The Fascinating Science of Marketing Course.

Content marketing
Content marketing

What is a Marketing course?

Marketing is a distinctive study of many different fields, like psychology, sociology, business, and economics. It also draws on other disciplines to understand the consumption of goods and services in an economy. In this course you will learn how businesses use marketing concepts in their day-to-day operation and how to successfully market your own company through the use of these concepts.

Use of this course:

This course is to be used by any person who wants to learn marketing. Apart from this, the training can be used for the following purposes. Students who are interested in pursuing a marketing career would find this course to be very useful for their interview preparations. 

This is due to the fact that this course will help them get a better understanding of how marketers think about their business and its consumers. Students can use this course as an aid when studying for their exams. It will also provide them with an insight into how students who have previously taken up a marketing career would study for their exams. The same concept applies to students who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs in the near future.

Pros of the course:

The following are some of the advantages that students will gain from this course.

· Students will gain a better understanding of marketing strategies.

· Students will learn how to market their own business successfully. 

· Students will be able to create effective brand images.

· Students will know what the different types of marketers do. 

· Students will be able to understand the workings of marketing departments. 

· They can learn the differences between an “independent” and “arm’s length” relationship. 

· They would have an insight into how and why a business succeeds or fails in the marketplace.

Cons of the course:

As with all courses there are some drawbacks to this course as well.

· It is not a course that can be studied in isolation. The student will require the use of other material like books and practice papers, etc.

· The student is required to work hard if they want to complete this course successfully due to the amount of material that they are expected to cover in a given period of time.

· There is no guarantee that the student will get better grades in their exams after studying this course. It all depends on how seriously they take the lessons, exams and assignments.

· Lastly, some students may find it difficult to understand the concepts being introduced early on in the course.

Job opportunities:

Students have the opportunity to get a job in any industry. The different industries which employ individuals who have undertaken this course include banks, retail, advertising agencies and real estate agencies. You can also visit for more information.

“The Economist” magazine gave it a rating of 5 stars out of 5. The course has also received positive feedback from “USA Today”, “The Wall Street Journal”, and “The Huffington Post”. It has been rated as one of the best marketing courses available on the market and has received many positive comments on its effectiveness towards helping students become better marketers.

Future of this course:

It has become very clear that the course is steadily gaining popularity. This is because of the many positive reviews it has received on the Internet. In addition to this, the course has won several awards and nominations, which helps to show how effective it is.

It was awarded “Best Education Institution of 2012” by iBusiness Awards and was nominated by Apple Inc. as the best education App on iTunes in 2011. The “Marketing Communication Dictionary” book, authored by Ranjan Kumar Sharma, is included in this course. The book describes marketing communication in a simple manner, thus making learning easy for students who have never taken up a marketing course before.

Cost of the course:

The cost of this course differs depending on what country the student is located in. In the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, pricing starts from $97. In India, Singapore and Australia, it starts from $97 as well.

Who developed the course?

The Marketing Course was developed by Ranjan Kumar Sharma. He has a marketing degree from Manchester Business School and he has been teaching marketing for the last 18 years. He is currently working as a marketing lecturer at Bedfordshire Business School in England. Sharma is also an independent consultant who specializes in marketing consultancy and training courses.

How many lectures do they have?

The program consists of 16 lectures in total, each lasting between 12 and 15 minutes. The lectures are delivered in an engaging manner by Sharma himself as he has a soothing voice that keeps the student engaged throughout every lecture. This keeps them from getting bored and losing interest in what they are learning about.

What learning methods are used?

The Marketing Course uses an image based system that allows students to learn using graphics instead of text. The interactive system provides students with a better understanding of how marketing works in real life situations.


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