Is Cannabidiol a Good Sleeping Aid?

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A good night’s sleep comes with several advantages, including memory formation, boosting immunity, and muscle and tissue formation and repair. However, several people find it hard to fall or stay asleep due to disorders or mental complications.

As a result, many victims of sleep deprivation resort to various solutions such as prescription sleeping aids or natural procedures, depending on the cause. CBD regimen is also another famous remedy for sleep deprivation. 

However, many people still wonder whether spending on CBD capsules for sleep is worth investing in or empty hype. This article answers the question in the best way possible.

About Cannabis and Cannabinoids

Several people worldwide use cannabis, a general term for all products originating from Cannabis Sativa, for medical purposes or recreation. This plant contains numerous chemical compounds, including a cluster referred to as cannabinoids. 

Researchers have singled out only two cannabinoids out of over 100, which they feel have more impacts on the human brain. These products are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

Both cannabinoids have psychoactive impacts, except that CBD doesn’t cause impairment or addiction. Several studies have proven that it’s safe for human use and related it to several health benefits.

As a result, CBD is a common name in the USA, with more people considering the regimen for different health complications. However, scientific research on its benefits is still unclear, as most of the purported advantages do not link to it directly.

Research Cannabidiol & Sleeping Aid

The research linking CBD with the treatment of various sleep disorders is still insufficient. However, preliminary studies have linked CBD with helping patients suffering from REM sleep behavior disorder, insomnia, and excessive sleepiness during the day.

Similarly, research conducted on 103 patients struggling with poor sleep suggested that higher doses of CBD effectively improved their sleep.

How Can CBD Help With Sleep Disorders?

Results from studies report that patients who use CBD to ease minor discomforts experience better sleep. 

However, it’s still unclear whether they sleep better since CBD directly affects their sleep or because the product eliminates their distress.

Similarly, most people struggling with insomnia, who experience peak cortisol levels at night, leading to nightmares awakenings, have reported positive results after taking CBD. As such, CBD intake improves their sleep by lowering the cortisol hormones.

Either way, more research is still necessary to establish how CBD intervenes in helping sleep disorders and in addressing the discrepancies in dosage and administration.

Side Effects and Other Risks of CBD

Research has confirmed CBD to be generally well-tolerated to the human body. Thus, it doesn’t have significant side effects, and most of the risks are mild. 

For example, many people who use the product sometimes experience mental sedation and fatigue, and research has attributed this to dosages.

Again, patients on Epidiolex regimen may also experience gastrointestinal complications, including diarrhea, and others have also experienced drowsiness after using the product. Additionally, CBD sometimes interacts with other medications, which may lead to specific side effects.

CBD is generally safe, and different scientific researchers have attributed it to helping with quality sleep. However, most of these researches do not directly link the product to the benefits, warranting additional research on the purported uses. Do your due diligence before purchasing CBD capsules for sleep, and stay informed about the side effects.


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