Here’s a List of Gaming Consoles Ranked from Best to Worst!


If you’re a gaming enthusiast, then there’s a good chance that you’ve been playing on consoles your entire life. In this post Ilventofailsuogiro offers a list of all the major gaming consoles ranked from best to worst!

Here’s a List of Gaming Consoles Ranked from Best to Worst!


Most powerful console for virtual reality gaming. It’s also fairly affordable compared to other VR headsets on this list.

Nintendo Switch

A great system that provides you with both home and portable play. But it comes at a high price tag if you want more than just one or two games. Also, not compatible with many third party accessories including controllers without buying an additional adapter.

Nintendo Switch Lite

A great console if you’re looking for something more portable. But it’s not as powerful or HD as the other two consoles on this list. It also lacks a few features that are standard in most modern gaming systems including USB ports and Bluetooth connectivity to pair with third party controllers without additional adapters.

Nintendo Wii U 32GB Black Deluxe Set – $299 at Amazon


One of the greatest things about this console is that it can be played right off your TV or from a handheld tablet controller. It makes playing games more convenient than ever before! There’s also plenty of fun party titles such as Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. To enjoy with friends so everyone will have hours upon hours worth of content available for them to try out together. This system does skimp when it comes to hardware power. But the gamble paid off as Nintendo’s software is more than impressive enough to make up for it.


This console definitely has a unique control scheme that some gamers might not be used to. Also it lacks third party support compared to the other systems on this list. So you’ll have less options when deciding what games you want to buy and play. There’s also no backwards compatibility which is something we’d like all consoles out there to offer as well!

Xbox One S

Comparable to Playstation Pro in specs. This is less expensive by $100 dollars due to lack of HDR support for video playback and no Ultra HD Blu-ray player. The Xbox One X has better power than both the PS Pro AND Nintendo Switch while being priced higher at the same time! Here’s why Microsoft should really consider dropping its price tag even further after releasing their new model Xbox One X.

Playstation Pro

Here’s why Sony should really consider dropping its price tag even further after releasing their new model Playstation Pro. Be sure to check out our article on things you need to know about this gaming console before buying it!

Playstation VITA Slim (WiFi/16GB Memory) – $189 at Amazon


The PlayStation Vita offers tons of great games that will keep you busy for hours on end with its strong first party game offerings as well as impressive third party titles like Borderlands II . There’s also cross buy options available. So if you own both the PS Vita version and the PSN digital copy then it’ll be free to download digitally or vice versa. This option allows double dipping fans to get the most bang for their buck. The PS Vita offers some unique experiences like media streaming, remote play on your PS TV device and even PSP backwards compatibility to keep you entertained no matter what type of game you’re in the mood for.


Here are some of our least favorite aspects about this console. As they definitely brought down its ranking in comparison with others on this list. The battery life lasts for only three hours tops but can easily be extended by plugging in your system whenever possible or using an external USB charger if needed.

Xbox One X

The most powerful system available with better power than both the PSPro AND Nintendo Switch while being priced higher at the same time! Here’s why Microsoft should really consider lowering their price tag. If they want more people purchasing this amazing gaming system that can handle anything thrown at it including virtual reality gaming, Ultra HD video playback and more!

Xbox One 500GB Console – $349 at Amazon


Here are some of our favorite features about this console! It has a sleek new design that can be placed either vertically or horizontally. It means you won’t have to worry about taking up too much space anymore. There’s also plenty of great titles like Halo , Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive available with many more expected in the near future so there’ll always be something fun to play if you’re looking for an action packed experience. You can even record your gameplay footage then upload, share and edit them directly from your system without having to use pesky cables or capture cards!


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