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Why do bodybuilders eat CBD gummy bears?


Bodybuilders are some of the most active people on earth. They train hard and work out relentlessly, all to build their muscles and get ripped. But how do they fuel these workouts?

The answer might surprise you: CBD gummy bears! These little gummies pack a powerful punch, giving athletes the energy and focus they need to push themselves through grueling exercise routines.

What Are Gummy Bears?

Gummy bears are tiny candies that look like little bears. They’re made from gelatin, which is a jelly-like substance obtained by boiling the skin and tendons of animals such as horses and cows in water for several hours. Then the liquid goes through several chemical processes to get it ready for consumption (usually involving artificial colors).

That’s not exactly appetizing! However, there is another way: CBD gummies can be made without animal products or chemicals! This means they don’t contain any nasty ingredients you might find in traditional candy – so why would anyone eat those? Well, because CBD gummy bears offer some serious health benefits beyond just tasting good. Gummies companies like https://hempbombs.com/cbd-gummy-bears provide athletes with essential nutrients at times when their bodies need them.

Gummy Bears’ Protein Profile

After a workout, bodybuilders need to eat foods with proteins to help their muscles recover. That’s because exercise breaks down muscle fibers, and these microscopic tears must be repaired by dietary protein if you want your muscles to grow back stronger than before. When eaten right after exercise, the amino acids in CBD gummies can help repair those tiny muscle fiber tears caused by working out.

Gummy Bears’ Electrolytes

If you’re thinking to yourself, “I don’t know much about chemistry,” that’s okay. Most people have no idea how important electrolytes are for our bodies. But the fact is, they play a critical role in keeping us healthy. Electrolytes help blood carry oxygen throughout the body, so we stay energized during workouts – but when muscles get tired from exercise, electrolyte levels drop before muscle glycogen stores do. 

CBD Gummy Bears’ Benefits

Both protein and electrolytes are important for athletes, but CBD gummy bears bring one more benefit that’s essential for anyone who works out: natural energy.

During exercise, your muscles burn glucose (which is stored as glycogen in the liver) at four times their resting rate – so it can be hard to fuel workouts when you have low levels of glycogen. The good news is that eating CBD gummy bears before exercise can help increase levels of glucose in the bloodstream, which provides athletes with a much-needed boost when they need it most.

What Other Fillers Will Gummy Bears Have?

Now that you know the many benefits of CBD gummy bears, it’s important to learn how they compare in terms of nutrition. Unfortunately, most traditional candy is very high in sugar and contains artificial colors or flavors.

CBD gummies are different: they contain only natural ingredients! They provide athletes with all-day energy without making them crash later on – so if you’re looking for a snack packed with protein and electrolytes, these bear candies might be just what your body needs.

What Bodybuilders Like About Gummy Bears?

Gummy bear snacks come in several shapes and sizes, but their sweet flavor makes them popular among both children and adults alike. Although marijuana can have adverse effects on brain development during childhood (as well as other negative effects including impaired cognitive function and memory), CBD gummy bears don’t contain THC, so they’re safe to eat.

In fact, athletes like bodybuilders use them because they taste great! Plus, it’s easy for people with a busy schedule to grab a few pre-workout snacks when in a hurry. But the biggest benefit is how well these tiny candies work: many users have reported feeling more energized during their workouts after eating just one or two servings of gummy bears with cbd.

There are so many reasons why bodybuilders eat CBD gummy bears, but you don’t have to be an athlete yourself to benefit from their health benefits! Everyone could use more energy throughout the day – and these little gummies pack enough punch for everyone.

The Laptop: One Piece of Technology That Everyone Struggles With


The laptop is one of the most ubiquitous pieces of technology that we see these days. With their popularity growing, it makes sense that more and more people are interested in buying one. It’s important to note though that these machines are not without their problems and complaints, and can sometimes be difficult for users to figure out. The following post offers a helpful guide to help you avoid some of the pitfalls in a new laptop purchase.

But before we get started with all the particulars, let’s go over what a laptop is in case you’re wondering. A laptop, as its name suggests, is a computer that is portable enough to use on your lap. They usually fit one of two sizes a 13-inch screen or 15-inch screen and they’re named according to screen size. These computers listed by https://websitesetuper.com/ offer a lot of advantages over their desktop counterparts.

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The first advantage:

as the name suggests, is portability. Since laptops are light and can be taken around from place to place with ease, you don’t have to worry about missing out on work or fun because you’re tied down by your desktop computer at home. Another advantage of a laptop over a desktop is its resilience in the face of accidents and damage. This is because while laptops are packed with power, components, and other electronics that could be damaged in the course of use, the damage is generally localized to the LCD screen and its casing.

Which brings me to what LG calls the biggest challenge in using a laptop. The words “LCD” or “Screens” often make people nervous when it comes to buying laptops. When you’re looking for laptops, there are three things you should keep an eye out for: display quality (more on this later), keyboard quality (more on this later), and trackpad quality (more on this later).

