10 Secrets To NEWS CHANNEL

Close your eyes and imagine a world without television news networks like is laura ingraham leaving fox news 2021. We might not have the ability to keep up with all of the day’s events, or be able to know when war breaks out overseas. But if you’ve never considered what goes into making these 24-hour news networks a reality, then perhaps you’re missing out on some valuable information. In this article, we’ll take a look at 10 secrets that News Channel has successfully kept under wraps for decades — and there are most likely other networks who do their best to keep similar secrets alive as well!

Close your eyes and imagine a world without television news networks.

10 secrets to news channels are:

1. When To Vote On Stories

Ever wonder how on earth news reporters manage to break stories about world events at the exact same time?  It’s highly unlikely that reporters from the BBC and CNN received their print orders from the same person. However, it’s even more rare that they’ll break a story at exactly the same time. Even in spite of this, journalists are known to call witnesses within seconds of each other, and News Channel reporters will often race up and down Manhattan’s West Street (where many networks are located) in order to get their report first. 

2. Poll Results

While some channels may not be able to report on smaller polls, without fail all news stations are able to report on the results of major national polls.  How is this possible? Don’t they have to wait for the polling agencies to release their findings, or for the poll results to actually come in?  Actually, no.  Polling agencies often start calling voters before they even ask the question they’ve designed their poll around. This helps them determine who will actually answer the phone and who won’t — which is why right after a major news event that’s not going in a specific direction (like a presidential election), you’ll often see major gaps in smaller polls and widespread new reports of national polls before anyone has even voted.

3. The Scene Technicians

How are TV news anchors able to talk with total authority about the events they’re reporting on? Well, they don’t.  No matter how simple a report is, there is always a live-broadcaster in New York (and often Washington), who will receive the feed, put on their headphones and begin to listen for any sound specific to that portion of coverage. This can be anything from the sound of an explosion or shriek of a child’s name being called out over the phone, to gunshots being fired in another part of Manhattan.

4. The News Anchors

How is it possible for a mere mortal to know all of the ins and outs of American foreign policy, or speak with such great authority about the latest developments in Europe?  It’s because there are literally thousands of people who know these things — and each has a handler.  While the news anchors may appear to be having interviews in their natural habitat, they have an entire team behind them who are monitoring their every move, and making sure their words are in perfect alignment with their station’s political agenda.

5. The Camera Crews

Strange as it may sound, there is actually a camera crew member on every live news broadcast that you watch on television.  These camera operators are always prepared to hit record if they witness any kind of emergency or emergency broadcast from the news angle, or if they catch something amazing during a live shot.  They also need to be prepared to either scramble for a different camera lens that will capture whatever has just happened (they’re constantly changing lenses and equipment), or grab an actual microphone and begin conducting an actual interview.

6. The Sound Technicians

Just as the cameraman must be ready at a moment’s notice to grab his equipment and become an on-the-scene reporter, there is also a camera operator who is preparing himself to take control of the feed from his set in New York — with all of the help he could possibly need.  This team of people is ready to provide everything from interviews and sound bytes to a live link or any other kind of back-up that the on-the-scene reporter may need.

7. The Live Feed Tech

There is also someone who is ready at a moment’s notice to move his hand into the frame and take control of the feed if something happens that isn’t exactly in line with what News Channel wants its viewers to see, or if something goes wrong with the broadcast (such as a glitch).  This is their only time that they’ll be in front of the cameras — so they have no choice but to be prepared.

8. The Cameramen

Next time something big is happening, pay attention to the cameramen.   It’s likely that a cameraman in New York will be asked to stay on hand (and possibly in the office) until that particular crisis has reached its conclusion.  You’ll also see him throw his hands in the air after a major announcement like an election, or quickly grab a camera and run outside if he hears of any kind of violent incident.  This is all part of their job — and shows how important they are to any News Channel broadcast.

9. The Editors

All television networks have editors on staff who are well-versed in what kind of footage should be aired at certain times during the day.  They are also in charge of deciding what kind of footage is best suited to be used in each broadcast.  This can be anything from a simple video report to complete live coverage, and is completely based on ratings.

10. The Public Relations Team

All news networks have a huge team of people who are in charge of making sure that the public is well-informed and comfortable with whatever their network wants them to know.  It’s the job of this team to make sure that people understand what their networks’ political agenda is, and whether or not they agree with it.


This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s certainly a good start. Any time you watch the news on television, remember that it’s not what you see — but what you don’t see . . .

There are many more people who have their own agenda and are behind some of the things we see on TV every day.  Once you learn to spot them, you’ll be able to understand that everything on television is just smoke and mirrors — and never what it appears to be.  In fact, the next time a major event occurs, pay attention to the news coverage for at least 3 days straight — then write down all of the inconsistencies in their reporting methods.

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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