This Is How Journalists Will Look Like In 10 Years Time


Journalists have been severely decimated by the latest technology, the data cloud. The original idea of the data cloud was to break up traditional media into pieces and disperse them throughout society, providing journalists with diversity in sources and audiences. Journalists would be free to focus on analysis rather than gathering information over long periods of time, which was traditionally necessary for news stories.Zehabesha news today youtube  is nothing like the news of yesterday. In the last decade Zehabesha,is a new kind of journalism that has emerged from this approach.

More access to people and events can be checked almost instantly by the online news-gatherer, with the added advantage of being able to select facts and individualize stories. I know it seems a little bit messy right now, but surely it will work out in time.

How Journalists Will Look Like In 10 Years Time :

1. Journalists will be able to tailor their stories for specific audiences.

Journalists have always wanted to do this, but the internet has enabled them to do so. Whereas in the past people had less control over what they viewed, now people can choose what they read and from whom. News outlets no longer have a monopoly over news reporting and writing. People can choose whether they want to hear from a particular source or not. So now more journalists are trying to write things that appeal specifically to their readership.

2. Journalists will take advantage of their mobile devices to gather information from their sources or from the public.

This is already happening, journalists are already getting information on their phones or tablets. From sources like Twitter or Facebook, journalists can ask people what they think about certain matters and report this back to the news outlet. As a result, a trend of online journalism has become popular for both major and minor news outlets alike. Online journalism does not only consist of writing stories on an online platform, but also simply taking photos of things and posting them in social media networks in the hope that someone will share it with others.

3. Journalism will move more towards the way investigative magazines work.

Investigative magazines are known for their high quality journalism, often exposing things that major newspapers and news agencies have missed. This is done by investigating complex stories which take months if not years to surface. With the internet, it is easier for people to do this kind of investigation and it can be done more quickly due to the accessibility of information online.

4. Journalists will use podcasts to reach out to their audiences effectively.

Podcasts are one of the most effective ways a journalist can stay in contact with his or her audience throughout time, which is vital in a fast-paced media world where news stories change every second and even minutes matter.

5. Journalists will link their content to other content written by other journalists and news sources.

Traditional journalists have always wanted to do this as well, but the internet has enabled them to do so. As a result of this, digital journalism has become increasingly popular. People can see what other people are saying about an event and how different people are reacting to it, which is essential for journalism because it enables them to be accurate in their reporting. 

6. Journalists will be able to communicate with their audiences in one language if they choose.

It has always been hard for journalists to gain an audience in different parts of the world and this is an example of why it is important to provide quality journalism that people can relate to and understand. However, today’s international news coverage has evolved and it has become a lot easier for major and minor news agencies alike to get international news from different sources, even from countries that do not speak the same language as them. This can be achieved through cross-platform forms of communication through social media networks or online platforms such as cnet, where all users are currently able to reach out to other users in different languages through instant messenger.

7. Journalists will be able to report on the same stories as other journalists and news outlets.

This can be good or bad, depending on whether the story is true or not. Many people have been duped by lies in recent years, so it will be interesting to see how this will play out in the next decade. However, it has also encouraged media freedom, which is essential for any democracy to work. This increased media freedom means that journalists are not limited by traditional sources of information, such as their editors and publishers telling them what to write about and when.


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