Why Is Dice Camera Action News So Famous?


It’s amazing that a fairly obscure YouTube channel about D&D can have such a devoted following! To figure out why people love this channel so much, I looked into what makes it so different from other youtubers. Dice camera action news is known for its distinctive (and pretty ridiculous) sense of humor, in addition to the absolute absurdity of their videos. The channel is produced by a group of five voice actors with extensive and varied acting experience (Dice Camera Action News). 

Although their most popular series, Force Gray: Lost City of Omu, has been canceled and the fate of the main series is up in the air, Dice camera action news has made hundreds of videos over the course of 8 years. They have a massive fanbase who are loyal to this YouTube channel due to its distinct style. And the most common thing I found was that Dice Camera Action News (or DCAN for short) is unlike any other form of media. The show doesn’t try to be too high brow or fancy, but it is engaging and entertaining at the same time. It’s funny, down-to-earth, and downright unapologetic in its nerdy humor. 

The channel is not afraid to be silly and even sometimes inappropriate (for the sake of comedy). The most distinct thing about Dice Camera Action News is that none of their videos take themselves too seriously. They are not afraid to make fun of themselves or poke fun at their fans. For example, they have a character called Aeofel who is a blatant Gary Stu/Mary Sue (a character who is described as perfect all around). People love this character because he’s so hilariously cheesy, but Dice Camera Action News doesn’t apologize for him either.

Why Is Dice Camera Action News So Famous :

1. The Humor in Dice Camera Action News is Unrelenting.

The channel is known for its absurd sense of humor as it makes fun of everything, ranging from obscure characters to minor items or events. For example, they have a series called “Dude Tricks”. In this series they would find ways to trick people into thinking this trick was magical or sophisticated. The most common subjects would include things like beating the puzzle of a Rubik’s cube and eating magic cake in under five minutes. Another popular series is “I Can’t Believe It’s Not A Wizard”. This show focuses almost entirely on the stereotypical characters and stereotypes that often appear in D&D books/games/comics.

2. Dice Camera Action News Doesn’t Take itself Too Seriously.

 These are some of the most unapologetic and hilarious D&D parody videos on the internet. The channel is known for its comedic style and willingness to poke fun at their fans as well as themselves. For example, in one of their videos, “The New Adventures of Abed ” they make fun of their own cameo appearances in fanfiction. Or the way they frequently make fun of their fans. 

They are notorious for their “Wizard 101” series, where they make fun of every single Wizard 101 class, including Cleric101, Fighter101, Rogue101 and Bard101. The best part is when they take one of these classes and mock themselves as out-of-character in the most hilarious ways possible. They aren’t even afraid to go all the way with this parody and comment on the race/gender dynamic of several Wizard 101 classes (the personal favorite being “A Paladin is a Paladin…”).

3. Dice Camera Action News Does It All With A Genuine Sense Of Humor.

The channel’s humor is not just meant to poke fun at the things that people hate. It also involves a sort of self-deprecation. This channel has been going on for years and they have almost no shame in their videos. They often make fun of themselves, acknowledge that their jokes are terrible, and sometimes even mock the fans watching them. This lack of a filter is what makes it so endearing to its audience. Sometimes they will do things that are inappropriate and make fun of themselves for it, even if people don’t like it. 

For example, in a video called “How to Get Away With Murder (D&D edition)”, they make a bunch of rape jokes, including a graphic representation at the end. Despite people criticizing them for the video’s content, Dice Camera Action News still very definitely stands by their video. This is one of the reasons Dice Camera Action News has so many loyal fans that actually enjoy this style of humor.

4. The Cast Is Likable And Funny On Its Own Right.

This is one of the reasons why the channel is so popular. They are a team of voice actors and actresses who have a lot of experience in acting. Many of them were voice actors for shows like Power Rangers, Justice League, and Teen Titans. One of their most famous voices is that of Dee Bradley Baker, who voices Bigby Wolf in The Wolf Among Us and also has been a part of many other popular animations as well. The main cast all go out of their way to make their fans feel welcome. For example, at the end of nearly every video they say “Keep on rolling” or “Keep on shaking!” This adds quite a bit to the humor because when you hear it you immediately know what’s coming next.


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