We’ll start with the first thing: display quality:

You need to know how you’re going to use your laptop before we give you advice on this one. Do you want a laptop for work? Are you more concerned about gaming than anything else? Are movies and videos an essential part of your viewing experience? Whatever it is, having this in mind will help us help you pick out a great laptop.

So what do we need to look for when we’re trying to find a laptop that has great display quality? The first thing that can help is the brightness of the screen. If your screen is dim or difficult to see, then you don’t have much use for it. This is because you need to be able to see what you’re doing. Another thing to keep an eye out for is resolution. When you’re deciding whether or not a computer has a good screen, resolution matters. A laptop with a low resolution can make things look blurry and distorted and cause headaches and eyestrain (this leads us to the next thing: keyboard quality).

Laptop keyboards

Keyboard quality is something else that you should pay attention to. When trying out laptops for display clarity, it’s important that you test out the keyboards on them as well. Laptop keyboards have two problems when it comes to finding qualities that are suited for your needs. First, keys can easily get stuck or not respond to input. Second, some keys (especially the spacebar key) are too close together. This makes it too easy to accidentally hit two keys at once, which can be very frustrating when you’re trying to type.

One of the most important aspects of your new laptop is its trackpad quality. The trackpad is what you use when you want to navigate around the screen if the laptop doesn’t have a mouse or a touch pad built in. The best way to test a trackpad is to see how well it works with your finger. If your finger doesn’t respond well, consider getting a different one. Trackpads are perfect for people who want to avoid using a mouse or who want more control over the screen.

So now that you know what you’re looking for, let’s go over some of the best laptops you can buy in the Philippines. Keep in mind that these are only recommendations based on our own experience. We encourage you to read up on other options as well before making your final decision on which one to go with.

MacBook Pro Gives Its Users Everything They Need to Get Work Done (13-inch, 2016)

The Apple MacBook Pro is certainly a high-end machine with a price to match. While it isn’t as powerful as its professional counterpart, the MacBook Pro gives its users what they need to get their work done. The 13-inch model is the one we here at GEAR and GEEK recommend if you want a machine that can replace your desktop computer at home and remain mobile.

If your recent experience with Apple has been good, then there’s a good chance that you already own an iPhone or iPad (or both). If that is the case, then you probably needn’t worry about buying an Apple accessory for this laptop because all of them come with built-in Bluetooth connectivity.

When it comes to multimedia (movies and music), the MacBook Pro plays its role well. You won’t be able to play the latest 4K ultra-high definition films, but you can use it without having to worry about quality loss. One advantage that businesses could take advantage of is the Apple Pencil for drawing and drawing with (we wrote a whole post on this).

Here’s what we like: 

The keyboard has good travel and feel. While the keys aren’t backlit, they are quite responsive and easy to press. The trackpad is spacious enough for comfortable use with your fingers, but we’d prefer to see it as large as the tablet versions of this laptop.

Unleash the Power of Education: A Guide for Anyone Interested in Learning and Teaching


Have you ever felt pressured by people to learn something new, but weren’t really interested in doing so? If so, you’re not alone. Websitesetuper says, Most of us put off learning new things because it feels like a chore. Most importantly, it’s difficult when all you have are your textbooks or when there is no one around to teach you something new. This guide will arm readers with knowledge on how to get started with learning and teaching themselves, without the difficulty of using textbooks or other ineffective methods of teaching. It will also provide advice about classroom settings and what students should expect from teachers.

To begin, let’s take a look at the history of schooling. For thousands of years, children were taught by their parents. Parents taught their children how to hunt, fish, grow crops and build fires. They also taught them how to care for themselves and others. As time progressed, communities began to wonder if there was a better way to teach children these skills other than having parents do it for them. 

The idea of schools

This got people thinking about the idea of schools being necessary for learning life skills instead of it being something that was done at home. However, children were not sent away from their families until the year 541 A.D., when St. Benedict wrote his manual “ The Rule of St. Benedict ”, which laid the foundation for Western Christian monasticism. Even though there was a school in existence by that time, children were not required to go until the age of 7. 

At this point, children were still taught by their parents and did not go to school until it was necessary. With the emergence of public schooling in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, this changed dramatically. Teachers took on a more authoritative role and students were required to learn things they may not have been interested in learning simply because the teacher told them too. Therefore, teachers came to the conclusion that all children needed to be “educated” by making them study subjects they were not interested in. The result of this was a decrease in student interest and emphasis on the subjects students did like.

The idea of self-teaching

The purpose of this guide is to help people learn and teach themselves. I’ve undergone two years of education myself and have found it difficult to learn new things for myself because there is no one around to teach me. The idea of self-teaching is appealing as there are few barriers that come with learning or teaching yourself as opposed to using textbooks or other such methods such as rote memorization. However, there are three main barriers that need to be overcome in order to succeed at learning and teaching yourself: motivation, resources and skills.

