Malzhar ult of leagues of legend

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istockphoto 1299948409 170667a

The Malzhar ult is the ultimate ability in League of Legends. The best times to use it are when you have low HP, your team is losing, or if you’re trying to escape. It can be used to help an entire team. 

For example, if one of your teammates gets ganked early on in the game and dies before they buy any items that provide HP regeneration or damage reduction, then using this ult is extremely helpful for them. 

It can easily save their life during the early game. It is also helpful if your team is losing the game because it can turn things around. 

Using it will help you escape from an entire team, even if there are high damaging assassins chasing after you. If you have low HP, use this ult to heal massively or even turn 1v1 fights around completely. If you’re tower diving, use this ult when the enemy is low on hp too. 

This cleanse malz ult makes an amazing life saver and ganker during the early game, while also making him a great duelist.

Here are some more points about Malzhar ult of leagues of legend-

1.When should you use it?

Whenever you have low HP. If you have below 20% hp , it can save your life, turn a fight around completely, or even save your whole team! It’s also great for escaping from enemy champs if you have low HP.

2.How to use it the best way possible?

The most effective way is to wait until you are in a tight spot and make sure everyone else on your team is safe before using your ult. 

For example, don’t initiate with it; wait until mid game when they’ve started diving towers or when they’re starting to catch out/gang up on one of your teammates. This ult can help turn things around.

3.How to deal with it?

Malzhar’s ultimate is considered one of the most op ults in the game because it can heal you, turn fights around completely, aid in escaping, or just help your whole team. 

The best way to fight against it is by placing wards and predicting when it will be used. If you know how to properly use this ult, then you can easily win a fight without getting hurt at all. 

Combine this with Malzhar’s passive that makes him invisible while standing still and you’re pretty much invincible! 4.Places you can use it

It can be used against an entire team if you’re losing, but remember to not initiate with it! Try to wait until your enemy’s whole team is close together so that the ult affects as many champs as possible. 

4.How to use it in 1v1 fight

When you’re in a fight and you know you’ll probably die, using this ult can prevent your death and turn the fight around completely. This is because it heals for a ton of HP. 

5. How to use it when escaping?

When running away from an enemy, this ult is useful because it heals for so much HP. It makes Malzhar one of the best champions at escaping so long as he has low HP. 

If the enemy is going to chase you, using this ult can make them think twice about fighting. Usually it will give you enough time to get away from your enemies. 

Malzhar ult of leagues of legend- Conclusion

Malzhar’s ultimate can be used to save your whole team from a bad situation, turn fights around completely, escape from being ganked early on in the game, or even just help a teammate out a lot by healing them with a ton of HP. 

This ult is so good that it makes Malzhar one of the best life saving champs during the early game and one of the best duelists too. 

This ult can turn a fight from being lost to a win easily, and it’s a great way of dealing with a whole team if your entire team is low on HP. Malzhar is one of the best champs in the game because of this ult, and it’s one of the main reasons he is considered to be OP. 

6.How to use it the best way possible?

The most effective way is to wait until you are in a tight spot and make sure everyone else on your team is safe before using your ult. 

For example, don’t initiate with it; wait until mid game when they’ve started diving towers or when they’re starting to catch out/gang up on one of your teammates. This ult can help turn things around. 

7.How to deal with it?

Malzhar’s ultimate is considered one of the best in the game because it can heal you, turn fights around completely, aid in escaping, or just help your whole team. 

The best way to fight against it is by placing wards and predicting when it will be used. 


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