9 Unforgivable Sins Of HEALTH HABITS

What good is all the knowledge in the world if you can’t provide proof of your intelligence through a healthy lifestyle? Emerging adults fail to develop health-promoting habits because they believe that good genes will override any unhealthy behaviors.

Lots of folks seem to think that their existence is such a difficult and laboring one that they need to do nothing more than subsist on whatever happens to be available. They can’t find the time or energy for basic self-care, not even coming up with enough food, water, and sleep.

Sound like you? There’s no need to wallow in stress or shame.

9 unforgivable sins of health habits are:

1. Craving

Craving is defined as a strong desire to possess or experience a person or thing. The dictionary gives the example of wanting something you have not, like a drug.

Whether it’s for some treat, for a pair of shoes, or for someone’s approval, when you get trapped in this cycle of craving and lusting over things (or people), you are indulging in the most severe form of harm to the mind and body. It’s such a strong feeling that is so difficult to control.

2. Addiction

Undoubtedly, any substance that is used in excess can be a serious addiction. This is the case in all forms of help, whether it’s food, sex, drugs, alcohol or money. Addiction leads to a feeling of loss when we don’t have what we’re addicted to. It feels like something’s missing from our lives, as if something is missing from ourselves.

Another kind of addiction I’d like to mention, which can be added to the list above, would be a health habit such as overeating or not exercising. Both of these would be considered addictions, as well as smoking, drinking, or gambling.

3. Avoidance

Avoidance refers to the act of running away from your problems rather than facing them. It’s like throwing up your hands and saying “I can’t do it anymore.” But it’s not that simple because being encouraged to face our problems is a big part of growth and healing. The avoidance is usually the outcome of denial or fear, so that we don’t have to deal with what we know will hurt us in some way.

Avoidance keeps us locked in an unhealthy state and it’s usually the reason why we don’t improve our lives.

4. Ignorance

Not being aware of something and ignoring its importance are the same. In this case, ignorance is a lack of knowledge and understanding about something, perhaps not even knowing what to do about it. This is most often seen in individuals who have a lack of information when it comes to caring for one’s body, or who are completely oblivious to their own problems.

5. Complaining/Whining

Whining and complaining is essentially making someone else responsible for your emotions or unhappiness when you can’t change anything yourself. It’s like beating up someone else and then blaming them for your rage.

It’s understandable when not everything is going your way, but the excess of whining undermines all the good feelings that should come from a positive experience. One thing to remember is that oftentimes our unchecked negative thoughts will start to feel true and so become habits, in spite of the fact that they’re not true at all, if we think about it.

6. Remorse/Regret

When something bad has happened to you, or if you’ve hurt yourself in some way, you are likely to feel regret or remorse as a result. It’s a real feeling of sadness and regret for things you have done or things that didn’t go well for you. The word remorse is derived from the Latin word remordere, meaning to feel pain for something that you have done.

7. Guilt

Guilt is also a real feeling of sadness and regret over things that you have done or things that didn’t go well for you. Whereas remorse simply means feeling sorrow over a sin or wrongdoing, guilt has to do with wrongdoing with an innocence of your own conscience. It’s basically a heavy load we carry around with us, no matter how unjustified.

8. Blame

When you blame someone for something, it means that you hold them responsible for the outcome or goal. You could also say that this is a form of guilt and fear. Those who blame others are usually afraid of taking action and making their own mistakes, of which they tend to be extremely critical. They’re also likely to suffer from feelings of disappointment in themselves because they haven’t been able to live up to the expectations they’ve set for themselves.

9. Fear

Fear is the trickiest thing in your life. Fear takes on many forms and disguises itself in different situations, so it’s the hardest to recognize. It can be a sudden panic attack, or the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you think you’re about to be rejected.

It’s important to understand that fear is an essential part of our survival instinct. This means that there are times when we need to act quickly and without hesitation in order for us to live through situations dangerous for us. We have a choice, though: we can choose to let fear govern our actions and make us do things that are not in our best interests.

While being afraid is not necessarily a terrible thing, it’s important never to let it riot like this without any sort of limit or control.


I understand that these are pretty heavy habits to let go of, so the first thing that you need to do is to realize that you have the strength and courage within you to choose a different sort of life.

When we decide that something needs improving in ourselves or in our lives, we can set out on a quest to change them. The first step is always the hardest, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results – it takes time and a lot of attention and care.

If you ever feel lost in your life or conflicted about what you should be doing with yourself, I’d like to remind you of a few things:

Believe that there’s more for the world than what’s happening right now.

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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