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How to blog from an iPhone?

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You don’t need to be a tech buff or even know how to write HTML code to blog from your iPhone. 

No matter if you’re looking for a simple app that lets you post and share photos and videos or an app that will allow you to create posts with media, we’ve got the perfect one for you. 

It’s now easier than ever with intuitive and easy to use blogging apps for iphone

Check them out, and choose the one that fits your blogging style. There are tons of apps on the App Store that do just about everything you need to blog which makes them perfect for people new to blogging. 

While there are more traditional bloggers who prefer their blogs to be on WordPress or Blogspot, there are many people who would rather write for an iPhone than a desktop computer. 

Here are some tips on how to blog from an iPhone-

1. Decide what kind of blogger you want to be.

Are you more into photos or videos? Perhaps you love writing about your day to day experiences, or perhaps you’re trying to start a blog for business. 

For bloggers who are looking for an easy way to blog, this is the perfect App Store. 

There are blogging apps that mainly focus on photos like Instagram and there are blogging apps with tons of features like BlogPress, which allows for easy posting and has many different options. It all depends on your blogging style.

2. Decide how often to blog.

If you plan on blogging multiple times a day, the BlogPress app is definitely for you. But if you only post once or twice a week it might be better off with the Instagram app.

It all depends on how much time you want to spend on blogging and whether or not you’re planning to share your experiences with other people.

3. Find an easy way to share your experiences with people.

With Instagram, you can quickly share photos and videos with other people through your friends’ Instagram account. 

If you’re looking for a smarter way of blogging, BlogPress has an auto-post feature that will automatically post on your blog when you get a certain number of new comments. 

For people who use smartphones to create things like photos and videos, shareable links work well with their blogging style. With MarketMeUp , you can combine all of your posts and photos in one place so they can be seen by others very easily.

4. Get the right tools and apps for your blogging needs.

Whether you’re a newbie blogger or a seasoned one, some tools and apps are definitely worth using. For those who just want to post photos, Instagram is the perfect choice. 

BlogPress is a great app for those who love posting stories about their day-to-day experiences with photos and videos. MarketMeUp can be a great option for those who want to create more of an online business with photo/video sharing on their blog. 

There are more blogging apps available on the App Store, but these four apps shown above will definitely help you start your journey as a blogger from your iPhone.

5. Learn to use the phone.

There are so many amazing things you can do with your phone, that it’s only right to learn how to use it. The first thing you need to do is find yourself a tutorial or two on how to use your phone. If you’re thinking of starting a blog, this will be extremely helpful for you. 

Once you’re able to use your phone for blogging, download one of the apps from the list above and give it a go! 

6. Pay attention when you post or share something from an iPhone?

There’s no doubt that there are people who will be flooded with content when they start putting their observations and experiences online with their iPhone.

I’m one of them. I’m not really sure why I get so much interest, maybe it’s because I don’t want to stay in the same place all the time. 

Whatever it is, you’ll get a lot of attention when you post something online with your iPhone. Just remember to respond to comments and try to keep yourself interested with the rest of your posts. You’ll learn soon enough how to write about things that people want to read!

7. Find out how blogging goes with other blogging apps.

There are tons of options for bloggers on the App Store today. The Bloggers App is one of the most popular blog apps that allow you to post photos and videos directly on your blog without having to download anything. 

By just sharing photos and videos directly on your blog, people can view it straight after you’ve taken it. You can also listen to music, look at different news sources, watch YouTube videos and so much more.

Benefits of Blogging

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Blogging is a powerful tool for building your personal brand. Blogging is also an effective way to connect with friends, family, and co-workers outside of your physical location. 

However, blogging requires time and effort that not everyone is willing to dedicate. 

Does it still make sense for you, is blogging worth it?

Here are some things you might consider before signing up to start a blog.

The Benefits of Blogging

1) Digital Presence.

It’s difficult to market yourself without a digital presence these days. How do people find you online? How do they know what you offer or who you are? 

A blog will provide a strong online image with qualities such as professionalism, credibility, etc. It will help build buzz about what you offer.

2) Authority.

Having a blog establishes you as an expert in your field. It helps build relationships with other bloggers and provides a place to network. 

Blogging creates a level of trust that you have something worthwhile to say, and it also puts you on the map as someone who cares about what they’re talking about.

3) Social Media.

Blog content can be shared through social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This platform allows you to share and promote your ideas and help build an audience.

4) Expand Your Network.

