How Will Furniture Be In The Future


Future furniture might be personalized, with customizable designs and materials that can take your shape, weight or other dimensions into account. Furniture could also be intelligent and intuitive. It could even serve as a companion, taking on the role of a co-worker. A home with furniture will be able to learn how you live and adjust itself accordingly, or it could just go ahead and grow with your family. The future is going to be big, and that means having furniture that’s ready for it. Pali baby furniture is a major supplier of high quality, beautiful and trendy baby furniture in the United Kingdom including portable, cot and playpen sets and highchair trays.

The 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show will have a number of companies displaying and showing off what they believe the future of home furniture will be. Start-ups, established brands and major brands alike. But no matter how they try to make it sound, it’s hard to justify spending a hefty chunk of change on furniture that won’t fit into your living room next year or even next month. But whether we want to admit it or not, furniture will indeed be different in the future. And if any of the new innovations presented at CES become popular enough, they might end up in homes around the world. 

How Will Furniture Be In The Future :

1. Customized Furniture

The way we tailor clothes to fit our bodies has been around for ages. Clothing is traditionally made by hand, altering the piece and giving it the perfect fit for each individual person. The future will bring us furniture that does just that – allowing you to “try on” a table or couch at home, adjusting the scale and size to your specific needs. 

In addition, furniture of the future could be made of different materials. You’ll be able to mix and match variations, such as features in one material and accessories made from something else. All of these features will be available for customization and personalization, whether you want something extra plush, lightweight or budget-friendly.

2. Intelligent and Intuitive Furniture

Just as smart homes have the potential to become a reality in the future, furniture could act as a partner in your home – it will know when you’re using it and change its settings accordingly. For example, that chair is going to be able to remember your preferred temperature setting or maybe even suggest whether you’d like a stiff drink after work every evening. Furniture can also become an extension of your computer, with tech built in that allows you to wirelessly charge devices, stream media and even project data onto walls or screens with incredible clarity.

3. Smart Home Furniture

One big trend in the future of home furniture is that it will help shape your home around the way you live and use things. For example, furniture may be kept portable so it can be moved from one room to another, taking on a variety of different purposes as needed. The furniture of the future will also be designed so that you can customize it to suit your tastes, whether you want to adjust its height or make small changes in size and shape. If a piece of furniture really doesn’t fit into your house anymore because the layout changed or you simply don’t need it anymore, you’ll be able to sell it and replace it with something better suited for your new lifestyle.

4. Furniture That Grows with You

Furniture that’s able to adapt itself to the needs of a growing family is the kind of innovation that the future can’t come soon enough. Let’s say you have three kids, and a table for two just doesn’t cut it anymore. In the future, your table may be able to transform into one large piece and some extra chairs will appear from underneath. If you’re really ambitious with your design and need more seating, maybe even add elephant trunks on the side? Of course, this isn’t all just fantasy: researchers at MIT have been working on this idea since 2010 in an effort to make furniture more easily transportable and flexible.

5. Augmented Reality Furniture

The term “augmented reality” is something we’re all familiar with, even if we don’t realize it. It’s one of those words that’s used in everyday conversation but sounds entirely foreign too. Essentially, augmented reality combines real-life images with computer-generated images so that you can see people or objects in a digital world. It could be used for furniture – viewing a photo of your dining table on the computer would allow you to visualize the furniture properly and make changes to the dimensions if needed. 

It could even show you what the table looks like in a different room and demonstrate how it would look with different decorations around it. Augmented reality furniture takes customization to the next level, allowing you to do things like create a new side table from a photo of your existing piece of furniture.

6. Flexible Furniture

Furniture that’s able to be moved with ease is one key aspect of futuristic design, and it will also be incredibly useful for families with kids. Kids may even be able to customize their furniture to fit their size and the setting in which they’re using it. For example, a comfortable chair that you can collapse into a small ball so you can squeeze it into a tight space when needed. One day, this may even come to life, with furniture designed from the ground up with kids’ needs in mind. Although smaller versions of this concept already exist, including tables that fold flat for easy transport and are adjustable for comfortable seating for adults too.


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