10 SEO Tips to Optimize Your Content and Drive Traffic


Do you want to know how to optimize your content and drive traffic? Here are 10 SEO tips from https://thepereznotes.com/ that will make certain your articles rank high in search engine results pages.

1. Use Keywords

2. Create Engaging Headlines

3. Include Social Sharing Buttons

4. Add Images 

5. Make Your Posts Scrollable   

6. Use Internal Links 

7. Utilize Third Party Sites for Content  

8. Optimize Your Tags  

9. Tags with Low Search Volume Have Less Value Than High Search Volume Tags 10 For Webmasters: Get an XML Site Map, Linkify All URLS, Make Robots Readable Files (or .txt), and Use Sitemap Generator

Seo, Sem, Marketing, Optimization, Web

Keywords are the words and phrases that describe your content

They tell search engines what a post is about, and they give a reader an indication as to what they will find if he or she reads it. When writing your post, make sure you incorporate keywords thoughtfully, but don’t overdo it. Use them naturally to create a smooth flow of ideas from start to finish.

Headlines are as important as keywords as they can determine whether or not traffic will click on your article or not. A good keyword/headline combination will capture a person’s attention and entice them to read your content.

Make sure you choose a title that is clear, concise, and use keywords effectively. It should be interesting to the reader so they want to click through to read more. Make sure it’s not overly long either as this may deter people from clicking on it at all.

Drive traffic back to your website

Social sharing buttons can help drive traffic back to your website or blog by increasing exposure and referral traffic. It is a form of social media marketing that shows where people have shared a specific post on their social networks, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google +1 and Pinterest.

Using images can be another way to make your articles more visual and appealing to the reader. Unless your post is about something very specific, chances are there are some images you can find that will make it more interesting. Try to find images that give people a quick idea of what the content is about.

One of the best ways to do this is by using Click To Tweet. Click To Tweet allows you to highlight certain words throughout your blog post, which then becomes shareable on Twitter if someone clicks on it. This helps generate more social shares for your blog post through Twitter which ultimately leads to more traffic.

Readable to search engines

Make your posts readable to search engines by using tags. Tags can be found by clicking the magnifying glass in the top-right corner of any post. They allow for users to identify and classify your content as they read it, as well as help you rank better in search engines. If you’re not sure how to use them, look online for some simple instructions on what tags you can use and what they do.

If you’re not sure exactly how to create and apply tags correctly, here’s a simple video tutorial: How To Use Tags 

You can read more about tags at: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/.

As Google has changed the search results page, it is imperative for webmasters to “Play by the Rules.” The most important rule with regards to SEO is that you must use your sitemap to maximize your content and drive traffic to relevant pages.

Optimizing your blog posts

Another great way of optimizing your blog posts with tags is by using a sitemap generator. A sitemap generator can help you keep track of all of the pages on your website and blog and make this information easily accessible through a search engine. When creating a sitemap, make sure to link each page with an article title or keyword phrase which will be able to indicate what kind of content they contain.

Make Robots Readable Files can help your website rank higher by improving the way Google reads your content. These files make sure that any text you use is easily accessible and read by search engines. Not only that, they also allow for easy editing on your part as you can just upload and edit a text file instead of replacing code on your website.

If you’re not sure how to do it, here’s a tutorial: How To Create HTML Sitemaps  

Although it may seem like a waste, and you might even think it’ll be an epic fail, it’s important to track your keywords and uses on your site because it can help drive traffic and visibility to your blog. However, the only way to do this effectively is by using a tool like Google Analytics. This will help you see which pages on your site are performing the best (or worst) as far as organic traffic goes. By doing this, you can adjust those pages for optimum results and continue driving traffic to those same pages each time you update them.


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