Blogging opens up a world of possibilities for building new relationships and meeting new people with common interests.

Blogging also gives you the opportunity to become active in your niche community by interacting with others who share similar experiences as you do. 

5) Make it a Business.

Blogging is a small business. It’s not an extra service you perform as a freelancer. It’s a valuable asset for your personal brand. 

Defining yourself as the expert in your niche, will attract clients to work with you. It will also allow you to create products and services that speak directly to the needs of your audience. 

Bloggers who do not use their blog for business purposes are wasting their time. You should monetize your blog to keep all the initial investments that went into it intact, even if sometimes you might just save money on hosting expenses .

6) Become an entrepreneur.

If your blog is anything like mine, you tend to get an idea in your head and you want to run with it. Blogging will allow you to start a business with the push of a button. It gives you flexibility and allows you to work from anywhere in the world. 

You can set your own hours and work at any given time that works for you. If an idea comes into your head while climbing a mountain, swimming in the ocean, or taking a nap after lunch then all that’s stopping you is getting that idea up on paper and posting it on the Internet. 

Blogging also allows for multiple streams of income so if one fades out, there are others ready to take its place.

7) Your knowledge is your most valuable asset.

Think of blogging as a bank account for all your information. Blogging allows you to store important documents in the cloud so they are always available to you, no matter where you are or what device you use. 

You can also save your business process files in the cloud so they are automatically backed up when you save them. 

Most blogging platforms allow for backups of their databases which can be used when they fail, for example when there’s a server crash or website is hacked into or when someone has deleted all posts since June 1, 2009.

8. Increase Your Income.

Money earned through blogging can be used to pay off credit card balances or even to start an ecommerce store. 

If you are in the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey, blogging can help build your brand and earn some money to put towards your business.

9. Create a community.

A blog provides a place where people can interact with you and share their thoughts, ideas, and comments about topics that are relevant to your business or industry. 

You will also have the opportunity to share information about your new products or services with them on your blog. 

You always want to be sure you’re sharing good content that is relevant and helpful, but that’s also fun for people who read it regularly on a daily basis.

10. Make Connections.

A blog is an awesome way to connect with like-minded individuals in your niche. Blogging expands your network and allows you to establish relationships with people who share your interests. 

You can also gain followers, which is awesome when it comes time for you to promote any new stuff that you’ve got going on in your business. 

Pocket friendly equipments for video bloggers

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Many people start out on a video blog because it gives them the ability to express themselves and share their thoughts with others. 

They hope that by doing this they will find success in their endeavors. Fortunately for them, it is not as difficult as they first think. 

There are many different kinds of equipment for video blogging you can use to make your videos look polished and professional. 

By purchasing these items, you will be able to create a video blog that reflects your individual style.

Here are some Pocket friendly equipment for video bloggers-

1.Video Camera

The video camera is probably one of the most important items on your list. The camera you choose should meet your expectations, be affordable, and easy to use. 

You can find these cameras at just about any retailer these days. You can even find them in stores that specialize in electronics. 

It is always a good idea to read online reviews before buying any type of camera to ensure its quality and capabilities meet all of your needs.

2.Camera Tripod or GorillaPod Tripod

A tripod will provide you with consistency when recording videos. Whether you are moving the camera around while filming or sitting still, tripods offer stability and keep your pictures clean and concise. 

Also, this item will make your video look professional. If you purchase a tripod, it will eliminate the shaky pics that you see in amateur videos. 

If you are on a budget but want to make sure your videos are steady, simply check out travel tripod at Amazon (affiliate link). It is very affordable and has many features that you will love. 

3.Memory Card or Flash Drive (more expensive)

These two items are used together to store all of your videos. A flash drive can be inserted into any computer and viewed as a memory card. 

Many flash drives today have specific purposes built-in so you can record videos on them with ease. Many of these devices also have other features that will aid you in editing or sharing your videos.

If you are looking to buy a memory card, check out the SanDisk Extreme Pro 64GB UHS-I microSDXC Memory Card (affiliate link). It is lightweight and affordable. 

4.Laptop or Desktop Computer

The computer you choose for your video blogging purposes should be powerful enough to meet all of your needs. If you plan on creating a lot of videos, then you need to invest in a top-of-the-line computer. 

A desktop is going to give you many more options for functions and features, but consider the space you have before purchasing one. 

If you have the room, a desktop computer will provide you with more capabilities and room for expansion. If you travel a lot, then a laptop may be best for you. 

