15 Things to Do When You Hire Your First Employee


Hiring your first employee can be a daunting task. It’s important to do the right research and understand what you need to do before, during, and after hiring someone. In this post, Something With Numbers will go over 15 things that every employer should know about their first employee from how to hire them correctly to tips for managing them effectively. Follow these 15 steps and you’ll find yourself with a great new addition to your team!

People, Business, Meeting

Hire someone with a different skill set

The first thing you should do when hiring your first employee is to hire someone who has vastly different skills than yourself. While it may seem beneficial to have similar abilities, having an assistant that can handle tasks that would normally be too advanced. For the average business owner it will make things much easier down the road. By doing this, you are able to create more time in order to focus on long-term projects and prevent burnout.

One mistake entrepreneurs often make is trying to fill every position themselves or delegating work prematurely. Because they don’t know what type of help they need just yet. Remember no one person can possibly have all the necessary talents required for success. So take advantage of potential weaknesses by outsourcing and don’t be too afraid to ask for help.

Stay humble and patient

A major mistake many new entrepreneurs make is assuming their first employee will immediately be capable of taking over the entire business by themselves. While you can begin building a strong relationship with them right away. Allow them time to get acclimated before putting all your trust in one person alone. While it’s exciting to have someone who shares similar values and interests work alongside you. Remember that they may require some more hand-holding early on. So try not to lose hope if things aren’t working out as quickly as expected! Once everyone has settled into their roles then this problem should no longer exist. But always keep in mind that every successful startup requires a certain degree of patience and persistence.

Improve your own abilities to lead a team

Once you have a full-time assistant, this is the perfect time for you to take some personal development courses or read up on management practices. So that you can improve as a leader by implementing what works best in your business. If there are certain weaknesses within yourself. Then it only makes sense to try and strengthen them now before they become too hard to fix later down the road! By taking advantage of the resources available through educational institutions such as DeVry University – Online. Continuing education centers or other entrepreneurial organizations then all aspects of starting a business will be much simpler than if left unattended. Try out these 15 ways next time someone asks how one manages their employees. Because it will make a world of difference.

Keep your employees on task and accountable for their actions

It’s important to set clear expectations with the people who work under you in order to ensure that they stay productive while at work. This can be done by creating strong, actionable goals. It outlines exactly what is expected of them during certain milestones throughout the week or month then following up on these tasks afterwards. So that everyone knows where they stand. If there are ever questions about how an employee should prioritize different types of projects. Then it would be wise to review this list before making any decisions together as a team! Without holding each other accountable issues such as laziness, lack of communication and poor overall will begin creeping into the workplace. So make sure everyone is on the same page and knows exactly what they’re supposed to be doing.

Don’t micromanage

It may seem like a good idea in theory but there’s no need to check up on your employees or nag them about how much work should be done while at their desks. Because all this will do is waste time that could otherwise be spent productively. While you still want to make it clear that deadlines are required, try giving some leeway with these along with other tasks. So there aren’t any misunderstandings down the road. It can help for new entrepreneurs to use examples of similar projects when explaining things such as scope creep. Because it makes everything easier for both parties involved! Over-scheduling yourself can also lead to a lack of productivity. So make sure that you aren’t doing too much work yourself while the team is trying to get things done.

Communicate clearly and always be open for feedback

It’s important to remember that every single employee comes with their own set of experiences, interests and skill-sets which may differ from yours or others who previously worked in this role before them. In order for everyone to understand one another then it would be best if these differences were addressed immediately instead of allowing tension to grow over time. Because there are boundless benefits when employees feel comfortable enough around each other! By taking the initiative during certain milestones along especially during times where changes need to be made will help alleviate any future problems within your business. It should be an obvious priority for anyone who’s running their own company.


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