Here’s My Secret Sauce for Success in 444 prophecy News.

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What is  444prophecy News?

444prophecy News is a Bible-believing, Jesus-loving website dedicated to cutting through the spin of mainstream media and getting to the truth about what’s going on in this world. We’re not here to tell you what you should think or how you should feel; we’re here as your megaphone, telling people that enough is enough.

You won’t find any of that nonsense on our site – just the truth, in unvarnished detail. We’ll expose sin so sinners can be delivered and saints can be strengthened. And we’ll show light so that darkness might retreat. We live in an era when evil has become powerful, yet good remains all too often silent. God has given us a voice to use.Will you stand with us?

Our site offers news updates, editorials, commentaries, and even a regular podcast (The Daily Prophetic in the sidebar) with the goal of informing you and training you in the prophetic. Curious? Click HERE to learn more about what goes on here at 444prophecy News and who’s behind it all. And if you think this ministry is for you, read about our passion for having a global impact HERE . If you’d like to get involved, click on any of the links in that last paragraph or just click HERE . We look forward to being in touch! You will be kept informed as events unfold.


Please use this article as a source for your research, but do not make it your sole source. This site is not intended to replace the Lord’s guidance, but rather, to build you up in your faith in Him. He is the only one who can direct you into all truth (John 16:13). For more information on the life of Joseph and his leadership, see The Life and Times of Joseph.

Features of 444prophecy News:

The main page of the site is updated with news relevant to our purpose and mission. It also has a radio widget that plays the Daily Prophetic, an audio message by Joseph Chambers. An archive of all articles published since the beginning of this ministry is available on this website. All articles are marked by category, making it easier to locate related information in a specific area. A blog is available for you to comment on each article and make suggestions regarding its content. 

Please note: All comments made on 444 prophecy News are moderated before they appear online so there may be a slight delay before your comment appears in public view. 444prophecy News is also updated regularly with a weekly prophetic report (see below), as well as articles on Prayer and Prophetic Prayer, and other topics that may be of interest to the Body of Christ. Also available is a free Advent series by Joseph Chambers.

Current events:

To read the most recent news regarding the prosperity gospel, or whatever the latest “hot topic” in the world of religion might be, click on Dr. Steve Greene’s section (He wrote several books about this topic). You’ll read what Dr. Greene has to say about these issues and how he interprets them according to Biblical prophecy.


The Daily Prophetic: Joseph Chambers has a two-minute daily radio program that he broadcasts through SkyAngel Ministries. Each day he brings his perspective on current events in light of Bible prophecy. Joseph’s approach is informative and entertaining so you will learn while being encouraged and entertained. The radio program is free and can be heard online by clicking on the widget on the main page or through SkyAngel Ministries’ site (linked above). The radio program dates back to 2009, yet still offers relevant information today, seven years later! The programs are available online as well in case you would like to listen to them in an audio format. 


Joseph Chambers, founder of 444prophecy News, has a podcast available on iTunes. His program is called The Daily Prophetic and focuses on Bible prophecy. Joseph teaches the context of current events in light of Bible prophecy to show that there is meaning behind it all. His program covers topics related to both the end times as well as current events. Joseph has been broadcasting these programs since 2009 and they are still very relevant today! 


If you would like to support this ministry financially, you can do so here. Any amount helps! (Note: This donation will not be tax deductible.) You can also choose to support by prayer or with your time or talent instead if you prefer. The focus of this ministry is not money and that means we have no paid positions or staff. We are all volunteers who believe in the importance of this mission! 

We hope you will consider supporting this ministry by making a donation, but no matter what your choice, know that you are greatly appreciated! Thank you for visiting 444 prophecy News and we hope to see you again soon. 


There are several advantages to being a member of 444 prophecy News. First, you will receive an email newsletter of relevant news articles, with a prophetic perspective. Second, you will be able to comment directly on the article being discussed (called talking points). Third, you will be able to join the Q & A forum for that day’s article that answers questions about the article being discussed. Fourth, if you are interested in making a donation (supporting this ministry financially).


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