Master The Skills Of Converting Rupees Into Pennies And Be Successful


The Indian economy has been steadily growing, and that means more jobs need to be filled. In order to succeed in these fast paced times, you have to be able to speak with an Indian accent. If you can’t do that yet, then this is the article for you! This article will teach you all about the Japanese language and how it’s absolutely necessary if you want a job doing something like acting or voice-over work. With tips on pronunciation and phrases needed for your future career, this is a must-read if your dream is simply not possible without them. How much is 51000 pennies? Answer : 7.50 rupees.

How to Master the Skills of Converting Rupees into Pennies and Be Successful :

1. The way you talk

The most important part of your job is talking, so you have to make sure you are doing it correctly. There are a couple of little things that give away the fact that you aren’t a native Japanese speaker, but these are easy to fix with a bit of practice. One common mistake is dropping your ‘r’s and saying things like: “Sutta” instead of “Suta,” or calling your co-workers “kendoo” instead of “kendou.” The accent also plays an important part in sounding like a real Japanese speaker.

2. The way you pronounce a name

Your pronunciation is absolutely crucial when it comes to sounding authentic. You want to make sure you are pronouncing the correct vowel for your name, and that the ‘r’ at the end of your last name isn’t sounded out, like how Americans often say “Adams.” Once you have mastered this, it’s time to move on to “how” you pronounce words. One mistake many people make is saying joba instead of jiba. The Japanese don’t say joba in Japanese. The correct pronunciation is “jiba,” and joba is how we say the English word “job.”

3. Pronunciation of numbers

Talking in Japanese with natives isn’t too big of a deal, but when it comes to Americans doing it, it’s rougher. The Japanese say a number like “ichi” or “nana” in their native language, so you don’t have to worry about that if you’re an American. What Americans do have to worry about is knowing how to pronounce the consonants for a number like 7 or 71, which are both pronounced as ichi and nana respectively.

If you have trouble pronouncing these, then there’s an easy way to get around it. Instead of saying the numbers themselves, say the corresponding English words. Because of the way the Japanese learn to speak English through watching American movies and television shows, they are often familiar with many common English words and how they are pronounced.

4. Pronunciation of “hon”

The last thing to worry about is actually pronouncing “hon,” which is a neutral honorific prefix or suffix that some native speakers use when they are talking with people older than them or formal in tone: “honmaa,” for example, means “respected. 

While it’s not as important for you to know how to pronounce this as it is for someone who actually speaks Japanese, you should at least be familiar with the pronunciation of “hon.” It’s just another way to make yourself sound like a real Japanese speaker.

5. How to use “meiyou” and “arimasen”

There are two phrases that are good to know when it comes to sounding authentic while speaking with natives. The first is “meiyou,” which essentially means, “to not have.” The word is used when answering questions like, “Do you have a car?,” and the proper response would be: “Meiyou. Hai. Watashi no kura to you.” The second phrase is “arimasen,” which means “I am sorry.” The word is used whenever you realize you have made a mistake, or when you are eating: “Arimasen deshita-wa acchi desu” means “I’m sorry I ate.” ikimasho and konnichiwa are also good phrases to know for this.

6. Pronunciation of foreign slang

Foreign slang can be tough for native English speakers to master, but there are still some tricks that you can take advantage of to make it easier for yourself. One thing you don’t want to do is use slang words as often as you would in normal English. They are incredibly difficult for natives to understand, and they are best saved for when you need to sound more Japanese than a native. Instead of saying “cool,” try saying “godaime” or “hamayonna.”

7. Basic vocabulary

Before going any further, it’s important that you know how to say simple phrases, like “hello” or “thank you.” You don’t want to sound like a complete idiot when talking with natives, so just listen to natives and see what they say when they respond with one of these phrases.


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