Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Vodka


When it comes to making cocktails, vodka is the simplest and most reliable liquor. It tastes great, it’s cheap, and it makes a hell of a drink without having to worry about any complicated ingredients. However, when you get into vodkas like moonshine or world traveler, it seems like that’s where the simplicity ends. But in reality this is not the case at all! You can make delightful vodkas with just two ingredients: vodka and sugar! Ciroc shooter is a famous drink you can make with this recipe.

Ways To Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Vodka :

1. Take a drink

The first step in learning about vodka is drinking it. It might seem like common sense, but a lot of people are more than willing to go on about the ingredients of vodka, from potatoes to wheat (and everything in between) and theories on how this changes the taste of it, but they’ve never really taken their own advice and tried drinking some themselves. 

Vodka has a very strong flavor and smell, but if you take the time to really enjoy it without any bias or preconceived notions of what you think it should taste like, you’ll quickly realize just how versatile it is.

2. Try different styles

Aside from the “standard” vodka, there are a ton of other types of vodkas out there. From classics like Grey Goose to obscure names like “Assassin’s Creed” and “Power Rangers.” If you enjoy vodka but can get a little greedy with your budget, consider trying some more expensive vodkas like Yamazaki and Absolut. 

If you have more money to spend on a drink, then try something that is considered fancier – such as Stolichnaya. You might be surprised at how much flavor you taste the second time around when drinking something fancier than your everyday stuff.

3. Experiment

All vodka is a distilled beverage made from an evaporated mash, but there are a lot of different options when it comes to what you can do with the taste of it. Imagine all the different things you could do with a potato. 

You have french fries, hash browns and chips. If you change three ingredients, then you have all these other concoctions like tater tots, twice baked potatoes and even potato salad! With vodka all you need to change is where that distilled mash comes from and there are nearly limitless possibilities for your drink!

4. Learn about flavor

Vodka has a very high alcohol percentage in it meaning that we often don’t taste much else besides the alcohol itself. The reason behind this is that our sense of alcohol is a lot stronger than most of our other tastes. Unfortunately, because we’re not able to taste the flavors in vodka as much as we might like, it often leads us to assume that it has no flavor at all. 

Vodka only has three ingredients: water, alcohol and flavoring (and for the most part it only uses one). If you want to know what the true flavors are in your vodka then try tasting them separately before making a drink with them.

5. Don’t get frustrated

It can be easy to get frustrated with your vodka if you aren’t getting the results you want out of it. This is especially true if you’re trying to make a drink that is supposed to taste a certain way. 

Try your drink with the recommended ingredients and if you’re not sure why it doesn’t taste right, then try your own experiment and add in some other flavors. If the drink still doesn’t come out to your liking, then maybe you just don’t like the taste of vodka! There are plenty of other liquors that can offer you much more exciting options!

6. Be open-minded

There are so many different drinks out there and even more ways to make them. It can be nice to pick a favorite and stick with it, but it’s good to know that there are tons of other drinks you could try. From drinking a Vodka Cranberry with lime in your drink, to using fresh blackberries instead of grapes or cherries, the possibilities are endless! Have fun with it and don’t feel like you need to stick within your comfort zone.

7. Make your own

For some people, it can be incredibly difficult to find recipes that call for vodka without making them too complicated or involving too many ingredients. This is especially true if you have no experience with cooking. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by all the things a drink might need and it’s tempting to just give up and order a premade one. 

However, if you want just the taste of vodka then there are a ton of recipes that only call for vodka and nothing else! From Ciroc shooter (which is made with jam) to Bloody Marys there are so many recipes out there that will give you all the flavor you could ask for without having to worry about flavoring your vodka yourself.


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