5.Video Editing Software for Video Editing Website (more expensive)

Video editing software is very helpful when creating content for your video blogs. You can use this to give your videos a professional look and feel without having the knowledge or experience of an editor. 

When purchasing this software, make sure it has all of the features and functions you need to create videos like the pros do. 

If your budget does not allow for this expense, then consider using an editing website such as video (affiliate link). 

These are free to use and many of them offer professional editing features. 

You can also edit your videos with good old fashioned editing skills using the principles in this article.

If you need some tips for video blogging & video production, check out my blog post on video blogging tips. 

This will help you make your videos more engaging and professional-looking. 

6.Headphones or Headsets.

You can use these two items interchangeably when recording or watching videos on your computer. They are different because headphones transmit sound through the earpieces, while headsets have speakers that are worn outside of the ear. Either one is fine for most people’s needs. 

Before purchasing these items, make sure that your headphones or headset can be easily connected to your computer. 

If you do not have a computer, then you will need to use a headset (affiliate link). 

These items can be found at many retail stores and in online communities like Amazon (affiliate link) and eBay (affiliate link). 

7.Laptops & iPads

There are several different computers available today, but most people prefer laptops for their portability and ease of use. They weigh less than desktop computers and offer many more conveniences such as long battery life, ability to fold up for portability, and availability in different colors. 

Most laptops come with an operating system called Windows. There are also others available prices vary. iPads are mobile tablets that are user-friendly and easy to access while traveling or on the go. 

Nutrition: Flashcard and Quizzes

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The feeling of being hungry is caused by many things. Some of them are being emotional, not getting enough sleep, or even drinking alcohol. These substances just make you feel hungry without any real reason. 

Here is the quick guide about, a person who exhibits a physiological need to eat is most likely experiencing the sensation of hunger.

If you are not sure if you are hungry, look at your reaction to different foods. Some people react more strongly to sweet foods than they do to salty or spicy foods.

The feeling of hunger can be relieved by eating or drinking something with calories in it. 

Even though it may seem like you have eaten enough calories one day, not getting the recommended number of calories every day will result in feelings of hunger later on in the day. 

Another thing that can cause feelings of hunger are hormones and environmental factors such as temperature and smell stimuli. 

For example, when you are in a room with no air conditioning it is very likely that you will start to feel hungry even though you have eaten.

Here are some points about Nutrition Flashcard and Quizzes-

1. Hunger is felt when the process of digestion begins. 

As your stomach could make a few rumbles, it is possible to recognize the level of hunger. If you are not getting enough calories, you will feel hungry more often. 

2. Hunger can be controlled in many ways. 

It is possible to prevent the cravings for food by being active or being in an environment that provides enough light or heat when the sun goes down. 

However, when you are in a situation when you are unable to do so, try using snacks that are easy to carry with you, are low in calories and are high in energy. 

3. Over consumption of food can lead to feelings of hunger. 

This can be caused because your stomach is not full. You should eat enough foods that will take up all the space inside your stomach including whole foods like breads and rice without forgetting vegetables and fruits too. 

4. Eating a lot of food is a good way to avoid feelings of hunger. 

However, it is not always better to have a large number of calories. 

When you eat a lot, your body has to process the nutrients faster and then it will be easier for your body to realize that you are full. 

5. You can get more energy from food that is high in nutrients. 

Some foods create energy in your body by increasing blood sugar levels while others give energy through cholesterol and fats which are found in low-fat foods like vegetables and fruits. 

6. The feeling of hunger is caused by the processes of digestion. 

When you eat your stomach needs energy to digest the food that has been ingested. It does this by releasing acids in your stomach which are known as hydrochloric acid and pepsin. 

If your stomach is empty it will not produce enough acids to digest the food that has gone into it. 

7. You should eat foods that are high in nutrients.

These foods will give you more energy for this process of digestion and they provide necessary micronutrients, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates which are required for growth by bones, muscles, heart, brain and other organs in your body. 

8. The process of digestion should take place in several stages. 

After ingestion of food, it should go to the stomach where the process of digestion begins by producing hydrochloric acid and pepsin. 

Then, during this phase fluids are produced which are known as chyme and these fluids should be released by the pyloric sphincter. 

When you release these fluids it is necessary for them to be mixed with bile that comes from your liver and pancreas. After that, the nutrients will move into your duodenum which is the first part of your small intestine. 

9. The process of digestion can never be finished. 

When it is finished, absorption of nutrients into the body will begin and substances like bile and enzymes that were produced during the process of digestion will be used with help from the pancreas and liver again. Then, nutrients will be absorbed by your small intestine which will travel to your bloodstream. 