Motivation is a big part of learning anything for yourself. If you’re not motivated to learn something new you will find it difficult to learn it. However, there are a few things you can do to help motivate yourself. The first thing you should do is determine what your goal is for learning something new. If you know what your goal is then it will be easier for you to focus on that and be motivated to achieve it. If your goal is just to learn something new then that’s fine. 

Specific purpose

However, if you want to learn something new for a specific purpose such as getting a job then you should think about what you can use the knowledge of this thing for so it becomes more relevant and interesting. Another way of motivating yourself is by setting goals for yourself, or creating schedules and lists of things you need to accomplish in order to achieve what you want. To get started with achieving these goals, the best thing you can do is break down each goal into smaller steps (or micro-goals). 

Then, you can work on the small goals until they become easier to achieve and eventually you will be able to do them easily. If there are certain things such as studying for a test that you struggle with, make sure you review your notes daily and make flash cards for them, or hand write notes into your notebook whenever possible. 

Creating flash cards

You can also use specialized apps such as Anki that help you learn new information by creating flash cards for each thing you need to learn and then expanding upon it later. If there is a thing you’re interested in but don’t know how to do it yourself, look up instructional videos or watch tutorials online until it becomes easy enough for you. 

The more you practice doing something the easier it will eventually become. If there is something that requires a significant amount of time to learn, don’t feel discouraged if you have to spend a few months learning it in order for it to become easy. It’s important not to get frustrated when this happens, especially if the thing you’re trying to learn isn’t easy for you, or if you have difficulty finding resources or information about it.

Resources are one of the most important things in regards to learning anything new. If there are no resources readily available for you then there’s no way that you can learn what you need in order for that thing to be useful.

12 Ways to Choose a Top-Notch Education for Your Kids


And while it may seem daunting, the task needn’t be overwhelming—if you can come up with a few key factors to consider, then narrowing down your list of schools will be a walk in the park. Here at Paul Fraser Center we have everything you need to do just that! In this post, we’ll outline 12 of the most important points from https://websitesetuper.com/  you should weigh when choosing where to send your kids.

1) Curriculum: 

Evaluate what type of education is offered by each school and how it fits with your child’s needs. Obviously, if your child is striving to be a neurosurgeon, they will need to take classes that are not offered at an art school.

2) Rankings: 

Check out the school’s rankings for tuition, academics, and extracurriculars. They can help you gauge if a school has what you’re looking for and compare the institution to others that may be on your list.

3) Facilities: 

Is there a gym? Does the cafeteria offer healthy food options? What about financial aid? The quality of the facilities at each school will tell you a lot about what sort of experience your child can expect.

Find out whether they’re smart and what their grades and interests are like. This will help you decide if they’ll get along with your child. You can also ask teachers who taught previous classes if there were any problems with this student or student group.

Extracurricular Activities: 

Think about what your children enjoy doing – and don’t – before you enroll them at a school. Is there a sport they’re passionate about? Do they like musicals? Reading groups and the like don’t just appeal to nerdy students, so take this into consideration as well.

Student Ratings: 

These can be found online, such as Yelp or Course Report, and will give you an idea of what other people think of each school. Students who attended previous classes will likely give their own opinions as well as those of their teachers.

Class Schedules: 

Check out the class schedules for each school to see if they meet your child’s schedule requirements.

4) School Price:   

Top schools expect applicants to come in with a certain kind of parent (wealthy, clever, motivated etc.)—so try not to fall into that trap. Other schools may have a more relaxed admissions process, they may offer a lower tuition rate or they may offer scholarships for certain kinds of children. 

5) School Test Scores: 

Find out where your child’s test scores fall compared to the schools he’s applying to. This is especially important if your child isn’t yet fluent in English—but even if he is, knowing what the average score was at his current school will let you know how his scores compare against other top schools.

6) Class Size:   

Research each school’s class size and see if it seems appropriate for your child.

7) Extracurriculars: 

Think about what you want out of your kids’ education and compare that to different schools’ offerings. If there are sports, music or art clubs in particular that you’re interested in, that will be a good indicator of how well the school is set up to meet your child’s needs.

8) Test Scores:   

If your child has already taken tests at his current school, you can see whether they are comparable to ones he’ll take at his top choices. This is especially important if your child isn’t fluent in English—but even if he is, knowing what the average scores were for an English speaking student at each school will let you know how his scores compare to other top schools.

9) Faculty:   

What type of teachers are there for the subjects your child is interested in? Are they having any specialties or do they have experience in the field? Are they easy to contact and respond to queries? What’s their approach to teaching—are they methodical or does their teaching style seem more hands off?

