying to progress through levels.

Tax return: What is it?

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Why do people pay taxes?

You know, the federal, state, and local taxes you have to shell out every year. 

Well, the simple answer is because they are required by law by your government. Of course there are more complex reasons that go into it, but that is another story for another time. 

The most important thing to note about taxes is that they are paid into a national fund which can be used for many things including funding government agencies for their work.

So, if i win the election “i will gladly show my tax returns”

The simplest way to look at this is with an analogy of a group of friends who pool their money together to build an awesome project, they would not want each one of them spending their own money on what they want separately because it’s too expensive. 

A group of friends would figure out how to assign costs to each person so they can maximize the quality at the least cost. Perhaps one friend wants to buy a new car, while another friend has a laptop computer for college, and the 3rd friend has medical bills.

Here are some more points about tax return-

1. The United States Tax Code

By simply following the rules and regulations you will not set yourself up for major tax trouble. Make sure you keep meticulous records of all your expenditures and investments, and if you need to take legal action, contact an experienced IRS professional. 

I myself do not have a federal tax return, but if I did it would be simple to file because all the filing information is available online. 

Because I’m not required to file taxes I can just estimate my taxes by using my income plus taxes for each state that I live in plus 1% of all income over $38,000 which is the dollar amount for which they require minimum returns (private individuals).

2. The Federal Income Tax

Under this system each taxpayer is obligated to file an annual income tax return with the IRS. 

The filing requirement is established by this section of the tax code, Title 26 U.S. Code § 6012(a)(1) which states that every person who makes a specified amount of money (adjusted annually for inflation) must file an income tax report.

The only way that you can completely avoid paying taxes is to move elsewhere, like Somalia or Russia where taxes are not required. 

However if you want to remain in the United States and make money, you will need to pay taxes or face fines and jail terms for tax evasion (which can carry up to 5 years in prison).

3. The State Tax Returns

Every state has its own income tax code that must be followed in order to avoid paying taxes in that particular state. 

For example, in New York, if you live there for more than 6 months of the year, you are required to report your income and pay taxes on it. So if you move to New York for 6 months, then any money received when living there is taxable. 

Some states like California or Florida do not require income tax returns when calculating your total taxable income (gross income). 

These states either have no state income tax or use a flat rate based on “personable earning” which is pretty much the same thing as an actual personal federal tax return. Some states like North Carolina require both federal and state income tax returns.

4. The Self Employment Tax

This is one of the more complicated taxes that you will need to worry about depending on how many businesses you operate or if you earned any income from self-employment (work done on your own). 

If you are self-employed, it is important to make sure that all your business earnings are reported on both your personal and business tax returns.

This information is required for each business activity that you do, so if you work for 2 different companies, then report that income twice. 

This type of tax applies to all levels of income including $400 per year if both husband and wife work independently.

5. The Gift Tax

This is not a tax that you will have to worry about because it only applies to very high net worth individuals who are giving away more than $14,000 in one year. 

The basic idea behind the gift tax is that you are not allowed to give more than $14,000 in one year. If you do then you’ll have to declare that income on your own income tax return the following year. 

With all these taxes it’s easy to see why it is more of a hassle than its worth to not pay your whole tax bill on time.

Most minor violations

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I think not all criminals are treated equally. So, I’m going to cover the punishments for what I feel are the most serious offenses that can happen on a daily basis.

Many people might disagree with me and say things like, “It doesn’t matter what you did because it’s basically not a big deal.” 

But really, most minor violations will drop off of your driving record after one year, and even those should be treated as second-tier violations. 

This article will break down the punishments of common driving infractions and explain why they’re so important to fast-tracking your recovery from your violation. 

As a driver, you might have done something that you know is a minor offense to avoid a larger one, or to have a better driving record. 

Most people I see constantly complain about their driving record because it’s too long and they’re constantly being charged for small driving infractions. That’s why I bring this up.

Here are some most minor violations

1. Speeding up to 10 mph over the speed limit.

These are the most common violations that people commit because we don’t slow down enough for our highways and we’re trying to get there as fast as possible. 

But, what people don’t understand is this affects your driving record and insurance rates, especially if you get multiple violations. 

These violate any California Driver Handbook or California DMV handbook because it states that “speeding up to 10 mph over the speed limit is a misdemeanor.”

2. Running a stop sign.

This is also a very common violation and can be avoided if you’re aware of your surroundings and follow the rules. 

These violations affect your DMV report and should be avoided at all costs. They should only affect your driving record if they’re not serious and you’re not doing them on a consistent basis.