10. You should know what a healthy diet consists of. 

This includes trying to eat the same amount every day, avoiding excessive intakes of processed food and not eating too much. 

A healthy diet also includes milk products which include milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products as well as fish as a source of lean protein as well as fruits and vegetables which are good sources of vitamins and minerals.

Drone troubleshooting: Sky rider sparrow camera

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jason blackeye XYrjl3j7smo unsplash

Skyrider is a drone that can fly up to 30 meters in the air and supports a range of cameras. It has a built-in 4K camera with real-time video transmission. 

You are likely hearing these words more and more these days, “drone troubleshooting” but what does that really mean? 

The term itself is vague but the meaning of the phrase is becoming clearer with time. 

What it means, in simplest terms, is troubleshooting your drones. 

Drones have become an increasingly popular hobby for many people. 

They’re used for parachuting freestyle down from high altitudes or being flown at traffic lights to take pictures of drivers who are not paying attention because they are on their phones or texting to other drivers. 

Let’s face it, this type of thing makes great marketing material. 

Here is the answer for, why sky rider sparrow camera will not display on phone?

This is also why some people are uncomfortable with the idea of drones being used in this way. 

However, there are real benefits to owning a drone. 

This can include aerial photography, videoing your property for security purposes, touring vacation spots, getting some fun footage of you on your snowboard or skateboard doing dangerous tricks or just enjoying yourself, the possibilities are endless. 

With that being said, it’s important to know what to look out for when it comes to troubleshooting your drones. 

Here are some points on how to fix Drone Troubleshooting- 

1. Check if you can’t get your drone to work at all with the rotors. 

If you can see that they’re spinning and sound like they should (this might be easier if you were coming from repairing and replacing them and not having done it before), but that your drone will still fly, then this is where it gets tricky. 

If there are no problems with the rotor blades, they can be replaced in most cases. 

Before doing this, make sure they are in good physical condition (not damaged). If they are not, then they need to be replaced. 

If the drone is new, replacement parts can be ordered by clicking on this link. 

If you are looking for replacement parts for an older drone, make sure you get the correct parts (they can differ between models) 

For instance, some might need more blades than others. 

Sadly speaking, if the issue with your drone isn’t resolved, then it may be time to give up or get a new one.

2. Check if there are any signs of problems with its control. 

If you’re using it in the air, does your drone bounce in response to movements on your controller? 

If so, then this could be a result of loose connections. 

Try tightening the cables that control the movement of up and down or left and right. If there are multiple wires connected to these controls, they should all be adjusted equally. 

However, if you’ve already checked these connections before you had problems with them because the drone would not fly at all (or even move), then it’s probably time to get new parts for these controls. It’s likely that they need replacing.

3. If the drone doesn’t respond at all try turning your controller on and off. 

If this doesn’t make the drone move, then there are a few other things you can do. 

You can check to make sure that the battery has enough charge if you are using an older model of drone or one that didn’t come with batteries or a charger that charges batteries for this specific unit. 

Make sure it’s charging properly by bringing it close to your computer screen and looking at it while plugged in with a USB cord (if applicable). Check the battery if it appears to be charging. 

4. Check to see that the USB cord is connected. 

This can be done by simply checking to see if it seems loose. If it is, try fixing this problem. 

If none of the above is the source of your problems with your drone, then it might be time to get new or better parts for these components. 

Make sure you are purchasing the correct parts for your specific drone model though! 

Unfortunately, if this problem is not fixed, you may need to purchase a new drone. 

However, the products on this website can help you avoid some of these issues. 

They can help you identify where the problems with your drone might be coming from and they can also prevent it from ever happening. 

If your drone is still under warranty (whether it’s physical or legal) make sure to take advantage of that fact when you want to fix your troubleshooting Drone Troubleshooting- Sky rider sparrow camera .

What type of bread does chad deity say the government regulates?

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The government regulates bread. But what kind? This is something many people are unsure about.

But an answer can be found in this informative blog post that discusses different types of bread and the regulations each one fits into. 

We were able to identify that White Bread is an example of a Bread made with flour, yeast, salt, water; because it contains no additives made by man. 

Whole-wheat Bread is an example of a Bread containing at least 50% whole grains (like wheat); but because it does not include yeast or sugar it would not be classified as either bread or pastry.

Here is the answer for, what type of bread does chad deity say the government regulates?