10) Class Offerings:   

If you’ve already worked out your child’s interests, you can look at each school’s curriculum and see which courses he might be most interested in taking.

11) Disciplinary Record:   

Find out what kind of disciplinary record is kept at each school.  This is especially important if your child has a different way of learning from other students.

12) Test Score Range : 

If you don’t have time to sift through all of these factors in order, you can always look at a school’s average SAT scores. According to our survey, the average score at a top-rated school was 1225 with a standard deviation of 324 points, while the average score at a lower rated school was 1093 with a standard deviation of 319 points.  Clearly higher SAT scores are better if your child is applying strictly on academic merit.  Alternatively, if you’re more interested in a holistic  approach to learning that includes advancing skills in the arts, community service and athletics, aim for a school within the 1500-1600 range.

Alternate Aspects of Business Relationships: Networking, Negotiation and Partnership Tips


I recently started a small business. This is a lot of work and a bit of a learning curve for me too, but business work is something I enjoy. I love going out and working with other people to get a job done, a project finished, a product released, a service rendered. I love meeting new people and establishing a strong working relationship.

So I always try to think of new ways to network. When I worked for a computer company, I became a big fan of the newsletters they produced that called on readers to write in with new business ideas. I find the same thing happens in computer circles, but I also get involved with other industries. On a business level, I have become a fan of the “Good, Bad and Ugly” Facebook group. It’s a place where people post anything they think their jealous, angry, jealous friends would enjoy reading about. I have found a lot of useful info by reading through the “comments” of this group.

Public rant

In an earlier post about a year ago, Free Opinion IST posted a rather over-the-top public rant that I found extremely amusing. It was a rant that most people would probably post in person, or in a more private group. I’ll type it here. I hope the gentleman will understand that I am not condoning my participation in this public rant, but I found it to be very “me”. And I thought you, dear reader, might enjoy some points made in the rant as well.

I thought it worth sharing some points one makes when ranting. This individual mentioned that some people are so ignorant they can not see private companies with product lines that overlap one another, abuse the patent laws, and/or refuse to pay royalties to the opponents of their original monopolistic business. This is what he ranted about.

Intelligent nature of the individual

Mentioning the intelligent nature of the individual who rants publically, this relates to the idea of my entire rant. I love annoying my friends and family with many bits of information, but most of the time the things I learn are secrets that I won’t tell them. I often use the medium of the internet to keep these “secrets” hidden, so I can use them to brandish my net worth to others without them even realizing it. I think the gentleman was right to “share” the information with the readers of the Good Bad 1 Facebook group, but I think he should have said that he started a company that has developed products that compete with the computer hardware giant, IBM.

Outstanding products

IBM has surely developed some outstanding products that are without question better than all prior products. I think IBM has developed very good products that are probably superior to all the other companies developing world class product lines. But it has also developed some products that in the area of patents and in the area of obtaining prior art, in running away from prior products, has abused the masses and seems to be guilty of patent trespass and simply paying royalties when warranted. If the gentleman had put that in his rant, I think his rant would have been justly read and savored by many who hated IBM for its many sins in the way of product development and customer service.

I decided to make a list of my own accusations against IBM and let you all in on what I think.

Internal customer service 

IBM’s internal customer service was absolutely awful. In my opinion, the company is a bad company for its employees. They reap more of the profits, but make less hourly. IBM has a very large staff that seems to be poorly managed on a stand-alone basis. IBM has a problem with employee turnover. IBM has a problem with retention. IBM has a problem with employee happiness on a stand-alone basis. IBM has a problem with a high staff turnover on a stand-alone basis. 

I do not believe IBM is hiring from an education or work experience perspective, so some good people have been leaving the company. IBM has a problem producing a cohesive staff on a stand-alone basis. IBM has a problem with recruitment. Those who are hired are often done an injustice. IBM’s problem with recruitment is because of poor preparation in preparation for employment.

Poor internal customer service

IBM has both internal and external customer service. Outsiders probably describe their IBM experience based upon the poor internal customer service, but when they leave the company, they will remark that IBM is a very good company for their external customer service. Outsiders see the poor internal customer service, but when they leave the company, they will remark that IBM is a very good company for their external customer service. 

Outsiders will describe the poor internal customer service, but when they leave the company, they will remark that IBM is a very good company for external customer service. Outsiders will describe the poor internal customer service, but when they leave the company, they will remark that IBM is a very good company for its external customer service. IBM seems to be a good company for their internal and external customer service. IBM seems to be a good company for their internal and external customer service.

I’ve worked for other companies before and I’d like to share some information about other companies’ internal and external customer service. I worked at another company that seems to be a very good company for their internal and external customer service.

Crafting the Perfect Pitch: 5 Keys to Successfully Connecting with Business Relationship


Creating a sale or a connection is not an easy thing. You have been there before, been frustrated and been disappointed. I have been there myself and have been working to improve on my ‘people skills’, because actually making a sale is a people skill.

