Why is public healthcare so important?

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Public healthcare is a vital part of any country’s system of public services, and it plays a major role in ensuring that all people can get the care they need.

 In this post, we will explore the importance of public health to society and debate whether or not it should be offered as a service at all levels.

In order for developing countries to adequately provide medical treatment to their populations, if a patient cannot afford a private physician or hospital visit, they have to rely on public health facilities.

 These hospitals may be scarce and/or difficult to access due to crime rates or infrastructure issues. 

This can strain the integrity of these facilities and ultimately cause patients to die due to lack of medical supplies and treatment.

However, for countries that lack the resources to provide health care for their population, choosing not to offer public health services may be a better option. These factors include:

As we can see in the article, if society is faced with the choice of whether or not to provide public healthcare, it will play an important role in our decision. 

Public healthcare has a direct relation with citizens and people in general and indirectly affects all individuals (students in school and citizens in general).

 Public healthcare is imperative to society because it provides patients with access to essential medical supplies and treatments.

tamayose et al. found that the two most cited reasons students chose a career in public health were

1.  The desire to engage with others and improve their quality of life: 

Promoting public health requires constant interactions with everyone, from doctors to patients :

Thus, without public healthcare, people will suffer tremendously due to the lack of important resources. 

Because of this, we can conclude that public healthcare offers a variety of different advantages that no other system can offer.

 For example: “Publicly funded healthcare systems such as Medicare in the US are often seen as being equitable, efficient and effective.” 

This means that the government is able to provide high-quality services compared to smaller facilities that are privately funded because it has more financing options available for new equipment and technology.

2. The desire to help people : 

Public healthcare needs a large number of employees to maintain the facility and provide healthcare to patients. 

Nurses, doctors and specialized consultants are vital for public health; we need them to treat as many people as possible.

Employment opportunities as a public health professional: 

Accounting/auditing managers: The manager works with their teams in order to balance the books and keep the data up-to-date for financial reports. 

These managers need many skills; they need to be able to calculate figures and use accounting software. They also must be able to communicate and be professional at all times.

The writer of this article does not mention the fact that public healthcare can play an important role in our society however, just because it has an effect on the society, it should still be considered.

 Public healthcare provides individuals with access to essential medical supplies and treatments while maintaining human rights across the globe.

 Individuals must still think about their decision before making it so that the outcome is positive for them and for other people in general while maintaining human rights across the globe. 

 Until this problem is solved, it will be difficult to achieve positive results in anything that will involve public healthcare.

Importance of Public Healthcare :

1. It gives people access to essential medical supplies and treatment.

2. It is imperative to society because it provides patients with access to essential medical supplies and treatments while maintaining human rights across the globe.

3. Public healthcare can play an important role in our society however, we must still think about the outcome before we make it so that we don’t negatively affect other people in our society and in general.

4. Until this problem is solved, it will be difficult to achieve positive results in anything that will involve public healthcare.

 Although this point may be obvious, it is important for students to consider when making a decision regarding public health care. 

Individuals must still think about their decision before making it so that the outcome is positive for them and for other people in general. 

5. Public healthcare provides individuals with access to essential medical supplies and treatments while maintaining human rights across the globe. Â Â


Public healthcare is a vital part of any country’s system of public services, and it plays a major role in ensuring that all people can get the care they need. 


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