Does secret stash work on refillable potions?

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Some might think that a secret stash is just a bonus, but it can actually do more than just get you some extra coins for your digital wallet. 

In fact, you can steal quite a few tactics to use in your own game that’ll help bring home the level 3 stars. 

The key thing about secret stashes is that they’re random, so they’re great for suspenseful moments in games too. 

To find out why this feature is so useful and how to put them to good use check out our blog post here!

Here is the answer for, does secret stash work on refillable potion?

This article was written by the Fanbyte team, who you can find interviewing game developers and covering breaking news stories. 

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Here are some points about does secret stash work on refillable potion-

1. The Bottom Line

Stash coins are disproportionately important in the game, because they help level up upgrades. Upgrading items is essential for furthering your progress in the game. 

Sometimes, if you do not have enough coins spent to level up higher-tier upgrades, you simply cannot afford it for a while. 

This can be very frustrating. But, if you have not paid any attention to stashes when playing Candy Crush, then there’s no penalty when you decide to spend the extra coins on upgrading your items.

2. Stash Coins

You will see the coins with the golden star icon on it, which is your Stash Coins. Stashes are basically free coins that you can find in Candy Crush. 

When you find one, it will appear on your screen with an icon of a coin hanging from a string. You are given five refills before you must wait or spend some of your hard-earned gems to refill it again. 

However, these secret stash locations are random, so you might have to hunt around for some time to find one. But there are specific locations where they appear more often.

3. A Note on the Stash

You can use this stash to buy new items or power-ups in Candy Crush. And as such, you should always try and level up as high as possible as you move through the game. 

The more power-ups and upgrades you have, the easier it will be to complete the levels. However, it is also worth noting that not all upgrades are available at all times in Candy Crush. 

You may find that there is a certain tier of upgrade that does not become available until after you reach a certain point in the game. 

This means that for a while at least, you will have to rely on wits alone to clear your way to higher levels in Candy Crush.

4. Extra Challenges

As we mentioned previously, secret stashes are always available and they do not matter in any way unless they influence your progress in the game. 

If you keep finding new and better power-ups and upgrades, then it would be useful to remember that you can use these extra challenges to increase your level of progression. 

In some instances, this may mean that you have to replay a level with a different set of items on the board. 

But more likely than not, you will suddenly find new power-ups appear or things get easier when you return to a previous level.

5. Getting Stashes

So, if you are wondering where to find these secret stashes, then it is worth noting that there are certain things that will cause them to appear more often. 

The easiest way is to replay levels that you have already passed. If you do this, then there will be a chance that the stash will appear somewhere on the screen. 

If you are keen to find it quicker, then be sure to look for columns of five colorful candies on your board before passing your level. 

This means there is a stash nearby. You can also make an effort to look for them in the hub world or when you are playing solo challenges against other players via Facebook or Google+.

6. The Reason For the Secret Stashes

You may wonder why they develop this feature at all? To answer this question, we need to look at the concept of progression in Candy Crush. 

It is more than just getting a lot of points throughout your gameplay session. Success is very much about an accumulation of points and building up your level of progress. 

So it does make sense to add a little extra depth when it comes to bonuses in the game. In fact, you can see these stashes as add-ons that add a little psychological pressure when you are trying to progress through levels.


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