There are a number of things that establish a meaningful connection, a ‘clicking’, a bond that builds trust and a relationship whereby a sale is the natural consequence. I have been working on it for a long time. When I was asked to come up with a talk on how to establish a meaningful connection, I was a bit daunted because I realized I don’t have a recipe for that, nor a 5-step model or a checklist. I didn’t know quite how to go about it, what to focus on and what to avoid.

Yet I wanted to help my audience, so I came up with my 5-step model from https://freeopinionist.com/ that will help you connect with others and with businesses. Throughout this talk, I will share key learnings, tips and practical examples that you can implement to strengthen your business network and generally develop your network and your business.

Foothold or strong connections

So, for those of you who already have a foothold or strong connections, you will be motivated and encouraged. If you perhaps don’t have the same level and strength and need a little bit of a kick, I can teach you how to kick it out and how to connect with those that you aspire to connect with.

I am a postgraduate researcher at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Lately I have been working as a mentor to some startup businesses from around the world within the StartupBus, a global entrepreneurship competition where teams from around the world travel to one city, pitch their business idea to investors and mentors and build a business plan as part of the competition. I am a speaker, a content creator and a mentor. I am a researcher and a writer. I am a business strategist, a business development consultant and a thought leader.

Specialization in non profit organizations

Several of these hats that I wear have a name – a vocation – a day-job. Therefore, this is my day-job. This is my profession that I have been doing for almost 10 years now. I have been working within the startup ecosystem, however, my formal education is in the non-profit sector. I have one master’s degree in social enterprise management with a specific focus on social enterprise, with a specialization in non profit organizations. My second master’s degree is in entrepreneurship, with a specialization in social entrepreneurship.

I have been using my master’s degrees in particular to build startups and scale startups. I have scaled companies for the past 10 years. I have also worked with companies outside of the startup ecosystem, such as Apple and Sony. I am a specialist at scaling and growing businesses, firms and firms.

Number of clients

I have a number of clients, a number of clients from a range of industries, which you will hear about in my talk. I also run my own consultancy business, Portland Media Group, which is focused on digital grassroots grassroots marketing, social media marketing, digital grassroots marketing, social media marketing and thought leadership for startups.

And today I am sharing 10 key learnings. First two are critical to brand development and influence. They are because people follow leaders. Ten is because you win the game by accumulating many small wins.

And finally, if you are somebody that develops your personal brand, you need to be your authentic self, your authentic self online. This is because your personal brand is who you are to the world. This is who you are to the world through your business, through your work.

You cannot fake your personality online

You cannot fake your personality online. This is because now the domain where you are now is now the world, right? All your digital footprint, your identity is now linked to that. This is because it is now not just your domain where you are now, it is now the world. The world now knows you. The world now knows everything about you. The world now knows everything about you. So you need to be your genuine self.

As a business-person and as a brand, this is very important to do. This is because if you are not genuine and authentic and personal and genuine, people will see that you are not trustworthy, you are not authentic. This is because people connect through authenticity. They connect through realness.

Real and authentic

So if you are not real and authentic, people will see that as a lack of credibility and authenticity, as a lack of trustworthiness, as a lack of trust. This is because you cannot fake it and you cannot fake character, and you cannot fake character and integrity, and you cannot fake integrity and credibility, and you cannot fake credibility and trustworthiness.

So all of this is very critical for you as a business-person. Brand development, the first is to be your authentic self. Be present, authentic, real, clearly mentally present, mentally present, physically present. And this is particularly relevant online because now is the digital domain, now is your domain.

You may or may not realize it, but now you have a digital footprint. It has been building since 1998, with the first digital connection, the first email account. It has been building and building and building, and now it is exponential.

Why Business Relationships Are Essential for Your Company


A business relationship is the key to success. It provides you with an important opportunity to talk and learn from potential clients and customers, expose yourself to new markets and opportunities, and establish a personal connection.

However, since “business” is such a loaded term in our society these days, it seems like there’s no such thing as a business relationship anymore. Instead of thinking of it as an opportunity for mutual exchange, many people think of it as strictly transactional: customers buy your product or service; then you send them off into the sunset without any further interaction.

Who cares?

Consider that sales by salespeople account for two-thirds or more of a company’s revenue. If you’re not spending time with your customers, you’re missing out on that money.

Free Opinion IST says, there are indeed people who are doing very well in the business world without actually doing business. They are just corporations or other organizations that have agreed to buy and sell goods and services with the intention of making a profit. However, it’s important to understand that corporations and other organizations can never do business with their customers: they need to be in a business relationship in order to obtain and fulfill their clients’ needs.

It’s simple: if you aren’t actively involved in your relationships, one day they will simply stop existing. There is nothing more frustrating than hoping for something or hoping for something hoping for nothing in particular.