3. Running a red light.

These are very serious violations that can lead to an accident or worse, an injury or death of someone else. 

That’s why it’s very important that they only appear on your driving record once for this offense because it is still a misdemeanor under the California Vehicle Code. 

Also, these are some of the most difficult violations to have dropped off of your DMV record so you need to avoid this at all costs unless there is an emergency situation involved with the red light you ran through . 

4. Speeding in a School zone.

This is a very serious offense and many people complain about their juvenile driving record because of this violation. 

It is very important that you avoid this at all costs because it can lead to an accident or even be deadly if someone mistakes the speed limit and pulls over to the side of the road.

5. Refusing to stop for the school bus.

This is also a misdemeanor and should not affect your driving record if you only do it once or twice. 

The punishment should affect your DMV report and it is a very serious violation that can easily lead to injury or death if you’re not careful.

6. Not paying your traffic tickets.

If you don’t pay for traffic tickets, you risk adding points to your driving record and making it worse depending on how much you owe. 

You can also go to jail for this offense if it becomes serious enough and could even affect your credit score, which is another thing many people complain about having a bad one because they don’t take care of their traffic tickets. 

7. Driving on a suspended license due to a DUI.

These are serious violations and should never be treated lightly. People complain about their driving record and try to avoid them because they think they’ll just get a ticket and pay it, but that’s not always the case . 

If you’re driving on a suspended license, you risk getting arrested and will have to go through an additional process if your license is revoked due to driving on a suspended license. 

This violation should only take up half the time of your offense if it’s an infraction or even take up all of your time if it’s a misdemeanor . 

8. Driving with a BOL (a DUI, reckless driving, etc.) conviction on your record.

This is a very serious violation and should be treated as such because it will affect your driving record and insurance rates and credit score. 

This is something that I’ve seen many people complain about and avoid because they don’t like their driving record. 

Others won’t even realize that they even have a record to worry about unless it becomes very serious or if they get stopped by someone.

Most of these violations affect your insurance rates, especially if you’re insuring the car with the violation on your record . 

The land of giants

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graham holtshausen Mr57 DlPtU8 unsplash

The land of giants is a thought experiment developed by Clarence “Joe” Langford and cited as an exemplar of the thought process known as infinite regress.

As part of the experiment, a person is asked to envision constructing a village with one person per square inch. 

However, the person has only one apple for himself and must find someone else to trade with. If all else fails, he can ask another villager for an apple too.

Here is the answer for, which point does fullinwider intend to make with the “land of giants” thought experiment?

At some point, it becomes impossible to find someone who will trade with him because there are no more traders left in the area, each trading attempt leads to an infinite regress on society’s trading partners until there is no one left responding and nobody gets what they want anymore. The lowest level of this would be for someone to trade up to his neighbor.

Eventually, the thought experiment serves as a commentary on the idea that there are no practical limits to usefulness or efficiency in economics because not all people have equal utility, each person being of different needs, desires, and abilities. 

Here are some points about the land of giants-

1. The land of giants has been mentioned in several places such as:

Claude Shannon’s 1962 paper “Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems”, this is an important logician and mathematician, and he used the land of giants to help explain the concept of information entropy. 

Shannon was a high level mathematician and probably deduced that if we consider a whole space, we can only refer to its size, but never any details of its content. 

He also viewed it as an escape from infinite regression. 

2. It is used as a thought experiment by several people. 

Jim Goodman, “It’s Only a Thought Experiment”, describes it as an example to help us think about the idea that there are no practical limits to usefulness or efficiency in economics.

Because not all people have equal utility, each person being of different needs, desires, and abilities. This is one reason why he uses it as an example in his writing. 

3. The land of giants has been the topic of an academic article.

The article “The land of giants: A thought experiment as a tool for teaching social sciences” by Clarence Langford, published in the Journal of Academic Social Sciences 13: 21–26, June 2018. 

This article takes the concept and relates it to modern day economics and political science and discusses how it can be used as a tool for teaching. 

The author uses the concept to help his students understand the basic principles of microeconomics and general equilibrium theory, he goes on to say that “the land of giants” is one example that helps to illustrate basic economic principles. 

4. It has been discussed in academic papers for over 50 years. 

An analysis of the land of giants by Langford was published in the Journal of Economics Education 10:4, Autumn 1978. In this paper, he outlines his reasoning behind the thought experiment and how it supports his explanation on macro theory. 

