12 Tips That Will Make You Influential In MARIJUANA DISPENSARY

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You might have seen those portraits of prominent people, where they say “X is the founder and CEO of Y” on a plaque. Well, in today’s cannabis industry of Detroit green zone map, you can be the one with his or her face on that plaque. There are many ways to get ahead in this industry and it just takes a little creativity to make your plans happen. The following tips will show you how!

1. Start Marketing Your Services as a Marijuana Dispensary Owner 

Because of the attention that marijuana stores receive in California, it is also very important to start marketing. You should create a profile on sites such as: Yelp, LinkedIn, and Google+ to get the word out about your business. Also consider having a website created for your business so that people can find you easily when they are searching for marijuana dispensaries in California.

2. Branding 

For example, if your business is called “The Red Door Shop” it will be a lot easier for people to remember this than if you use an incredibly long name such as “The Wild Ones. ” The goal of branding is to make people remember your business among all of the marijuana dispensaries in California.

3. Get the Word out about Your Company’s Products

Don’t forget to publicize your business and its products. You can create a Cannabis Commercial on YouTube, which shows people how and where they can purchase marijuana products in California.

4. Use Owner Testimonials & Video Testimonials 

If your company has existing clients that are happy with the services that you provide, then you should ask them to tell other people why they like your services so much. Doing so will help you gain popularity and increase your clientele.

5. Consider Starting a Referral Program

It is always best to have a referral program for the people who already know about your business. The more people that you can refer, the more money you will make from them!

You can also start posting videos of some of your employees on YouTube and other social media sites as testimonials. This method is also very effective because it shows prospective customers what kind of work ethic and professionalism your employees already have within the company just by looking at their video testimonials.

6. Increase Your Social Media Presence

You should set up different accounts on social media sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can use these to provide more information about your company so that other people know about it and are more encouraged to start purchasing from you.

7. Offer Discounts for Referrals

One method that you can use is to offer certain discounts for anyone that refers a new client to your company. For example, you could offer a 20% discount for anyone who referred someone who purchased $500 dollars worth of marijuana products from your store in California.

8. Use Social Media to Promote Your Business

Another thing that you could do is to use social media networks such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to increase your followers. You can use this method to post about new products, or even updates about your business. This will help you gain more attention from potential customers that are interested in marijuana dispensaries in California.

9. Offer Free Products or Services

One of the benefits of offering free products or services is that it helps people understand what a great company you run in the marijuana industry. For example, you can offer free marijuana strains to people who come into your cannabis dispensary in California for the first time so that they will be inclined to contact you for more products and services.

10. Have a Recognizable Logo

Another way to increase your popularity and get ahead in the marijuana industry is to have a very recognizable logo. This way people can tell that you are a marijuana dispensary in California without them having to ask anyone what it is. For example, a logo that looks like the famous cannabis leaf that most people think about when they hear the word “marijuana” would be an excellent choice!

11. Create an Urban Dictionary or Wikipedia Page

Another thing that you can do is to create an Urban Dictionary or Wikipedia page for your business. This will help people find out about your services and increase their desire to purchase more marijuana products from you.

12. Allow Your Customers to Be on Your Board of Directors

This method is a little unorthodox, but it is still very effective! One way that you can use this method is by allowing only certain customers to be on your board of directors. This will allow them to give more input and feedback about your business so that they are well versed in how you market your marijuana dispensary in California and know how to market it effectively.


Getting started in the marijuana industry can be difficult, but it is not impossible. You will have to put in a lot of hard work and dedication to get ahead, but if you do so then you will eventually become well known for your services.

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aaron finch
There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!


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