Bread Products are made from flour (like bread, cakes or biscuits), butter (like croissants or macaroons), milk (like the Scottish sponge); and then treated like any other food. 

Bread Products can be both sweet and savoury; but because they include yeast they will be classified as either bread or pastry.

Here are some points about What type of bread does chad deity say the government regulates:

1. Government regulates bread,what type of bread to regulate is unclear.

Bread Products are made using flour, yeast, milk, sugar and other additives.

White Bread is made with only four extra ingredients: salt, water, yeast and wheat flour. 

This is what you need to know about bread types and their regulations; so remember this to pass your exam with flying colours.

2. Government regulated all types of bread and it would have to regulate all food.

Bread Products are made using flour, yeast, sugar, milk, butter, salt or other additives. 

The government could decide this to be a case of over regulation; because not only do they regulate white bread but also regulating other foods like cakes and biscuits are unnecessary.

White Bread is made with only four extra ingredients: salt, water, yeast and wheat flour. 

This is what you need to know about bread types and their regulations; so remember this to pass your exam with flying colours.

3. All types of bread are made by man.

Bread Products and white bread both contain flour and yeast; because these ingredients were made by man. 

Many people believe that government regulation should be limited to food, but this is not the case for Bread Products and white bread because they were created by human hands; thus making them “man made”. 

White Bread is made with only four extra ingredients: salt, water, yeast and wheat flour. This is what you need to know about bread types and their regulations; so remember this to pass your exam with flying colours.

This example also uses a mixture of different points from the original text in a way which would create a very similar overall effect to the original text.

It also makes use of a rhetorical question, allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions, but being careful to ensure that they can answer the question that was asked.

4. The government regulation of bread is unnecessary.

Many people believe that government regulation should be limited to food, but this is not the case for Bread Products and white bread because they were created by human hands; thus making them “man made”. 

White Bread is made with only four extra ingredients: salt, water, yeast and wheat flour. 

This is what you need to know about bread types and their regulations; so remember this to pass your exam with flying colours.

This example also uses a mixture of different points from the original text in a way which would create a very similar overall effect to the original text. 

It also makes use of a rhetorical question, allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions, but being careful to ensure that they can answer the question that was asked.

5. All types of bread should be regulated equally by the government.

Bread Products and white bread both contain flour and yeast; because these ingredients were made by man. 

Many people believe that government regulation should be limited to food, but this is not the case for Bread Products and white bread because they were created by human hands; thus making them “man made”. 

White Bread is made with only four extra ingredients: salt, water, yeast and wheat flour. This is what you need to know about bread types and their regulations; so remember this to pass your exam with flying colours.

White bread should have the same level of regulation as Bread Products because both are man made products containing flour and yeast. 

How is chick fil a peppermint milkshake made?

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A peppermint milkshake is a sweet and refreshing milkshake that is made with peppermint extract and vanilla. It contains crushed ice, milk, and ice cream. 

This shake is popular during the winter time since it tastes like hot chocolate with coffee mixed in. 

The presence of the vanilla and peppermint extracts create a cool feeling on your mouth as you sip this drink. It has the right sweetness and blends perfectly with the coffee and vanilla. 

It is good to note that this shake may not be on the menu all year round.

Chick-fil is an American fast food restaurant that specializes in chicken sandwiches and serves breakfast all day long, including Sundays. 

It has made its way into many cities in the U.S including California, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia. 

Here is the answer for, when does chick fil a peppermint milkshake come out 2016?

Chick-Fil-A menu includes different types of chicken sandwiches such as spicy chicken sandwich, club sandwich and chicken burritos among others. 

They also serve salads, waffle fries and desserts like cookies and ice cream cones among other things on their menu.

Here are steps to make peppermint milkshake-

  • Put the milk into a blender.
  • Add crushed ice, ice cream and peppermint extract into the milk.
  • Blend everything together for at least 1 minute. It is generally recommended that you blend for at least 3 minutes to get the best result. 
  • Pour the mixture into a glass and serve it immediately or store it in an airtight container in the freezer till you are ready to drink it

Delicious Peppermint milkshake recipe below-


(1) glass of water, (2) cups of crushed ice , (1) cup of milk , (1) cup of vanilla ice cream ,(2) teaspoons of pure peppermint extract (Optional: sprinkles if desired. Salt to taste)


1. Begin by pouring the milk into a blender.

Start with the ice cubes, the ice cream, and finally the peppermint extract. Blend it all together for about 1 minute or so.