He claims that the apparatus is useful because it alludes to an experience in common life which can be expressed, in microeconomics terms, in terms of utility-curve relationships. 

5. It has been used as an example for academics as far back as 1981. 

In “The Land of Giants: A Macroeconomic Model” by Rolf Schmitt, published in The Economic Journal 81:471–479, March 1981. 

This article looks at the macro model and explores the theory behind the land of giants. It was an early example and is often associated with macroeconomics and economic modelling today. 

The author describes it as a thought experiment that allows him to explain the idea that there are no practical limits to usefulness or efficiency in economics because not all people have equal utility, each person being of different needs, desires, and abilities.

6. The land of giants has been used in economics to help illustrate basic economic principles: 

In “Appraisal and Application of the Land of Giants” by Jayaram Menon, published in the Journal of Economic Literature 28:2, June 1990. 

In this article, the land of giants is described as a thought experiment that allows students to visualise what happens when there are no more traders left in the area. 

It was an early example and is often associated with microeconomics and general equilibrium theory today. The author uses it to help his students understand utility functions and concepts such as Pareto efficiency.

Best of Tumblr!

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istockphoto 1263940705 170667a

Tumblr is a community and blogging site where users can post and share images and video content. 

If you’ve ever been interested in blogging but didn’t know where to start, Tumblr is a great place to get started. 

The best of tumblr night blogging ideas with this site is that everyone has their own little blog here, instead of it being one big blog split up into different pages. 

People can share whatever they want with whomever they want, as long as it fits within certain guidelines, so really anybody can create a blog on here that appeals to them. 

Here are some points about best of tumblr night blogging-

1. Content is the key

The best way to start with tumblr night blogging is by creating content. All you have to do is create something interesting that people might want to share with their friends, post it on tumblr, promote it, and most importantly have fun doing it. 

There are many tools you can use for this–from picture editing programs to video editors and screenshot sites. 

2. Start small but think big

One of the ways people start with tumblr night blogging is by doing small things which promote them over time. 

Such as starting a tag or hashtag on Tumblr so that everyone can find your content easily. 

3. Learn from successful tumblr bloggers

There are some tumblr bloggers who have achieved success with their blogs, some even making money with their blogs. 

They have used simple methods that can be easy to replicate–such as social media networks, SEO, keyword search optimization, and understanding the technology involved. 

They update frequently on their blogs and always respond to emails–making it easy for people to contact them without having to worry about whether they will see it or not. 

4. Don’t be afraid to fail

As you start using tumblr night blogging, if you don’t succeed right off the bat, then that is okay because you will learn from it and grow from there. 

A lot of people think that they need to create a perfect blog and get thousands of followers overnight to be successful. 

But actually the most successful tumblr bloggers do not have that many followers–they are about average in terms of followers. 

They are usually ones who have continued to update their blogs consistently, writing new posts on a regular basis rather than leaving their blog dormant for weeks or months at a time. 

5. Be yourself. Define your style

One of the best aspects of tumblr night blogging is that you have the freedom to be yourself, express your thoughts and voice your opinions without being censored–as long as you are following the general guidelines provided to you.

If someone thinks your blog is boring or does not appeal to them, then they can simply unfollow it or move on to another one. 

6. Take it seriously but not too seriously

One thing that a lot of people fail to realize when they start their blog is that they must be consistent in terms of their content creation. 

You can’t keep writing for a few days and then take a break. 

It is important to learn how to balance your time between your personal life and your blog, because if you do not put a serious amount of time into blogging then it will be hard for you to stay motivated and successful. 

7. Use Tumblr’s search engine to promote your blog

Tumblr has a search engine that you can use to promote your blog and get people searching for it. 

You should set up your blog and post all of the relevant information about it so that when people try to find it using the search function, they will actually see your content. 

8. Create a community so that people can network with you.

Another way that people get started with tumblr night blogging is by creating a community around their blogs. 

They do this by adding hashtags onto their posts, creating other people’s accounts, and also sharing articles from other blogs. 

9. Post videos! It’s the new thing now.

Tumblr is now allowing video posts now so now is the perfect time for people who want to start out with tumblr night blogging because this is something that they can work on and improve upon as they go along. 

Video is a great way to convey information and you can use it for everything from social media marketing to educational purposes. 

10. Get a blog theme made for yourself

People start with tumblr night blogging by trying to create their own blog themes, but this takes a lot of time and effort–and usually people end up giving up. 

Instead of doing that, the smarter thing to do is to find a good looking theme already created by someone else, or even hire someone on fiverr or another website to create the theme for you.