College On A Budget: 8 Tips

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You’ve taken the first steps into your post-secondary journey, which is exciting. Now it’s time to start planning for the future and for a more affordable option of school and sjvc brightspace. Despite what you might have heard, there are plenty of ways to go to college on a budget. Your options will vary in cost and distance from you, but all of them will lead you in the right direction with your newfound independence. You can read more about these tips and how they apply to your unique situation by clicking here!

Eight tips to survive in a college on a budget:

1. Stay on campus in a dorm room

While all the cool kids are moving off campus, it might not be the smartest move financially. While the freedom of living on your own might be appealing, living in a dorm room on campus can save you a lot of money. Depending on where you go to school, you can usually see a significant decrease in rent by sticking around campus. Not only that, but you’ll also have access to all the perks that come with having an active student ID.

2. Look for a summer job

College classes are practically worthless without any experience to back them up. A summer job will help you gain real world skills, which are highly valuable in today’s job market. For example, if you want to get into the PR or marketing business, working as a sales associate at your local retail store is a great option. If you have time on your hands, work one on one with an established marketing firm for some professional advice and connections. Or, if you truly want to stand out from the crowd, teach math or tutoring for an extra income.

3. Borrow books from the library instead of buying them

The average college student spends over $1,200 a year on textbooks. This can add up quickly, especially if you end up dropping a class or two by the end of the year. Your best bet for saving money is to get your hands on any used books you can find and borrow them from your school library. Most schools have several books related to each class, so you should be able to find at least one to use for free. If not, check online if you can buy the book that way.

4. Save your scholarship money

College is an investment in your future, so it’s important to treat it as such. Before you go off and spend all that free money you just received, consider saving it for the next semester. This will take a bit of self-control, but it’s much better than having to borrow from a third party because you’re cash-strapped.

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5. Eat at school

If your meal plan is comparable to your tuition, then eat on campus for all three meals. College food is notoriously expensive and if you can avoid that pitfall, then do it! Even better, check out the dining hall hours during off peak hours (i.e. lunch time). This will allow you to save money because you’re actually going to eat, not just buying a meal card.

6. Work out in the library

There are plenty of fitness centers around the world, but they might be too much of an investment on your end. Instead, you can use the campus gym and eat your lunch there. This helps save time and money because it’s right on campus. Plus, it allows you to maximize your gym time by working out outside of class and taking advantage of the different areas available when working out on campus is possible with a little creativity! 

7. Get used to doing without when possible 

Talking with other students could help you find opportunities that aren’t normally advertised . For example, checking in with your local church is a great way to learn about volunteer opportunities that are available for students. Another great way to get involved on campus is by working for one of the many offices around campus if you have some flexibility in your schedule. While these aren’t lucrative jobs, they can help you network with other people and make valuable contacts that can benefit you as time goes on. 

8. Learn how to pass classes 

If you’re thinking college is just one big party, think again! You will have to study hard if you want to earn the grades needed to graduate on time – and stand out from the crowd! There are plenty of websites out there that offer free or very cheap study guides. Plus, you can always find a little help by reading our college study tips. With all of these great strategies up your sleeve, you’ll be able to save money in no time!

Conclusion of the article:

Learning how to budget is essential in life. You will have to work hard, but not as hard as you think in order to accomplish your goals. Educate yourself and learn from other people who have actually done it. I am positive that you will be able to do it because you are reading this article now aren’t you?


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