It is generally recommended that you blend it for at least 3 minutes to get the best result.

2. Pour all of this mixture into a glass.

Serve immediately or store it in an airtight container in the freezer till you are ready to drink it. 

To serve, pour some crushed ice into a glass and follow up with your milkshake mixture to make it as chilled as possible. Add more ice cubes to fill up the glass if needed.

3. Sprinkle it with some chocolate if you want a sweeter taste.

A peppermint milkshake has a sweet and cool taste, which is the best thing about it. It has a unique taste that you will surely love if you are a fan of coffee and cappuccinos. 

You can also drink it anytime during the winter season. To make your peppermint milkshake better, add sprinkles or chocolate shavings.

Peppermint milkshake does not contain any fat and is cholesterol-free. It has sodium but that amount differs from one brand to another, depending on how much water it contains, and whether or not toppings are used. 

To compare the salt content of a milkshake, a person can check the label of a brand they like or use an online calculator. 

The number of calories in peppermint milkshakes varies from one brand to another. 

A cup (12 ounces) of vanilla ice cream, which is one of the ingredients in peppermint milkshakes, has 250 calories. A 12-ounce cup of frozen coffee with cream and sugar has about 80 calories. 

Using this information, we can make a rough estimate that peppermint milkshakes have between 350 and 400 calories per cup (12 ounces). 

This is not very high considering most other desserts and shakes have more than 500 calories per serving.

People with certain medical conditions should not use peppermint milkshakes because it may cause an upset stomach, heartburn or indigestion. 

It is best to consume this product in moderation. 

Peppermint is a soothing herb that helps relieve pains and increases the flow of bile. 

A peppermint milkshake will help relax and relieve stress and also make you feel refreshed and happy. 

Peppermint milkshake is a great breakfast drink, especially on hot summer days or holidays like Christmas or Valentine’s Day, when people get together to spend time with friends and family. 

A peppermint shake seems to be the perfect drink for people who would like something sweet without having to feel guilty about their appetites or about how it affects their health. 

You can eat your milkshake while walking around the park, shopping, telling stories with your friends, and sharing compliments with strangers.

How to Protect Body From Exposure to Air Pollutants and Industrial Chemicals

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gas, mask, poisonous @ Pixabay

Along with the industrialization of society is the increase in pollution which gives rise not only to environmental problems but also threat to our health. The World Health Organization Ambient Air Pollution database reports 9 out of 10 individuals living in city areas are affected by air pollution. 

Environmental Pollution as the Main Sources of Free Radicals

The ambient air in the cities is polluted by microparticles emitted by cars, industries, and households. Ambient air pollution is a mix of anthropogenic pollutants and natural sources including particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and lead. These pollutants carry out their toxic effects particularly by generating free radicals and even interfering with the production of antioxidants in the body. 

Many other pollutants found in the air are free radicals that can lead to oxidative stress in the lungs and thereby initiate an unnecessary influx of inflammatory cells in the lungs. This reaction results in further oxidation since inflammatory cells also generate more free radicals. 

May Oxidative Stress Develop a Range of Health Diseases?

Oxidative stress begins from minor cell damages caused by free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) that interact and “steal” electrons from cell components. These cell impairments can accumulate resulting to cell death or even severe and chronic diseases such as:

  • chronic inflammation 
  • neurodegenerative diseases
  • diabetes
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • asthma and lung problems

Are Antioxidants the Best Solution for Protecting Healthy Cells?

Antioxidants counteract the damaging impact of free radicals in the cells by sacrificing their electrons before the free radicals “steal” some from healthy cell components. This neutralizes the free radicals and helps break the impending continuous reaction that can lead to cell death and serious diseases.

Antioxidants are naturally found on fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta-carotene, anthocyanin, flavonoids, zinc, and more such as in:

  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Walnuts
  • Spinach
  • Potatoes
  • Green tea
  • Strawberries
  • Beans

But there is another nature’s solution for oxidative stress known to be several hundred-fold more powerful than typical antioxidants. This revolutionary organic molecule is the Carbon60 or C60. You might well ask yourself what is C60 about? Read on to find out more about C60 and its benefits.

Can C60 Scavenge Free Radicals and Allow the Body to Heal Naturally?

C60 has been widely researched for its impressive antioxidant activities in the cell. Due to its unique structure, it may interact and neutralize free radicals in the environment. 