Meaningful business relationship

It doesn’t matter how emphatically you state that “our relationship is very important to us” in your marketing material. It’s just not enough! You need to act on your words and show your customers that you are committed to building a really meaningful business relationship with them.

If you don’t, you’ll probably find yourself in the same position as my friend who owns a small computer repair shop. His customers would call him when their computers were having problems, and he in turn would come in once or twice per week for an hour or two at a time. Nothing really seemed to be happening, and he was becoming discouraged.

Then one day it happened: 

A man walked in and started talking about his very complicated problem: “I can’t seem to get my computer working right.” He turned out to be a lawyer and the problem was his laptop– apparently there was a software conflict with some stupid company’s software, whom he had never heard of, who had never heard of him. When the lawyer had gone on for 20 minutes, my friend announced that his computer was up and running now. The lawyer looked at him strangely. “You mean you didn’t do anything?” he asked incredulously. “I told you it was working fine!”

  • “I didn’t do anything,” my friend said quietly. “You were right there with me the whole time.”
  • “No, I wasn’t!” the lawyer exclaimed, surprised that my friend was actually admitting that he had neglected to solve his customer’s problem. “I was just talking!”

It turns out that this same situation happens over and over again. There are people who express how very important they are to their relationships, but without showing any interest in them at all, they still end up feeling dissatisfied. They realize something is missing only after the relationship ends or has passed them by. It might not be long before you find yourself in a similar position…

Business relationship ad

When I was in advertising, I used to make fun of the “business relationship” ad. It would always be something like:

  • I want you to see us as your partner in business.
  • Business is nothing without relationships.
  • Relationships are what make business work.
  • Put my name on everything you do!
  • You’re not who you do; you’re who they know! 

And what does that say about me? Do I rule because of what I’ve done, or because of who I’ve done it for? Relationship marketing isn’t just about expressing your importance; it’s about showing that you care enough to be involved enough so that it becomes meaningful.

So, how do you demonstrate your interest in building a relationship?

Think of it this way: if you’re looking for an apartment, do you put an ad in the paper saying “getting into apartment hunting?” No, when someone calls about an apartment to rent, they’ll ask what kind of apartment they’re interested in. You might say something like this:

I want you to see us as your partner in living.

If you like to cook, do you put an ad in the paper saying “looking for someone to buy my cooking services?” If someone calls for your services or buys one of your products, they’ll ask how much it costs and what kind of service or product they are interested in. You might say something like this:

I want you to see us as your partner in food.

If you’re in the market for a car, do you put an ad in the paper saying “looking for someone to buy my car?” You might say something like this:

I want you to see us as your partner in transportation. I’m looking for somebody who is ready to be active with me in my own business. Who’s ready to start this journey with me? I’d like to get together with you and learn more about how we can be better partners.

The Future of Technology: How It Can Impact You (11 Adjectives)


The future of technology is constantly changing, with new inventions coming out every day. From advances in Artificial Intelligence to the growth of Virtual Reality, the world is being shaped by innovations in tech. This article will examine what technologies are on the horizon and how they could affect you as an individual which are compiled by Clean ERSJ.

Future shocks: 17 technology predictions for 2025 | World Economic Forum

1. Exponential Growth: 

Technology is growing at an exponential rate, meaning that new technology is constantly being developed and old technology is constantly being made better as well as more efficient for everyday life use, such as cell phones with better cameras, new car models coming out every year, new music streaming websites popping up, etc… Also, technology tends to become more widely accepted over time. For example, the internet started out as a small computer network in the early 1990s and has since expanded into a worldwide connection that billions of people use daily for social media and other purposes.

2. Repetitive Action: 

Technology is repetitive because it consists of a set of components that are used in practically all applications, such as a smartphone’s camera, sensors to identify an object, a processor to interpret data from the sensors and a memory to store it in. This makes it so that you can access all your other devices from your phone, even if they have been designed to be physically separate from one another by design.

3. Complexity Theory: 

The more complex a system is, the more likely it is to break down in some way. For example, complex systems are harder to design and maintain because there are many interdependencies in the system that must be maintained. 

4. Entangled Systems Theory: 

Entanglement is a concept of quantum mechanics that refers to the physical connection between two or more particles regardless of their separation. When entangled, the condition of one particle can change the condition of its partner(s) regardless of distance. Entangled systems are created when two or more systems interact with each other. For example, the internet is considered an entangled system because no single entity controls it and therefore no single entity has absolute control for all of its components.

5. Hybrid Systems: 

Technology can be both physical or digital, with physical systems made of objects that come together in a functional whole while digital systems are virtual objects that can do things on their own when joined to other objects, such as computer files and components connected by wires and network data connections.

6. Quantum Computing: 

Quantum computing is the future of computing because it uses the physical properties of subatomic particles, such as photons, to process information. It can carry out calculations much faster than today’s computing systems. 

