How to Protect Body From Exposure to Air Pollutants and Industrial Chemicals

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Along with the industrialization of society is the increase in pollution which gives rise not only to environmental problems but also threat to our health. The World Health Organization Ambient Air Pollution database reports 9 out of 10 individuals living in city areas are affected by air pollution. 

Environmental Pollution as the Main Sources of Free Radicals

The ambient air in the cities is polluted by microparticles emitted by cars, industries, and households. Ambient air pollution is a mix of anthropogenic pollutants and natural sources including particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and lead. These pollutants carry out their toxic effects particularly by generating free radicals and even interfering with the production of antioxidants in the body. 

Many other pollutants found in the air are free radicals that can lead to oxidative stress in the lungs and thereby initiate an unnecessary influx of inflammatory cells in the lungs. This reaction results in further oxidation since inflammatory cells also generate more free radicals. 

May Oxidative Stress Develop a Range of Health Diseases?

Oxidative stress begins from minor cell damages caused by free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) that interact and “steal” electrons from cell components. These cell impairments can accumulate resulting to cell death or even severe and chronic diseases such as:

  • chronic inflammation 
  • neurodegenerative diseases
  • diabetes
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • asthma and lung problems

Are Antioxidants the Best Solution for Protecting Healthy Cells?

Antioxidants counteract the damaging impact of free radicals in the cells by sacrificing their electrons before the free radicals “steal” some from healthy cell components. This neutralizes the free radicals and helps break the impending continuous reaction that can lead to cell death and serious diseases.

Antioxidants are naturally found on fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta-carotene, anthocyanin, flavonoids, zinc, and more such as in:

  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Walnuts
  • Spinach
  • Potatoes
  • Green tea
  • Strawberries
  • Beans

But there is another nature’s solution for oxidative stress known to be several hundred-fold more powerful than typical antioxidants. This revolutionary organic molecule is the Carbon60 or C60. You might well ask yourself what is C60 about? Read on to find out more about C60 and its benefits.

Can C60 Scavenge Free Radicals and Allow the Body to Heal Naturally?

C60 has been widely researched for its impressive antioxidant activities in the cell. Due to its unique structure, it may interact and neutralize free radicals in the environment. 

To ensure getting the best quality C60 products, look for 99.99% pure sublimated carbon fullerenes such as in C60 PurplePower. Unlike other C60 brands, C60 PurplePower products are not exposed to any chemical solvents. These C60 products are dissolved only in 100% organic, farm-direct quality oils for the natural healing power that the body needs from oxidative stress.

C60 is taken through oral ingestion with 25.6mg of active ingredient per ounce. This – along with a proper and balanced diet may contribute to a healthier body down to the cellular level despite the threat of air pollution in modern industrial society.

The Details Behind Carbon 60 That Makes It So Powerful

C60 is a molecule shaped like a soccer ball and is also known as “free radical sponge”. Its unique structure allows the molecule to penetrate through biological membranes. It has a high radical scavenging activity in the mitochondria which is dubbed as the “dirtiest place in the cell” thereby considered as a mitochondria-targeted antioxidant. This allows more efficient antioxidant activities to prevent further cell damage resulting from reactive oxygen species. 

Additionally, Carbon60’s neutralizing properties do not diminish, unlike other antioxidants which interact only with one free radical at a time. C60 has a distinctive feature to “reset” itself to neutralize other more free radicals after one.

The beneficial properties of carbon 60 may positively affect diseases such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Eczema
  • Wrinkles and acne
  • Cognitive functions
  • Cancer treatment effects


Air pollution is one factor in increasing the number of free radicals that can potentially cause cell damage and accumulate into diseases. To counteract this problem, it’s best to protect the body naturally with the intake of a good amount of antioxidants found naturally as in fruits, vegetables, and Carbon60.


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