Why is Lockdown not reducing cases of COVID-19?

Coronavirus may be a lethal virus that has shaken the planet’s foundations and appears to be substantially active throughout. It’s now spread rapidly in countries like the United States, Spain, France, Italy, and so many more. It has now started to influence India, the country with the world’s second largest population. It was feared that if the impact of Coronavirus is similar to that of the opposite countries, 20% of the total population of India would lose their lives. The total population of India is 1.3 billion and 40 percent of the 1.3 billion population is about 25 million, so it’s tragic to imagine 55 million people dead as a result of an epidemic. The whole country could have been ruined.

Fortunately, in India, the Coronavirus effect was not that lethal. Just 96,000 people suffer from the disease to this day, and thus the price is 3029. Another positive thing to remember is that India’s recovery rate is higher; 36824 individuals have already recovered and are being sent home from the 96,000 affected individuals.

The type of virus that has affected India has been shown by researchers to be comparatively weaker than the virus that has affected other countries. The type of coronavirus that has affected India is type B, which, compared to the A and C type viruses, could be a weaker form and less deadly. But researchers and doctors have shown that this B type virus has every chance of mutating and reworking into the A or C type virus, which is certainly sometimes devastating to the country. Another research has shown that India’s weather plays an enormous role in limiting the spread of this deadly coronavirus. Coronavirus is known to require weather to live for a longer period of time, but the climate is warm and warm in important parts of India. This then limits the rapid rise of the deadly virus. It was found that the cases reported increased a day after the lockdown declaration in India.

India is currently going through the fourth round of lockdown, and yet there is a rise in cases reported every day. This is also of great concern, and there has been reports that the number of tests performed every day has historically been very limited. Therefore, there were less positive cases reported. Now, the number of tests each day has increased over the past three weeks, which is why the number of cases reported per day is higher. We would also assume that further studies show more cases; tests are the only way in which the country during this pandemic situation will understand its actual status.

Between the lockdowns, liquor stores were opened for 2 to 3 days, and an overwhelming number of people visited these stores. This may be an explanation for the increase in instances, as many folds will spread the virus. This is always a troublesome situation for the country, and combating this deadly virus is becoming difficult. On 17 May, a few hours after the fourth lockdown round was announced, it was found that in 24 hours, there was a spike of 5567 incidents, which is the highest reported spike so far.

As if the RCFE Certification of the Good State of California was not tight enough, it’s close to getting even tougher. And why are you asking? Ok, without us describing it to you, you’ll probably find out that, except for those of you who are not yet in the business, let’s spend a few moments talking about it.

We also realize that the coronavirus has taken a tremendous toll on retirement centers, old people’s homes, nursing homes, and elderly care facilities (RCFE). Nearly 25% of all coronavirus deaths occurred at home in NY. In Kirkland, WA, we saw approximately 30% of the elderly die from coronavirus in one of the facilities. The coronavirus was able to seek its way into an outsized number of certified RCFEs in California, even with our strict adherence to virus protocols.

When the virus gets in and infects both people and workers, it spreads rapidly, even before it is identified by anyone, and it is too late by the time signs show up – there are multiple infected, you can also turn the power into a hospital Covid-19 Rapid test at home. Those who administer the RCFE Certification regulations are now becoming lots of focus from State lawmakers who want responses and need to understand how we can avoid anything like this from happening in the future.

Fortunately, authorities are collaborating with the RCFE industry to get new rules, policies, and protocols back into effect. There is a team now doing quick research on how to detect the spread of the virus, this virus or the other early on. RCFEs will be the primary to be alerted in the future and therefore able to act quickly to avoid such a calamity. There is little doubt that RCFEs would be needed to have test kits, PPE, and other rapid deployment equipment available.

In the future, the RCFE Qualification will be more difficult to obtain, and there will be more laws and regulations, and more costs and time will be added to comply with them. Some in our industry claim that California is among the toughest RCFE certification states, which is true enough, but thanks to what has happened, we will expect things to urge even more. Even though RCFE operators, state regulatory health authorities, and even politicians have made some mistakes along the way, this is also not the time to blame.

For us, our industry has its job cut out, we have to rise to opportunity and continue our fight, continue against adversity and emerge stronger than ever before. We will, we have to, and we’re ready for the challenge. Let’s be awesome, and protect our most vulnerable from any potential virus, allow us to support you along with your RCFE Certification.

Thomas Browne

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Published by
Thomas Browne
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