How and when to reclass mozu

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Mozus only have three defined age periods: Infancy, Childhood, and Adulthood. They will reach a new tier at the end of each period. 

Once they reach adulthood it is impossible to reclass mozu to another tier.

Infancy: The first phase of a mozu’s life is infancy. In this stage the mozu will explore and get used to its surroundings while not taking part in any combat or interaction with other creatures in the world. 

Here is the answer for, when to reclass mozu?

A mozu will stay within their family nest for the entirety of this stage.

The length of an infancy stage varies from mozu to mozu, but all infants reach childhood after three years regardless of when they were born during that year.

Here are some points about when to reclass mozu-

1. When the mozu first wakes after hatching.

It will be on an adrenaline high. At this point you should not waste any time in reclassing before the mozu come back to their senses. 

If your mozu has no injuries or illnesses, do not reclass them until they are starving or starving exhaustion is imminent.

2. When a mozu reaches adulthood

This is your chance to re-class them to a tier at least one step lower than the highest level they have achieved in their current stage. 

This provides the opportunity to raise them in a different environment and gives you another shot at raising or re-training your mozu in that environment. 

Even if you do not intend to raise and re-train them, you can use this time to observe how they fight and what skills they have acquired.

3. When a mozu dies [in combat or otherwise].

This is your last chance to reclass mozu before the death rattle plays and you lose track of them temporarily if their death was by accident. Although this is your last chance to reclass, you can reclass them up to once an hour. 

This means that if you miss the risk-free reclassing opportunity, you can still reclass them within an hour of their death. 

The danger in reclassing right after death is that their adrenaline will be flushing through their system and therefore they will still be on that adrenaline high.

4. When a mozu reaches adulthood.

It’s once more in this stage that they will grow into their adult form. This is the last opportunity for reclassing before they reach adulthood, but it can be done up to once an hour. 

After this point, reclassing will only be possible in the event of death or re-training. This is also when their level increases–so if they are on the verge of adulthood you can still re-class them to another tier.

5. When a mozu reaches adulthood.

It is not yet at their highest rank, it’s morning when it dies. However, it is common to see players waiting until their mozu reaches adulthood before reclassing. This is because they are less likely to die after reaching adulthood. 

There is another benefit to waiting, too!

This final reclassing opportunity gives you the chance at evolving them into a stronger form with higher stats and new skills and abilities! 

If you leave them in their previous tier until they reach adulthood, there’s no risk at all of reclassing away from what you want, and no risk of losing them in battle after they become adults.

6. When hunger and starvation reach their final stages

Hunger and starvation states do not disappear after reaching adulthood. They will continue to drain health and energy. If a mozu is starving or starving exhaustion is imminent, it is time to reclass them into a tier that has more food sources, water sources, and better shelter. 

Another reason why you should reclass your mos during the hunger/starvation state is if you wish to train it in its current tier.

It takes a longer time for the mozu to become hungry as well as take more damage as they age which can cause problems as they will be at this stage for longer.

7. When a mozu evolves into a tier

As the mozu grows up, they will evolve into a higher tier. This is usually done when they reach adulthood after becoming hungry for the first time. 

At this point, one of several things can happen: 

  • First, nothing will happen and your mozu’s hunger bar will read “satiated”.
  • Second, they will stay in their current tier and acquire new skills or abilities when they level up.
  • Third, they will evolve into a new form and become stronger than before.

In order to prevent a mozu from becoming a new species, a player must provide the correct food type and correct amount of food for the mozu. 

If a player re-classes a mozu into a new tier, they will have to wait 3-6 real life days before being able to reclass another one if they have available slots in their account.


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