Things Your Competitors Know About Haitian Celebrities


The spirit of carnival, or carnaval in French, is an old tradition that has been around for centuries. You can find this spirited celebration all over the Caribbean and Latin America. It usually takes place at the end of the year, just before Christmas; but it also happens before Easter. During this festival people wear masks and costumes, they dance in the street to music with drums and violins called “mèt tété”.  Haitian celebrities are influenced by the carnival that they see in France and other countries. For instance, the song “Mèt Tété” by Michel Martelly is a tribute to the carnival and its traditions. Haitian celebrities participate actively in carnival events. If you are interested in learning more about Haitian celebrities don’t miss our blog post on digital marketing ideas for Haitian celebrities! Find out how to get started and stay ahead of your competition.

Things Your Competitors Know About Haitian Celebrities :

1. Celebrity in Haiti:

The word “celebrity” means something very special to a lot of people, especially the Haitian people. There are many celebrities in Haiti but the most famous ones are: Mireille (fashion), Michel Martelly (music), and Eddy Bellegueule (show). All of these stars have millions of fans all over the world. In addition, there are other celebrities like Yolande Ouimette, Jude Mathieu, and Johnny Déluge.

2. What do these celebrities do?

Michel Martelly is a Haitian-American singer who was born in Haiti in 1974 and later moved to the United States where he became a singer. In the early 1990s, he released his debut album entitled “Mouny l’Indécision.” Many people thought that Michel Martelly was a man but he was just an actress. After this debut album, Martelly recorded many more albums with Billboard and Grammy Awards. He has also released covers of songs by other artists like Peter Gabriel’s “Big Time” and his own song “Mouny l’Indécision”. He has won many Grammys and Billboard Awards for his work in music.

Eddy Bellegueule is a famous Haitian singer and musician. Bellegueule was born in Port-au-Prince in 1965. He has released many albums, including “Kotélé” from 1995 and “Bellegueule Orange” from 2000. He is one of the most accomplished Haitian singers and musicians who has inspired people everywhere with his talent. In 2013, he won the prize for best singer at the Big Concert of Haiti award ceremony. Others are Michel Martelly, Johnny Déluge, Jude Mathieu, and Yolande Ouimette.

3. Why do they dress like this?

On carnival, or carnaval in French, people celebrate and enjoy the season. They wear masks with colorful feathers, different kinds of masks such as clowns, and other kinds of masks. In addition, they wear home-made costumes. The costumes are made by putting things like leaves and other things together to make a costume. Bellegueule and his friends each made their own costumes for the biggest carnival celebration known as the “Carnaval de Jobar”.

Why do some of them dress like this? They dress up so that people can recognize them during carnival celebrations in Haiti because Haitians celebrate by wearing these kinds of outfits during this time.

4. What is life like for a Haitian celebrity?

It is very good to be famous in Haiti; it means you have made something of yourself and you are rich. You can have anything you want and you have a lot of money to spend. These Haitian celebrities live in big houses with fancy cars and everything that they need in life. For example, Michel Martelly owns an impressive house in the mountains of Pétion-Ville, Pétion-Ville, a suburb of Port-au-Prince. He also owns a luxury villa on the beautiful island of La Gonâve near Jacmel.

5. Why are Haitian celebrities famous?

There are several reasons, but the most important ones are because they have talent and they work hard to achieve their goal. People like Yolande Ouimette and Eddy Bellegueule have worked very hard to achieve what they have in life. Their music influenced people all over the world, making them famous all over the world. 

Bellegueule has been singing since his childhood days. He is one of the most famous Haitian singers in Haiti who has been rehearsing with his brother, singing together for about ten years; and he was a soloist for several other bands before releasing his own album.

6. Why are they famous in France?

There are many reasons, but the most important thing that makes Haitian celebrities famous in France and all over the world is because of their music and dance styles. For instance, Bellegueule has been singing since his childhood days. 

He is one of the most famous Haitian singers in Haiti who has been rehearsing with his brother, singing together for about ten years; and he was a soloist for several other bands before releasing his own album. Michel Martelly is another well-known Haitian singer who has won awards for his work in music including the Grammy Award and Billboard Award. He also sings in French which makes him more popular outside of Haiti than others.


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