7. Internet of Things: 

The Internet of Things is a network where everyday objects are connected to each other so that they can be monitored and controlled remotely. The concept has already been applied to things like smart home appliances that have internet connectivity to allow them to be controlled from an app or computer, car engines that can monitor their own fuel levels and adjust accordingly, etc… 

8. Autonomous Vehicles: 

Autonomous vehicles rely on a computer system that regulates the vehicle’s navigation, control and determines its path in a way that a human driver would under the same conditions. It is able to make decisions faster than a human driver in some cases, such as in an emergency where fractions of a second could make the difference between life and death.

9. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:  

Machine learning is when a machine uses algorithms to learn from experience for future use. A good example of this is when you want to answer a question on Google, it uses algorithms to search for your desired answer in its database. AI is the concept of creating an artificial intelligence machine with human-like intelligence, such as technology that can think and act on its own without needing to be programmed explicitly for each task.

10. Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality:  

Mixed reality (MR) is the combination of physical and virtual realities in a single environment using specialized hardware, software or procedural generation techniques to create new worlds that blend physical elements into virtual environments, where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. For example, you could be in a real room and then put on a virtual reality headset and be transported to another place. Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial environment created using software and graphic hardware. VR is used to create 3D environments that can be explored and interacted with by the user, such as playing games or watching movies.

11. Augmented Humanism and Cognitive Enhancement:  

Augmented humanism refers to the use of technology to enhance human capabilities or enhance human performance in order to increase productivity or improve quality of life. For example, screens could be used for work rather than paper and ink, computers could play music, computers could help people learn new skills, technology could help people live longer healthier lives, etc…

Marketing Strategies for a Tough Economy: 10 Ways to Adapt and Thrive


Adjusting to a tough economy means putting your best foot forward no matter how dire the market conditions. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 ways to better market your company’s products and services in these tough economic times. Adapting to new marketing strategies like these is essential for success in the 21st century marketplace.

Even if your company is not in need of new marketing campaigns, implementing these various marketing strategies could result in increased success when the economy turns around. Let’s look at some of the most common ways listed by https://cleanersj.com/ that companies can adapt to an economy that is tougher than it has been in the past:

Why You Need To Review Your Marketing Strategy After Quarter 1

1. Invest in employee training

It may seem like common sense to focus on training your employees right now, but many companies don’t even offer this basic necessity. The U.S. has an unemployment rate of more than 9% and there is no sign that things are looking up. With the amount of skilled workers decreasing, many companies are in need of skilled employees.

If you already offer employee training, please keep it in tact because your company will be better equipped to handle any market changes. If you don’t offer internal training, now might be a good time to start this practice to keep your company afloat in the future when the economy improves.

2. Serve a need

In a bad economy, consumers have a harder time saying no to companies that provide products and/or services they actually need. In this economic downturn, you have to think about how your product or service can satisfy the needs of consumers. For example, one development company recently started offering free consulting services for small-scale projects that would otherwise be costly or impossible to complete on their own. In addition, the same company began offering free phone support for all of its customers in order to handle any issues that arise. This company’s new marketing programs are forcing competitors to adapt their marketing strategies as well, because the new programs are encouraging consumers to trust a new brand over a company with similar products or services.

3. Work with suppliers

Many companies opt to allocate more funds into their own products and services at the expense of working with outside suppliers. However, this strategy can backfire when the economy turns around. With less demand for their products or services, your company might be stuck with lots of supplies that you don’t need. Some companies have altered their practices by investing more in these outside suppliers.

4. Invest in your company’s social media presence

Social media has become an important channel for businesses to stay relevant in the new economy. When considering what marketing strategies you should implement, think about how you can use social media to meet the needs of your customers. For example, a real estate company recently changed its marketing strategy by investing in a Twitter account and a Facebook page. In addition, it also made changes on these social networks by allowing other users to ask questions and provide feedback about their products and services. The company wants to make sure that it is providing good service while meeting the needs of its customers.

5. Create a new product

In this economy, there is an increased demand for products and services that are not commonly available. Many companies have found new opportunities by creating notable products or services that people desperately need. For example, a large company realized that people were afraid to lose their jobs and they decided to offer a solution by offering employees the chance to take online classes at their company’s expense in order to get additional training or higher education degrees. The small extra charge for these classes became popular enough that there was growing demand for the service without having to invest in an external source for this training.

6. Look towards the future

In 2009, Amanda Johnson of Montclair State University conducted research on how businesses can be successful in difficult economic times. In her research, Johnson found that firms should take a long-term view of their business and invest in applications that they can use to improve efficiency in the future. For example, one company has invested a high percentage of its marketing budget into producing unique training videos for its employees. The company has also made improvements to its website by investing time and money into content creation. The company is doing this because it will be more efficient in the future when its employees can better market their products and services.

