8 Questions Answered About FINANCE

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Everyone needs to make money to survive. But if you are just starting out and have no idea where or how to start, you might be curious about finance. That is the main reason why I decided to create this article. In this post, I will be answering eight of the most commonly asked questions about finance. If you have any questions or need help with your finances, feel free to search common names of farland.

1. What is Finance?

Finance is the study of money and the financial markets like stocks, bonds and commodities. Finance professionals are usually accountants, bankers, credit analysts and economists. The finance industry encompasses everything from accounting to banking to stock investing.

Financial advisers normally assist clients in making decisions about how to manage their money – investing in stocks or funds, providing for college educations for children and retirement planning for themselves or their parents – and provide advice on taxes and insurance as well. 

2. Who invented finance?

There is no exact answer to this. However, it was around 2000 BC that the first “banks” were started by Sumerian traders and merchants who made loans to other traders and merchant houses. Later, during the Roman Empire when money became a more established institution, it was merchants that started lending money to farmers who then lent out their grain and wine for profit. The first form of “banking” was thus born in history. Similar systems were also set up in China, Egypt and India at around the same time period between 1000 BC and 50 BC to facilitate trade between these countries/islands/continent with each other as well as with Europe.

3. Can you give me a brief history of finance?

The first time in history when the term “finance” was used was during the 16th century. The earliest known use of the term “finance” can be traced back to France. However, as mentioned previously, banking as it is now known dates back to ancient times in Mesopotamia and Egypt, with documents on economic activities dating all the way back to around 3000 BC, and even then it had similarities to the banking of today.

4. Who is Warren Buffett?

Warren Buffett is an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist who serves as chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is widely regarded as one of the most successful investors in the world, and a financial lesson to most people. Buffett is known for his simple and easy-to-understand advice on finance, investing and retirement which he posts on his personal website.

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5. Do I need an account with a financial institution?

An account with a bank or similar institution doesn’t necessarily mean you are “in” money. You can have two accounts – one with a private bank or investment firm that you’re simply using for your brokerage trading or another account at the same institution where you are depositing your salary and other regular income that won’t be used for trading purposes.

6. What is a mutual fund?

A mutual fund is a pool of investors’ money where it is divided between numerous companies and/or government agencies that are managed by accounting professionals to fund a specific business or investment. A mutual fund is an investment company that pools together money from various investors to finance investments in different kinds of securities, such as stocks and bonds. Like a brokerage account, it is best to have at least one mutual fund account at each bank you have accounts with. This way, the portfolio management fees will be lower and your investment will be more diversified.

7. How does money work?

Money is essentially a medium of exchange that is used to buy goods and services. Its value is not decided by gold or the laws of the land but by the confidence people have in it. It is easiest to understand how a bank works using an analogy from our everyday lives – when someone wants to make a transaction, a bill gets issued or sent out by the bank so that it can be cashed by another person or company who needs the money. In the same way, banks are like clearing houses that make sure that everything you own is real and is worth what it says it is worth.

8. What does your bank statement tell you?

Your bank statement will show you what amount of money was deposited in your account and from where. It may also show you the interest paid on that particular amount as well as dividends collected by the bank/institution/brokerage firm on your behalf. Lastly, if you have a brokerage or investment account with a certain company, there would also be information on whether or not your stocks were sold and for how much.


Although more complex than that, these answers should be enough to help you understand the basics of finance and give you a better idea of how your money is spent. I hope these answers have helped clarify things for you and that you’ll be able to make better decisions on how to manage your finances in future.


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