Cracking The Jailbait Archives Code


In this post, we take a look at the often-confusing metadata inside of a jailbait archive and how to decode it. While there are many different types of r jailbaitarchives, most will have the same basic metadata tags. Breaking these down into understandable portions is key in understanding how your favorite uploader has been storing their content.

Some of the JailBait Archives secrets are:

1. Jailbait Archives tend to not have thumbnails, instead having a large image.

These large images take a lot of space if needed to be downloaded. If you have a jailbait archive and need to save space, you can always use a program to extract out the images, delete the original archive and save yourself a lot of space.

2. They have all the information.

Another Secret of JailBait Archives is that they tend to have little information on the amount of pictures they contain. Most uploaders will put their name as the number of pictures or jpgs in the archive. Example “XXX,25” this means that there are 25 jpegs in the zip file for one particular uploader.

3. Most Jailbait Archives don’t have the size on them either. 

The size of the archive is often left off in the file. If you have to download them, you will want to get a program that can view the archive and tell you if it is MB or GB.

4. They use Image Hosting Sites.

Jailbait Archives will sometimes use other hosts like imgur for their pictures. If you find one that does, you can often save bandwidth by going to an image host site and looking up their content directly from there. 

5. Most have a good amount of archives in each series archive folder .

They are usually made up of pictures from only one or two uploaders. If there are a lot of pictures from many different uploaders, they may separate the series in folders.

6. Most have EXIF data on them.

This can sometimes give you some insight into where they come from and where they go on their site. It also gives you insight into the personal information of the uploader. For example, “GDL is CDLC’s cousin” may be an EXIF value found in a particular archive folder that indicates that GDL is known not just as CDLC’s cousin, but also as Darklover at some point after his first picture was uploaded to jailbait archive .


7. They often have “Cumdumpster” in them.

If you see this in a title or filename, it means that they are somehow related to Cumdumpster. Often they are interchangeable with each other, as both of their names appear in the folders and titles of various archives. 

8. They usually have a lot of pics within an archive folder .

Most JailBait Archives are made up of pictures from one uploader, so there should be very few pictures contained within any given folder. It is possible for there to be more than one picture within a folder, but it is rare that there would be double digits worth of pictures (especially if the filenames are numbered).

9. They are usually converted to jpegs.

If you find an archive that is just a giant folder of jpgs it could be because they had already converted the pics to jpegs on their server as opposed to just dumping extra pictures into the folder.

10. They usually have a very small file size.

Jailbait Archives tend to have much smaller file size than the originals. This can be a by-product of everything being dumped into one folder, but it is much easier for them to make those small file sizes if they are not having to load large archives like movies on their site.

11. They almost always have links in them .

While not every link will work, it is common to find at least a few links in each Jailbait Archive. These links tend to be broken and/or modified, but they will still lead you somewhere. The most common place to see these links is in the filenames of the pictures (though there are sometimes actual file paths that are included as comments on the files).

12. They can have a lot of pictures (like 200+) in a small amount of space .

If you see that one folder contains 200 or more pictures it may have been made up of many different uploaders, or it might be a compilation of pictures that were made at the same time.

13. They include pictures larger than the original picture size.

This is something that you will find in almost all Jailbait Archives. Most uploaders will shrink their pictures down to reduce space on their site, but they will still upload the original picture to their archive as it was taken. This means that if you find a picture where the filename seems to be out of order, it is possible that it was uploaded by another person at a different time, even though it appears to have been added at the same time as other versions of that picture. This can also happen if there are size variations (like one version having an additional square in a bikini)


Jailbait Archives are not that hard to understand. With a few tips about what to look for, you can easily get a good idea of what is actually inside the file.

Thanks for reading!


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