7. Look at your competitors

With so many different companies out there, it is important to understand what people are saying about your competitors on social media networks like Twitter and Facebook. Discovering what people are saying about these competitors can be a valuable tool to learn how your products or services can compete against their existing products. For example, one company decided to use Facebook to respond to people who were complaining about the amount of hours they spent waiting for customer service representatives. 

8. Visualize your reading audience

The brain is only capable of processing around seven senses at once. This means that if you are trying to use all of these senses to create an image in the consumer’s mind, you should remove some of the elements that are not relevant to your message. 

9. Sell emotions

While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that consumers buy products based on their emotional state, they are affected by the presentation of the product. This means that you should consider how you can sell an emotional response so that consumers can connect with your brand. 

10. Improve your product or service

Many companies have found it more efficient to invest in making small improvements to their products or services instead of trying to create a completely new product altogether.

10 Tips to Make Your Marketing More Economical


We all know that marketing can be expensive and sometimes we don’t have the budget to hire a full time marketing team. With that in mind, here are 10 ways from Clean ERSJ you can make your marketing more economical while still getting the results you’re looking for.

A Depressed Economy Is An Opportunity To Revisit Marketing Strategies -  Modern Marketing

1. Determine Your Goal

It’s very important to establish a goal before you do anything else. If you don’t know the answer to this question, then your marketing is going to be pointless and a waste of time and money.  Ask yourself: What is the ultimate goal I am trying to accomplish with my marketing? Answering this question will help you to stay focused as well as help you determine what kind of budget you should be working with.

2. Come up with a Marketing Strategy

Once you have established a goal, it’s time to come up with a strategy that will allow you to meet this goal. You want to come up with a strategy that is going to produce the best results at the best price. If you spent $1,000 on someone who can create a marketing plan and they told you it will produce 500 leads and 500 sales in 90 days and it costs $1,000 for this service and someone else tells you they can do the same thing for $5,000… who would you choose? The answer is obvious. 

3. Use Social Media

Social media has proven to be very effective in helping businesses increase their bottom-line. It allows you to connect with your customers and leads in a way that was not possible just a few years ago. You can build an audience on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube. These are the platforms that are bringing your business to the attention of your target market.

4. Find the Right Tool

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get social media traffic. You can use free tools that can increase your reach significantly. If you have a webpage or blog site that offers unlimited pages, then you should also include social media buttons on these pages. It’s important to note that if you’re just starting out with social media marketing then it’s best not to get too crazy with it because you might burn yourself out by over-doing it.

5. Offer a Free Gift

Offering a free gift to people who sign up for your mailing list can be a great way to grow your mailing list and generate some social media traffic. You don’t have to limit yourself to just one free gift either. You can offer several different gifts that will appeal to various demographics of people. In order for this strategy to work effectively you’ll need to provide high quality products or services, but by offering the right value you’ll not only get more targeted traffic, but you’ll also gain credibility with prospective clients; which will lead back into more sales opportunities for you business.

6. Be Consistent

Your budget doesn’t have to be a static figure. Some of the most effective marketing campaigns I’ve seen were able to create a buzz on a limited budget. They were able to do this by being consistent with their marketing schedule and sticking to it. You can use social media on a daily or weekly basis, but what’s even better is connecting more frequently by using platforms like Twitter and Facebook which allow you to post multiple times per day at no additional cost. 

7. Use Video Marketing

Video marketing is extremely cost-effective and it ranks high on the list of favorite social media platforms that people use most often for watching videos. You can create videos for YouTube or any other video platform and post to them daily, weekly or less often. Your videos don’t have to be long like a movie, they can be short 5-10 minute videos that are very easy to make. 

8. Optimize Your Content

Once you post your videos on YouTube, you’ll need to optimize them so that they show up in Google searches when people are looking for what you’re talking about. Optimization isn’t difficult at all, but it does take some time and effort on your part. You can use an app such as Fiverr to do this for you. There are tons of people who will guide you through this process and they’ll take care of all the technical things so that you can focus on what’s important: your message and your content. 

9. Don’t Forget About Facebook and Google+

Facebook and Google+ allow you to create separate pages for each of your business pursuits; which allows you to maintain a certain level of separation between each one. You should create separate social media pages for each type of marketing you offer like e-mail, blogging, YouTube, etc… If you don’t, then it could be potentially confusing to your target market. 

10. Use Social Media Tools to Track Your Marketing

Social media tools are great for monitoring your social media campaigns and tracking the activity you receive on each platform. You can easily see who has liked, commented or shared any particular post (ideally this information should be available to you on LinkedIn already). If you’re not getting enough social media traffic from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, then there are a few things you can do. Tweets can get lost in the shuffle or your videos may not get seen by viewers unless they happen to follow along with them from a blog post or website link.