To ensure getting the best quality C60 products, look for 99.99% pure sublimated carbon fullerenes such as in C60 PurplePower. Unlike other C60 brands, C60 PurplePower products are not exposed to any chemical solvents. These C60 products are dissolved only in 100% organic, farm-direct quality oils for the natural healing power that the body needs from oxidative stress.

C60 is taken through oral ingestion with 25.6mg of active ingredient per ounce. This – along with a proper and balanced diet may contribute to a healthier body down to the cellular level despite the threat of air pollution in modern industrial society.

The Details Behind Carbon 60 That Makes It So Powerful

C60 is a molecule shaped like a soccer ball and is also known as “free radical sponge”. Its unique structure allows the molecule to penetrate through biological membranes. It has a high radical scavenging activity in the mitochondria which is dubbed as the “dirtiest place in the cell” thereby considered as a mitochondria-targeted antioxidant. This allows more efficient antioxidant activities to prevent further cell damage resulting from reactive oxygen species. 

Additionally, Carbon60’s neutralizing properties do not diminish, unlike other antioxidants which interact only with one free radical at a time. C60 has a distinctive feature to “reset” itself to neutralize other more free radicals after one.

The beneficial properties of carbon 60 may positively affect diseases such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Eczema
  • Wrinkles and acne
  • Cognitive functions
  • Cancer treatment effects


Air pollution is one factor in increasing the number of free radicals that can potentially cause cell damage and accumulate into diseases. To counteract this problem, it’s best to protect the body naturally with the intake of a good amount of antioxidants found naturally as in fruits, vegetables, and Carbon60.

27 of the Hardest Riddles Ever. Can You Solve Them?

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If you’re looking for a good brain teaser, we’ve got 27 of the hardest riddles out there. 

And don’t worry about feeling stupid, we assure you that these riddles will leave even the smartest person staring perplexed and scratching their head. 

Below are 27 of our toughest riddles, but rather than try to work them out, we’ll just leave them for you to solve. Good luck!

Here is the solution for this riddle, if albert’s son is my son’s father?

Can you figure out the answers to these mind-benders? Share your answers in the comments.

Some of them are pretty easy and can be solved in seconds, but others are seriously hard to crack!

Take a look and see if you can figure out what the answers are:

1. What color do snowmen like to wear? 

Answer- White

2. What country is known for its chocolate? 

Answer- Italy

3. What two foods do dwarves like to eat? 

Answer- Garlic and cheese

4. When, exactly, is it the longest night of the year? 

Answer- On July 15th at 7:58 PM (It would be at this time every year)

5. What kind of flower grows in meadows? 

Answer- The bluebell (Also known as “The English Bluebell”)

6. Why can’t a monkey pick up a banana? 

Answer- Because monkeys are colorblind.

7. What kind of animal is this?

Answer- The giraffe

8. How many miles do fish swim in 1 year? 

Answer- 330,000

9. Which animal has the longest neck? 

Answer- The giraffe (Males can grow to 15 feet tall)

10. Why does a cow carry its tail around with it? 

Answer- Cows are afraid of losing their tails. (This was disproved by scientists at the University of California at Davis.)

11. What shape is the skin on your thumb like? 

Answer- Triangular

12. What’s called a 20 sided die? 

Answer- An icosidodecahedron (And that’s exactly what it sounds like.)

13. How come pigs don’t have wings? 

Answer- Because they are too fat to fly. This is also why they have curly tails, because their tails wrinkle up to keep them warm.

14. What do you call a chicken with no legs? 

Answer- A drumstick (They don’t eat chickens anymore)

15. Why are manhole covers round? 

Answer- So water can flow easily all the way around them… oh wait, we’re not supposed to say that.

16. On a unicycle, which hand is your right hand? 

Answer- That’s a trick question! While you think about it, let’s make the answer obvious by listing all the other obvious possibilities:

17. What kind of animal lays eggs? 

Answer- A chicken (Also known as “A fowl”)

18. What color is a balloon? 

Answer- Black. 

19. What bird can fly backwards? 

Answer- A swallow.

20. Why do you have to put a period at the end of a sentence? 

Answer- Because they are called sentences, not senta-melsons.

21. How many days are there in an hour? 

Answer- Two (To be honest, we had no idea that the answer was only two.)

22. What kind of animal is an armadillo? 

Answer- A mammal (They’re related to both humans and monkeys).

23. What time is it when the big hand is on the 10 and the little hand is on the 20? 

Answer- Ten twenty.

24. What’s a camel’s favorite shape? 

Answer- A triangle.

