Learn What are the Six types of startups


The startup community is big, busy and fluid. It’s not just about social media startups or games like Angry Birds. Without even realizing, many people are already entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is more about adopting a new idea regardless of your experience and expertise. It’s about taking an idea that you believe in and building it into something successful. There are many different ways to start a startup, each requiring its own set of skills and experience.

This article Jobsrose.com breaks down the most common types of startups and will walk you through the steps to setting one up. If you are an entrepreneur or are just interested in what works, this is a great way to gain knowledge of some common types of startups.

Startups come in many different flavors, but some share a common DNA. They all require a core group of people who know how to work together, communicate effectively and innovate their product or service. Some successful startups require fewer than ten people and others require hundreds or thousands.

There are many types of startups, so it can be hard to keep up with the different categories. To get started, let’s look at six common categories of startups.

1.The Web App Company

The classic startup is the web app company, and it’s a great place to start for many beginning entrepreneurs because it’s inexpensive and it can scale with ease. It also requires low technical skills and little capital. One of the more notable examples of this type of startup is Facebook, which was basically a three-person web app company before it got big enough to require serious venture capital backing.

2.The Mobile App Company

Mobile app startups are the newest concept in startup success because they require fewer resources and come with a less expensive bill of goods than other startups. The software industry as a whole is shifting toward mobile apps, so mobile startups have been popping up everywhere, including in places you wouldn’t expect – such as the health and fitness industry.

3.The Social Media Startup

Social media startups have grown rapidly in popularity over the past few years, particularly on Facebook and Twitter. This type of company could be considered a hybrid between web app companies and mobile app companies that are built around a social networking site, newspaper or video sharing site like YouTube. These companies typically use inexpensive tools to procure their start-up capital and focus on developing their audience as opposed to making a profit.

4.The Vodka Business

Vodka startups are pretty rare, but it just goes to show you how unpredictable startup life can be. They’re vodka and spirits companies that are trying to make money of the “spirit lifestyle” sector. This is a great example of why being a startup entrepreneur is such a fluid and constantly changing environment – you never know where you will end up!

5.The Hardware Business

Hardware startups are things like tablets, smartphones or new technology companies like the Pebble watch or 3D printing. They all have very specific needs that often go outside the bounds of what most people think of as a “startup company”, but they are all still startups in the sense that they focus on making a profit from an idea and serving their clients. 

The more innovative hardware companies often face a lot of hurdles when it comes to mass distribution for their products and communication with their clients, but it’s great to see these types of ventures make it through and succeed in spite of those things.

6.The Corporate Startup

Corporate startups are big businesses that leverage startup strategies to stay on top of their game in the cutthroat world of business. They’re powered by a solid business plan, passion and a lot of money. Some notable examples of corporate startups include Microsoft, Google and Intuit.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good place to start.

-The startup is a new venture (something that’s brand new) or has not been around long enough to have a proven track record. The startup can also have an innovative idea, but the company must be able to show that it has money to back up its idea. 

-The startup must be able to advertise how it will make money and how it can scale its operations before going out into the marketplace and pitching customers. The goal of most startups is simply gaining traction in the marketplace.

-The startup must be able to show that it has a sustainable business model. Many entrepreneurs will make a big claim or promise, but they don’t back it up. This is a common mistake and can be fatal to the startup’s chances of success.


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