25. What kind of animal becomes smaller when it drinks water? 

Answer- A sponge (The more water it soaks up, the more surface area increases).

26. What do you call a deer with no eyes or legs? 

Answer- No eye deer. The answer to both questions is “no eye”. (It was supposed to be “No leg deer”, but that doesn’t work. Sorry.)

27. What kind of animal is a sloth?

Answer- A mammal (Sloths live in trees). 

Which one of these riddles did you have the hardest time solving? Did one stump you for a long time? 

And let us know if there’s a really hard riddle that stumped you that we might not have considered, too! We’d love to hear from you! 

28 of the greatest quotes of all time. and we think they will definitely stump you!

Tell us: Which one of these riddles has you stumped? And how can we make them more tricky? Let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

What is there in our blood?

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The infographic below provides an overview of the composition of blood and how it is made.

Blood makes up 7% of a person’s weight and is crucial for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells, removing waste products from cells, contracting muscles, protecting against disease as well as many other functions.

Clean ERSJ has some more information about what is there in our blood.

It’s made up of four main components: red blood cells (45%), platelets (10%), white blood cells (35%) and plasma (the pale yellow liquid which is mostly water). 

The red cells carry oxygen through your body; they make up about 45% of the total volume in blood and are responsible for giving it its red color. 

Platelets help with clotting; they also exist in relatively low numbers at around 10%.

Here are some points about what is there in our blood-

1. The amount of blood in your body is about 5-6 litres (15-16 pints).

Human beings are made up of around 20 trillion cells; each of these cells needs enough oxygen to live. A single cell responds to this demand by generating red blood cells. 

The process of making red blood cells is called erythropoiesis, and it occurs mainly in the bone marrow (bones where blood is formed), which can hold up to 10% of your whole body’s total volume. 

After this initial step, the red cells move through the circulatory system, where they change into what are known as erythrocytes (remember that word).

2. A human red blood cell can live for about four months.

Red blood cells lose a little mass every time they bump into membranes of the capillaries and their outer ‘envelope’ is slightly modified each time. 

Red cells are recycled after just four months, which is why new ones are constantly being made in the marrow. 

This folding and modification process is carried out by a specific enzyme system which uses iron for its activity. The amount of iron in your body ranges from 3 grams to 5 grams; you need approximately 0.02 milligrams per day, and it can be found in foods such as red meat, pulses and beans, green leafy vegetables and whole grains (especially wheatgerm).

3. Blood is like a super pressure cooker.

Blood conducts heat by means of concentrating the blood and plasma at the point where it meets the skin; this is called convection and it has to do with convection currents (like those in a pan of water when one side is heated, and also like those in a boiler).

4. The body needs up to 6 litres of blood for survival.

Brain cells are only made up of 1% of your body’s cells, so they require more oxygen than other areas. 

Since they are usually smaller in size, they need less blood to generate an adequate supply of oxygen which allows them to function properly. 

The amount of red cells in the whole body is approximately 0.5% of the total volume, and this figure is only enough to keep the body protected from infection and disease for 48 hours.

The fact that blood cells can only survive for about four months means that we must make new ones every three months; we can’t use old ones as they would be destroyed by bacteria. 

This fluid has many other important and vital tasks which you cannot see (such as circulating waste products around the body) and maintaining healthy veins during life to prevent heart conditions such as aneurysms or an abnormal buildup of pressure inside a vein which can cause a stroke or hemorrhage.

5. The body has six different types of blood.

Each type has a specific function and purpose. The first is called plasma, which accounts for about 55-60% of the blood’s entire volume. 

It plays an important role in transporting nutrients, minerals and dissolved substances around the body as well as playing a vital role in immune defense as it contains antigens, antibodies and memory cells.

Another vital element of blood is platelets; they stick together to form clots to prevent excessive bleeding from wounds.

In addition, some white blood cells are there to fight off germs by producing proteins which can be used to identify foreign particles so they can be destroyed if necessary. 

These types of white cells include neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. Lymph is produced in the spleen; it is an ultrafiltrate which is similar to plasma (it contains plasma proteins, glucose and also forms of antibodies).

6. Blood circulation requires strong heart muscles.

The heart is made up of special muscle tissue which is necessary to pump blood around the body; this muscle tissue needs to be supported by a thick membrane (which supports it like scaffolding) for this reason. 

The muscles of the heart are also very elastic; they are made up of ‘myofibrils’ which have a spiral shape and have an ability to contract quickly.